I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 593: 593 Attack On The Jumper

[Where are you dude? You vanished and didnt say a single word since I last saw you]

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[Im in the middle of a fight]

[Dont tell me you are fighting humans!

[Humans? No, they are a bunch of crazy folks. I dunno what race they belong to. They were trailing me, leaving me no option but to hunt them down]

[Tracking you? Are they this strong?]

[Not strong, but too many. They can summon portals wherever they want. I was fighting them for the past couple of days, smashing one portal after another. But that didnt help at all!]

It was Weird! That jumper finally found a foe that could make him feel so helpless!

[Where are you now?]

[Just stepped up north towards Canada lands. I didnt cross any distance before hitting those crazy folks. They are crazy, Hye! They dont fight with any tactic but with their numbers! As I kept smashing portals, they will summon more, forcing me to keep fighting]

[So you are moving aside from your desired destination? Where are you now?]

[Frankly I dunno! They kept moving East, but I still couldnt see the ocean]

[Hmm Dont go near Niagara falls, ok?]-.

[These falls? Oh, wait a sec I believe Im not that far from that place]

[Stay away from there] I sent in warning, [Try to retreat and dont move forward]

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[But They will flood the entire lands with their great numbers!]

[As long as they are weak, that doesnt matter]

[Whats up there at Niagara falls?] he finally spotted the main issue, and I had to explain what I knew to him, and also state my concerns.

[They are deliberately luring you towards the direction of these big tunnels. They kept sending weak troops, and in such a way to exhaust your forces. You use monsters, but even monsters can get tired. So make sure to not risk it, retreat and keep killing them while returning back to Wisconsin]

[Getting back? But]

I didnt continue to read his message. I knew for a reason this jerk was trying to target the human overlord at the northern lands.

[Just whats going on between you and that overlord of human forces up north?]

[That Arent we going to claim all these parts for ourselves?]

[Not in that way! And you know better]

[I believe its better to hit that overlord here!]

[Not now! And not when we have bigger issues to handle]

[Like what?]

[Dude! I just told you, they are amassing armies and sending them out from tunnels. They are going to attack us soon once the fourth quest starts]

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[But they attacked me!]

[You were just too cautious and noticed them, decided to hit them hard without even checking their background]

[I thought They were sent by a race, like Hectors]

[Anyway] I decided to close an eye over this, [Just come back, station yourself at Wisconsin, and wait for my orders]

[Are we going to wait for them to attack?]

[No way! I will hit them two days before the start of the fourth quest]

[Then Ill entrap them?]

[No need. As you saw, they are weak]

[Then Whats my role then?]

[I doubt the one who did this will only use weak forces. He has a plan, a card that makes him reassured to crush us]

[You mean]

[You will act once that force appears. If you cant crush them, you have to contain them as hard as you can]

[Ok. But after that Can I head north?]

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[After that You and I will have a sincere chat together, where you will tell me everything about your bad relations with that overlord at north]

[Its Nothing!]

[Yes, I can tell that]

I closed the chat after stressing over retreating now and kept me posted of his location.

He acted slightly reckless. It wasnt his habit, and that told me the issue of that northern overlord wasnt just something trivial.

As I closed this issue for now, I started to check over the other teams. I was worried such a thing would happen to them like it happened with the jumper.

But nothing like that happened. The teams were all cautious and kept their distance away from the hostile forces they were tracking.

[Did you get a deal with the petal impact?]

Just as I ended talking with my teams, I got this message from the lady nymph.

[They offered a good price and lots of things for me to choose from] I didnt hide this from her.

[What about our deals? Are you going to drop them?]

[I heard you once auctioned my bones, right?]

[This What about it?]

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I knew she was shaken the moment I said this. As she dared to come and question me, she had to take the responsibility then for stirring me up!

[I heard interesting rumours, about how fierce the fight over my bones became]

[Thats Normal. After all your bones cant be supplied except by you]

[Thats indeed true. And in such case, I decided to work with the petal impact using my bones]


[Its my most precious currency. Thanks for making propaganda for it. As for our deals, you can continue to work for what we agreed upon from earlier]

[So No change?] She seemed deeply worried about the deals we had. Of course we were bound by contracts, but that was in case I asked for something from them.

I couldnt change the price tag in these contracts, but I could shift my focus and deal with the petal impact instead.

[When can you deliver the next human and races batch?]

[Soon, in less than half a day. And I promise, the number this time will make you happy!]

[Cool!] I knew she wasnt doing this for my sake, but for hers. She was terrified Id stop dealing with her and her impact.

So the next deal would show a significant increase in amount, trying to get as many bones from me as she could.

I had no objections about that. Although I could get as much with a cheaper price, I would still keep issuing them orders every now and then of old sake times.

And who knew, they might just lower the price when Id start acting like that.

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