I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 596: 596 Wryly's Mistake

He was strong, with a strong army of my monsters. But if he felt threats from those races then he wouldnt be able to hold his ground when stopping at Wisconsin.

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Should I ask him back here? But wouldnt that make me lose his card? Also wouldnt he face the line up formation of the enemy forces surrounding my kingdom?

Well I had to think deeply about this move. For a reason, I felt this decision held much more weight than it should.

For a reason, I felt the outcome of the entire upcoming big battle would be decided by this decision of mine.

What should I do then?

If I decided to go and help him, that would mean Id have to stay there until Id crush the enemy. What if they kept coming without any moment of rest?

I looked around. My capital was all peaceful at the moment. Everyone was working as planned. The workers were digging the ground, laying the foundation for the buildings.-.

As for fighters, they were training at the massive training grounds in the south. The coast was the place filled with bustling activity with walls and forts being built there for a long stretch of miles.

Farmers were working over the crops fields, doing their best. In general, the place here looked calm, that sort of calmness before the storm.

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I have to go and help then, I decided. I took out my staff and looked into the saved bookmarks there. I was looking for a saved bookmark of any city or town near Wisconsin.

That jumper was getting closer to Wisconsin, and would arrive there in five or six hours at most.

I thought of going there early on and preparing a trap for those forces. I also wanted to scan the area there, looking for any possible unexpected enemy movement there.

If that enemy was cunning, and I knew for sure that he was, then he would send troops towards Wisconsin to encircle the jumper.

It was obvious the destination of the jumper by this point. So if that bastard decided to do this, Id be there to crush all of his efforts with my strength and personal army.

Detroit! my eyes flashed when I read that name. I want once from up north all the way south. But I didnt visit Wisconsin at that time, only Michigan.

According to the map drawn over my chariot, I knew it was situated to the east of Michigan, overseeing a big lake there.

To go to Wisconsin, I had to cross the state lands to the West before crossing the lake. I could also encircle the big lake separating Wisconsin from Michigan, but that would take much time.

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Plus as there were big lakes there, I had to make sure the enemy wouldnt use the card of aquatic monsters to ambush the jumper and his retreating forces.

The monster army with the jumper was so huge. However after fighting all this time, it seemed the size of that army got smaller.

I didnt need to check the amount of contracts viable at my profile to be sure of this. I was sure this was the case. If I was him, Id do that.

It was easy to hide aquatic monsters in any water zone. And when time was right, Id issue a grand command for the army to move.

So I need to create Krakens, I thought about this for a while. During my last epic fight here at the capital, using the aquatic monsters was the strongest move that helped me secure everything.

I first collected my chariot before I went through the portal to appear in Detroit.

Detroit was supposed to be under Wrylys forces. When I started my wide attacks when the third quest was running, I controlled it for a brief time before giving it back to Wryly.

So it wasnt strange to see a few Berserkers standing in the city on watch. However their number was really low. That Wryly It seemed he called most of his forces to join the battle in the north.

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There was no other race in the city. As for the portals here, they were all under my control. Not a single portal was left for any race in the areas under my direct control.

I just left a few places for Wryly to control portals at. As for Fang, that dude asked for most of the portals in his cities and towns, making me have only one or two portals under my control.

The problem wasnt in the portals. It was in the small size of the forces here. If a big army attacked, they would come and take over without any trouble.

That It was bad! I never expected Wryly to grow so negligent, not caring about his lands here.

I knew he was a war lover, but that didnt mean he wouldnt secure what belonged to him. And now, and with the approaching army from the north, and the hidden forces around, taking over these areas would be a piece of cake.

Sigh! That bastard He placed me in such a tight spot!

I had forces stationed nearby, but asking them to come and secure more places wouldnt work. I had to bring forces here. Or else when the fourth quest would start, these places would be lost.

[You know you left weak forces back to secure your lands?] First I had to try with that jerk. He was supposed to secure these parts, and he should honour such agreements.

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[Im fighting up north, you know that!]

[That doesnt mean you can let go of the lands I gave you!] That jerk! He was still convinced he did nothing wrong!

[Then take these back, Im really busy at north and cant help in any fight right now]

[You Fine, Ill take over them] As this was the case, then Id take control over these parts. [Just dont come later and cry for losing your lands]

[I wont!]


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