I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 573: 573 A Big Discovery!

I paid the hefty price for this long awaited recipe to end up with a single old piece of paper that appeared in my inventory.

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When I took it out, it expanded to cover half of my entire chariot!

Damn! Its big! I looked at the recipe and couldnt help but feel worried over how fragile and old it was.

But it was out, and I had to read its content first.

The first thing I noticed was the language this piece of paper was written in. it was an alien language, something I never saw before.

Hector race language? Ok As if I lacked Hectors here, I didnt feel any disappointment and instantly moved my chariot back to the shore.

I went directly to the group of ships that just had a new one moving slowly towards the frontline. The ship wasnt moving on its own, and I saw a group of Hectors using some sort of a treasure to move the chariot in the ocean.

Of course the running power of these ships died down. I scanned the ships and found Lily without any delay.-.

Come over now! I wasnt in the mood to chat or say anything to her or anyone else on my team. I simply wanted to know what this recipe had in it, and wanted to understand how it worked.

Coming, I threw a rope and she climbed up to reach me. This

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Yet the moment she came on board, she saw the big dark yellow old large piece of paper covering almost half of my chariot.

Its your race secret recipe, I pointed at it, but its written in a language that I dont get.

Its Our ancient race tongue Damn! You got such an old recipe?!! How?!!!

She looked at me, and I frankly didnt get what she meant by that.

I just got it, dont tell me its not working!

It is, she said in a tone that was filled with weird excitement, but this piece I heard it was long long from one of our mighty race figures thousands of years ago. How did you get it?

Dont tell me there is one recipe written in such a tongue! I rolled my eyes, and she had to nod to startle me.

The recipes we got right now are all new and were made as an alteration of the original one. People who got to see this one had to recall what they could, and then they worked hard to make up for what was missing.

Thats I wasnt interested in hearing such a long lecture about the history of her race and this recipe. I wanted to see if it was going to work or not.

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This isnt just a simple recipe for your race to enter cultivation, she seemed to see through my line of thoughts here, this one here can let any race open cultivation base, and also gain a formidable power from the other universe.

You mean

Yes, cultivation is a mimic of our universe to the brutal strength of the alien universe. But the recent recipes and most of the modern cultivation techniques just depended on giving shallow forms of power. This one Its one of those old and original papers that were brought over by our ancestors, making us wield power equal to those folks in the alien universe.

She talked a lot, and frankly what she said was awesome and such but I had to make sure this piece of old paper was complete.

Can you check it first? See if its not missing anything.

You mean

You said it was long forgotten and lost from your race. It must have passed through many owners until it ended up with me. So there is a risk for it to miss something.

As long as the core is there, anything missing can be amended, she said to reassure me before she went to study this paper.

Why take this long? I thought she would take a few minutes before telling me the content of this recipe.

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But even after an hour, she didnt even say a single word.

Hye, this is an ancient tongue of our race! Its not just easy to decipher and get the right meaning.

You mean You dont know this language!!

I know it! But Im a little rusty in such ancient language.

I sighed and took her answer as an admission of her negligence of this language.

As she had such difficulty in deciphering the language written here, I had to move my chariot back to the zone outside the sealed area.

[Whats up?] I sent this to Leo, as I was still worried about them.

[Boss This I kept sending messages to you This is big!]

The message I got from Leo made me wonder what just happened for him to say that. If it was the jumper, I would take his words for granted.

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But Leo or that spearhead The two used to exaggerate things, to make their efforts look big.

[We found more We found two more tunnel openings like the one we discovered before!]

[So?] It was a good thing indeed, but not enough to call it huge or big!

[We also found many races coming in and out from one tunnel opening. Boss, all the races here are visiting this place!]

[What?!!] This time, what he said was big! [Are you sure?] I didnt imagine what he just said. All the forces here were paying a visit to that underground net of tunnels? What? Were they doing a pilgrimage or something?

[Even humans, boss, we even saw humans!]

[Even humans?!! Are you sure?]

[Boss, how can I mistake humans? They are going through the tunnel opening with other races, walking as if they are all friends or something!]

[This Are you sure they arent slaves to anyone?]

[No boss, they walk shoulder to shoulder with many races and even chat with them. If they were slaves, they wouldnt have walked in such way]

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