I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 546: 546 Truth Behind The Bringold Imp

At any time, any race in any ongoing apocalypse would join here using that pass.

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But it was also a chance for me to go and visit other worlds, not only here but anywhere in the universe.

These passes I had to get a few for myself then!

[Tell me how to participate and what are the rules for the bids] I got interested after an hour of going through all this data.

In fact I got hooked just from the first ten minutes. From what I read, the rewards were really something I couldnt close an eye towards.

[Its easy, you can join by using an invitation from a previous winner] she said and I got to sniff the scent of her high price coming next.

[How much will this cost me?]

[Not that much We dont ask for any payment for such a deal]

[Then] From her words, I could tell this wasnt the first time her impact did such a deal. And that meant this was a customised way for them to gain profit.

But what was that profit then?

[We ask for a percentage from anything youll get. No matter what, materials, races, and even gears. We will get small percent out of everything].

[How much?] I didnt hurry to celebrate such a deal. After all this impact had a bunch of greedy bastards who wouldnt just accept loss or small profits.

[Twenty percent of all] as expected! Just by lending me a pass, theyd gain twenty percent of everything!

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Just thinking about how much this would bring for them, it made me sigh. They Didnt need to go by their own selves and risk their forces.

Why would they even do it when they could simply let others work for them? Me and other customers would turn into their suppliers, slaves for their gains.


[Just think about it, without us you wont get any foot there]

So she wasnt just advising me before out of good will or care. She did it for her own sake. Dammit! Those merchants were really sly and cunning bastards!

[Let me think about it then]

[Come on! Its as if you didnt see many great things there!]

[But they all are way above my reach, right?]

[But we can provide some to you]

[You couldnt deliver the kingdom heart before, so I doubt you can get what I need]

[Sigh! That was when we first met! Do you think I can give such a precious thing to you? On our first date?]

[Meeting, not date] I rolled my eyes, [besides I also asked you later about it and you said its impossible!]

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[It was also in our first dealings! You cant blame me for being cautious on our first dates, darling!]

[You Stop playing around] this girl She sometimes loved to get on my nerves by saying such things.

[Im not that half bad for you to keep rejecting me like this!]

[Old hag! You should look for someone in your calibre!]

[Im, and you are such a good boy suitable for me]

[Damn! I wont respond to any of your bullsh*t!]

[A man shall select his path wisely, while a girl shall select the man who will carry her on her path more wisely]

I didnt respond and she kept sending such useless words before she finally returned back to the main topic.

[Anyway, one way or another Ill find a way to your heart and life. For now, do you need an invitation?]

[If you will secure a kingdom heart in return for this, then yes Id agree]

[That Kingdom hearts arent that easy to find!]

[You Didnt you say you can get it?]

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[Not me, but the boss can]

[Then ask for his agreement]

[That will take days!]

[I wont accept that invitation before you give me your answer and a contract with it]

[Sigh! Why is it so damn hard to get any profit from you?]

[Just make sure to give me offers I cant refuse and I wont]

[Ok Ok bad human boy Ill talk to my boss and see what I shall do]

[Keep me informed]

I closed the chat with her while feeling a little dizzy. I read through lots of information this time. And above all, they werent organised or anything.

But at least I got to know of a way to get my desired kingdoms heart. That extremely precious item was something Id do anything to get.

I looked around. The process of sorting everyone was a long and tiring process.

Like before, this giant batch of humans were all slaves who lived their lives in poor conditions before. I could only sigh and bitterly watch while Angelica followed the same routine like she and Hilary did before.

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Well for now things were going to settle down inside my kingdom. The threat coming from the Hector small continent would be left over for later.

They might have a death feud with me, but that didnt mean they would just focus everything on my face.

They had to fight for themselves in the apocalypse. I doubted this was the only continent they brought here from their world.

As for other races, theyd get busy dealing with these merge consequences and sort things out. I had Selvators in my pocket, and Berserkers on the same path.

Mentioning this race Why was that talkative Wryly all quiet recently?

Last time I spoke with him was when I asked for his help to get to know what was going on in my capital.

I recalled he said something about fetching a group of his fastest fighters over here. But I didnt see any glimpse of them, or hear from him for such a long time.

This Was weird! Was he that damn busy fighting those monsters in this quest or what?

[How are you doing, pal?] I sent this message to him, and waited for his answer and explanation.

[Hey bro, sorry but Im busy fighting right now. Anything serious?]

[Fighting? I never thought youd take interest in fighting monsters!]

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