I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 562: 562 Exploring Krishn World

It hovered over the ground for a few metres, and covered enough space to let my chariot pass through it without any trouble.

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The next moment, I came out into a colossal world of thick trees. Everything around was green, dense and thick, giving me the impression it was a thick green carpet that covered earth not trees.

I recalled how I felt when I first came here, how I struggled to find that bastard, ending up with a big fight and a short chase before finally killing him.

I appeared just a small distance from the tree crowns. I led my chariot to fly higher, and there I got to see the old human world before the apocalypse hit it.

I got to see a glimpse of such a beautiful world before everything crashed down. This world had the same feeling of tranquillity and peace, especially with its clear sky and bright sun.

Just as I was breathing the fresh and clear air that would wash away any fatigue or exhaustion, I received a message here.

[Welcome to the Krishn world!]

[The worlds will issued you a quest].

[A lord is judged by his first decree. The quest is to do something, and based on it the worlds will shall determine if you are going to be a good lord or just like those who perished before you]

Just like this? I raised one eyebrow, whats the reward?

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[According to the assessment, the worlds will shall determine the appropriate rewards]

No need, I sighed, let her know that if I did something great here, Ill have one simple request answered by her.

[The worlds will asks about this simple request of you]

I just want her to mark out any resources placed in the entire world on the map, I pointed at the small circular map at my lower right corner before adding, let her flash the places in different colours, based on the resource grade and type.

[The worlds will says this might be extravagant quest from you on the first meeting]

Im not asking for your pants, girl! I rolled my eyes, and who said Im going to do things on a small scale here? Huh! You just dont know me! I will return life back to your world, and make sure peace and harmony exists forever here.

[The worlds will is curious about how you are going to do it!]

Come on girl, dont tell me you dont like surprises, I evilly grinned, besides This is my quest. There is no fun in spoiling it, right?

I got no response from the system, meaning that this world will get the message and decided to wait and watch.

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However I didnt start doing anything but to roam the world around and look for a suitable place for my big plans here.

But I had to admit this world was made out of pure forests! Trees were tall and mighty, towering and densely thick so as not to make me even see the ground.

I didnt need to go down there and check the ground. After all, I fought with that jerk before down there. I knew there were rivers, water streams, and even hills.

According to the map, there was a stretch of big mountains just nearby. The map was just simple, looking rudimentary in my eyes.

It only showed a general planning of the world here, while zooming in at my location.

Lets try to zoom it out, I led my chariot towards the location of that nearby series of mountains while playing with that map.

After zooming out a dozen times, I finally got to see the entire map of this world.

It was Really filled with green! In the middle of all these green spots, a stretch of big blue surfaces were there.

So It has ten big continents, and almost seven big seas or oceans Interesting, I muttered to myself while feeling how big this world was.

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From the general estimates, this world was simply five times the size of Earth, if not more. Such a big world, rich in everything, and untouched so far It was my own heaven!

Just the distance that was this close on the small map took me almost one hour of full speed flight by my chariot.

When I came closer, a series of mountains appeared in front of my eyes.

I heard stories before about how the Himalayan peak was the highest peak on Earth.

But this series here had many peaks that extended at least double of that Earths top peak. Half of the mountains were hidden from me under a thick veil of clouds.

What would it be like up there? I had such curiosity and decided to give such a place a visit.

But just as I went closer to this layer of clouds, thick tongues of silver blue thunder echoed. This wasnt just a normal layer of clouds, but a thunderous one.

However I trusted my chariot and led it towards the clouds, penetrating it without any problem.

My shield protected me from any lightning strike. But the higher I went, the thicker and denser these lightning attacks became!

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Damn! This isnt a place suited for anyone to live in, I cursed after ten minutes of flying under such an intense atmosphere. However the next moment, my chariot broke through the thick cloud layer, reaching a place that made me change my opinion at once.

This the world all around was all pure and spotless. The ground was replaced with a thick layer of greyish black thunderous storm clouds. But the clouds looked all peaceful at this moment.

And at different distances, the mountain peaks appeared, looking like iceberg tips floating in the middle of a big greyish black ocean.

There was no single cloud high up here. The sun looked a bit bigger, and despite that the world felt colder.

I didnt know how. Wasnt I closer to the sun? Shouldnt I feel more warmth? Then how come I felt so cold?

This didnt make any sense!

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