I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 610: 610 Time To Wrap Everything Up

The control process of these monsters took as long as one hour. So the forty-two worms from before were still resisting and not under my control yet.

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That didnt stop me. My entire chariot was filled with blue graded bones, as I kept absorbing them to replenish the consumed energy and form more arms.

Ten Fifteen Twenty Twenty-five I kept grabbing worms over the city until I got around thirty-four before the outside worms managed to kill all my forces outside.

Great harvest, I looked at the seventy something worms twisting fiercely on the ground, trying to resist my control and arms in satisfaction.

As I had no need for my arms to work outside, I focused all of them over these worms. This helped in accelerating the process of controlling these worms.

Now what? Bringing more races from god knows where? the jumper asked as he kept his silence and watched during the past time.

Not before Id control these worms first..

Can you leave one for me? he suddenly asked, I want to dissect and get to know it better, he explained when I gave him a questionable look.

Ok, his request made sense. If he got to know what was inside that big worm, he would know if there was any weakness in its body, and got to know where it would hurt most.

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I also didnt know such info. Let me know what you discovered, I asked before focusing on controlling the worms, take that one, it looks pretty aggressive and violent.

Amidst all the worms here, that dude was twisting the most. Even when it got all its body covered with my black arms like a thick layer of black coat, it kept resisting with such fierceness.

So killing it wouldnt only relieve my arms from controlling it, but it looked special. I didnt know if there were ranks in this worm world or not, but to me this dude looked quite special.

Will you let me have the honour?

Go and try out your luck, I controlled my arms to reveal a part of its head, attack there. No matter what, the heads were always the most vital place in any creature.

Got it, the jumper jumped off my chariot using the long rope before going towards that monster.

I had to just keep channelling my energy towards my technique to keep it running. So I had time to spare to watch what he was doing.

*Clang!* *Clang!* *Clang!*

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It looked like he was a blacksmith hammering with his big iron hammer over a piece of metal. The loud clanging sound came with each hit, and yet the jumper never changed his mark.

He kept targeting the same point over and over again during the next hour. It looked like these skulls were made out of the most sturdy ore in the world!

But under such continuous hammering, even the mightiest ore would melt and break down. So just as I fully controlled and bound all the worms here with contracts, I waited for ten minutes before that skull got cracked open and the worm monster issued its last roaring cry.

At last, I heard a tiring long sigh from the jumper, Ill start working on it now. You can retreat your tentacles or whatever.

Ok, I knew it wouldnt make a difference now by recalling them back. I got all the monsters under my control. Time to continue the plan, as the jumper started dissecting this colossal worms body, I had to resume my plan here.

I got around three hundred and fifty worms, not even half of the original number of worms here.

Each time I tried, I ended up controlling from sixty up to a hundred. That dude kept trying to control the worms, preventing them from coming out.

However each time he failed in the end. Fighting against ones nature was a big mistake. He was destined to fail here.

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Wave after wave I kept sending my races out there. They died in the end, but they secured me lots of worms. With each attack wave, I took a bite off that bastards scary worm army.

It took me roughly twenty hours straight of continuous work to finally control the one thousand worms.

One thousand with one missing. During this time, the jumper kept working diligently at the colossal body of that worm. But even after all these hours, he didnt even finish one tenth of its immense size.

This It seemed it would take much longer than I and that jerk expected.

Take it back, I said, Ill go and clear the area around here. As for you, just wrap your work here.

Not now! he shouted while raising her ugly mask to face me. The blood of this worm monster was dark green, adding a gross touch over this jerk. I need to get to the weak spots of this monster before doing anything else.

Ok, I was glad he finally got to think before acting rashly as before. I turned my gaze towards the distance.

All the land around Detroit was covered with monsters coming from the distant pillar. It was time to take that damn thing away and clear this place.

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Come out! I didnt summon my private army so far. But as I was going to conclude business here, it was time to use them.

I didnt cancel my combined technique. I needed it to grab that damn portal with the pillar out of earth and store these inside my shadow world.

As I summoned my deadliest forces, the fight was one sided. I didnt aim towards killing the monsters like before, I simply led my army to move like a spear, and flew directly towards that portal and pillar.

I held little hope to see that bastards silhouette there. But as I reached that place, I found nothing but monsters.

Come in here, I controlled a few of my arms to grab that big pillar and store it inside my inventory. I had to study this thing and the other pillars when I got the chance.

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