I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 605: 605 With A Single Move...

Sigh! Out of the grand monster army I gave to him, the army of millions, only a hundred thousand or less remained.

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Damn! That jumper Was he cursed or something? Was his ability in ruining any good army I gave to him? Damn!

These monsters were gathered with my hard efforts. Even when I dealt with that scary dark realm monster, I didnt end up losing most of them like that!

What just happened to make him lose such sizable forces in less than a day? What happened for him to end up in such bad shape?

I kept looking, and the more I looked, the more puzzled I became.

The ground worms! However, when he reached my chariot using the rope I threw to him, he shouted even before he could stand up straight, they were fierce and terrifying ground worms They have an army of them, a big and mighty army Damn! They must be hybrids!

Ground Worms!!! My experience dealing with such monsters was the one when I tried to pass through the Lincoln tunnel. It ended up bad for me and my boys, almost ending up dead.-(0).

They are everywhere! They come like lightning, out of the blue, eat up lots of my monsters, then vanish back like they didnt appear!

(O) I gulped. What he was describing wasnt the normal ground worms for sure. The ground It didnt show any hole or any trace of their appearance? I asked, praying this wouldnt be the case.

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Yes How did you know that?!! He gave me such a shocked look, a look filled with fear and doubt.

Dammit! I cursed, Thundering Might!

I didnt even take a single moment to breathe. I instantly took out my pillar, even shouted the name of the skill while it was still in midair and didnt yet fall into my hand.

*Buzz!* (O)

Damn! Just as the pillar expanded, an earth shattering buzzing sound came from a single direction. There I saw a grand pillar rising up to the sky, as if it was answering to the challenge of my pillar.

And next to it, I saw a silhouette. He wasnt that much different from a human, cladded in a dark cloak, covering up all of his features and body.

He was like a death god coming out from hell, shrouded in black fog like he was darkness itself. He was my foe, and he stood there, not that damn far from me, issuing me such a daring challenge.

Do you want me? I dare you to come!

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That was what I thought about at this moment, as if he was standing a few steps away and saying these words with a sneer.

Damn! Damn! Damn! He was there and I couldnt even move a finger to get him!

Get back! I had to save what I could, Get to the city! Retreat! All forces retreat!

And with the next breath, I called back all my warriors on the ground and in the air, hoping that my newly summoned flying monsters would listen to the order and execute it swiftly and without any moment of delay.

There was no time to waste here!

You Do you know about these scary worms?!! The jumper didnt let me work in peace. As if the stress all around wasnt enough, he kept asking while I moved my chariot back as fast as I could.

They are the damn worm sovereigns, a mighty race in the entire monster family! I shouted while inwardly cursing. Why was that bastard so hard to deal with? Why was he armed with such strength, resources, and mighty forces on his side?

I reached the city and didnt even turn to see what of my forces came here before trying to use the Thundering Might skill again.

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But like before, that damn pillar at the distance stopped it.

Why are you acting like this? from the side, the jumper asked.

This breed of monsters are terrifying! They dont dig in the ground like any worm, they swim in Earth like fish swimming in water! They come without warning, attack without mercy, and return back fast without leaving a single trace behind! They are like shadows! They move in large numbers, enough to cover up this entire place and kill everyone in it!

This Is what happened to me the jumper looked shaken, I thought

Its not your mistake, I sighed, you just faced up something thats not supposed to appear here before quest thirty or something.

This kind of monster was called the reaper of death. Once appeared at any place, not a single soul would survive.

One thing stood between these and anyone, which was the cities and towns! Something in the setting of the apocalypse made it impossible for these worms to move like they used to in the areas of cities and towns.

If they dared to come, then Id hunt them down easily. However I knew my enemy wouldnt risk such a thing. He knew the major flaw in these forces, just like I did.

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Dammit! I watched my grand army of monsters retreating fast towards Detroit. At this moment, I realised why that bastard tried to take down the city and ruin it.

He wanted to deprive me of the only hope left for me to save this grand army here!

And that also let me know why he tried to control cities and towns in such a linear path, cutting my kingdom body into two halves.

He would spread these worms around, making sure Id lose a large stretch of land and even lose contact with the outside world.

Like this Id end up entrapped inside my kingdom.

Damn! With a single move, he screwed me up! Damn f*cking son of b*tch!

*Swish!* *Swish!* Swish!*

Just as part of my forces entered the city, A gigantic tubular shaped monster came out of the blue, penetrated ground like it wasnt there, rose up high in the air and started to chew the forces they engulfed in their wide opened mouths!

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