I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 559: 559 The Alien World's Access

I watched her checking each blueprint with shining eyes. I never took this girl to be like this. But she seemed to enjoy such a gift more than anything else.

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I stood on the side without interrupting her moment. After half an hour, she raised her head and sighed in such a tiring way.

Its more damn complicated than I ever thought! How did you bring these? They all have the stamp of the refined hammer impact!

Refined what? I didnt know what this name implied.

Its one of the most famous designing impacts in the entire universe, she rolled her eyes as if this name was supposed to be known by me, their designs are all unique! They never did the same design twice!

That means

These blueprints are one of a kind in the entire universe, can you believe that? she grinned, and just having one is considered a blessing and a chance for anyone like me. Ill learn a lot from studying these blueprints. Thanks, I know you must have paid a fortune to get these dozen designs!

I looked at her taking away these designs without knowing what to say. Paid a fortune? I didnt feel like that!.

But it was worth it anyway. Such designs must be something good. Can we do it? I asked, especially the water defensive structures.

Theoretically speaking, yes. But we need aquatic races to help us build and maintain these things, she sighed, such races arent easy to find! Plus you have to force them to sign a loyalty contract to not betray you. They will handle such critical structures at the frontline with those damn Hector.

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She got what I wanted to do. But finding an aquatic race wasnt a problem. I refused to believe that in the entire army of races that lady prepared, not a single aquatic race would be there!

Is that all?

Races that can fly wont be an issue, she pointed at a distant dragon rider girl, we can always use your dragons.

My dragons arent for daily labour!

Then find us real Dragon race dudes and let them be our workers, she laughed, and her comment made me laugh as well.

Will work on that, its a nice idea indeed, I said amidst my laughs, anything else?

Aside from tools and a long list of materials? Nothing really she paused for a second before adding, but we will need inscriptors, those who can write old runes to add magic effects to anything.

Is there something like that?!

There is, she nodded, but its not a common trade, so

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Will look up for them, I promised, what else?

As we are talking about rare breeds, we can look for array makers as well. Also anyone who can form magical cores will be needed as well.

Noted, I kept nodding while taking note of all these weird professions she kept mentioning.

Ill take another look at these papers later on, she promised, if I found anything we might need, Ill inform you about it.

Cool. go off now and start your work.

Not here, she shook her head, drop me back there, how should I cover that distance with my body?

She pointed at herself and I could only sigh.

After dropping her, I turned to leave towards the crops field.

Few days have already passed, and I wanted to check the current status of these fields. Then Id ask that lady to bring forth her races after paying Angelic a visit.

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What Angelica and her team did with humans would also work at other races. I was looking for many talents, races with special traits. So with their help, I can control things more properly.

But what should I do with the extra races?

Leaving them here wouldnt do any good! Humans brought over lived as slaves, ending up with deep grudges and hatred to other races.

Who knew, there might be a race who had tortured my humans or something like that! This would end up bad, and fights would erupt, leading me to lose most of these races.

That wouldnt do! I had to find a role for them to play. What should they do?

Aside from talents, and killing them to get souls, I didnt have any better idea yet. Sigh! If only I could bring them to a place and leave them there to breed and train for future uses

Wait Didnt I have such a place already?

I thought back and yes, I got access to a world!

It was the same world where I fought that bastard paragon back at the right of the pillar.

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I recalled I gained access to that world. But would I be able to open a portal there and lead people back here? Could I do it?

Getting the races there wasnt a problem. After all that lady could send these races to wherever I was.

But taking the selected people from there to here was the problem. Before I didnt have time to explore that world.

I had access to it, and that meant I could go there and extort any resources and bring them back.

I never thought about doing this before as I was busy with many things and also didnt sort out things here.

But with my current large human supply, I could even start inhabiting that world with them. An alien world, pure and without any inhabitant, was a good chance that I shouldnt miss.

This world It was my chance to get many things! Earth here needed many decades to just reach a close level from that world, or even centuries!

Ok, Id try to first check the information about that reward from before. I recalled something related to my profile page. I didnt recall the exact notification that I received when I returned from that world.

And it wasnt really feasible or logical to go through all the messages the system sent to me from that time! I opened my profile, and there I found an icon related to that world.

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