I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 614: 614 The Bet Over Cosmetic Relic S

You are the dumb one! Just being his girl doesnt mean he will listen to whatever you say!

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You bet? Hey Hye, will you come with me to that relic site?

Stop using your dirty tactics over him!

The debate didnt get any cooler, instead it grew fiercer. I could only watch from the middle of all this and sigh.

Shut the hell up! Can anyone first explain what cosmetics even mean? And why have I been there with any of you to get that damn relic explored?

I didnt like this atmosphere! I was missing something, and someone had to fill me in.

They set a rule once you left, Isac took the role of explaining things to me, they will search for relics, only to enter these when you arrive.

Then I looked at the two kitties inserting their claws in each others neck, why are you two fighting then? I can just take the two of you with me!.

No! The response came swiftly from the two at the same time and in the same breath. Well, at least they agreed on something.

We agreed this relic will belong to one girl! Hilary said, crossing her arms and giving me such a look as if she was asking for a favour and my support here.

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Only one girl will have it, Angelica did the same, but this girl exposed a larger part of her chest, making me inwardly sigh.

So you two sat the rules and had a bet, and want me to carry such a burden? Come on! If you decide to bet, you should be the ones taking the risk here, not me!

What do you mean? Isac asked while the two girls looked at me in a weird way, they decided to let you select one of them!

This Wont be fair, I shook my head, if I have to choose, then Ill choose Hilary for sure.

See? I won! Hahaha! Hilary laughed, pointing out towards Angelica who rolled her eyes.

Stupid! You are stupid! He didnt select you, dummy! He just said he would if the decision was up to him.

And it is!

Not per his words, Angelica pointed at me, he doesnt approve of such a way!

But Hilary looked at me and I had no other way but to give the two chicks here my opinion.

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You should bet on something. For example, why not bet over the accomplishment between Earth and here?

In what way? Isac asked, dont forget, there is a time difference between the two worlds.

I know that, I rolled my eyes as this was something already known to me, so we can do it this way We will select a part of land here. I will also select a same sized piece of land on Earth. You both will have the same number of workers and the same support of resources and talents. The one to finish building in the shortest time will win this bet.

Deal! Hilary and Angelica said at the same time.

You two How do you agree without knowing how the time is going to be calculated? The two worlds are far apart, with time differences making it even worse to judge!


How are you going to judge then?

The two girls looked up at me and I bitterly smiled. The two lost their heads in the middle of all this debate, jumped over my words and agreed even before fully understanding what they were going through.

Damn! Was this cosmetic thing so damn important to them or what?

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You will be the judge here, I said to Isac, calculate since she starts until the city is built. I will be the judge on Earth. And the fastest to build will be the winner.

Thats fair, Isac nodded, leave it to me. But We have blacksmith talents here, very fierce indeed.

Yes, about that Hilary paused, looking at me in a pleading, can we get some back?

Sure, I didnt have any issue for doing that, we will agree upon the number of blacksmith talents and even their grades to help each of you. I need part of the blacksmiths here to come back with me to Earth. The blacksmiths there are working slowly compared to yours.

Ok, lets do it! Angelica was pumped up with what I said.

I will get that relic for myself! Hillary said in challenge, and Angelica exchanged explosive gazes with her.

Sigh! How long have these two been acting like that? I looked at Isac, and this girl seemed to go through her own trouble during the past weeks.

Two weeks so far, she sighed, I tried to solve things here but failed. Sometimes, a big shot must say his piece to solve the problem.

And its solved at last, I sighed as well, now go and set the rules.

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Me? Isac pointed at herself in a weird way, why me? Why not you?

I have many things to do, I shrugged, plus the main theme will be decided by you. Select one design of a city for the two to build it. Set the number of workers, blacksmiths, the amount of ores, set everything for the two to compete fairly.

Also I want the designs of the aquatic forts to be ready. Ill bring aquatic races to my capital on the real Earth. You just tell me what you need so they can build it properly.

This Are you sure you dont want me there? she paused before adding, the world here is peaceful and doesnt need my attention. The drawings are available for the workers to build cities and towns based on what I planned.

This I paused, thought about the value of the time difference, ok. I will try and come to visit you every day for a few minutes. If anything happens, Ill be able to intervene.

Ok, she nodded, Ill go and prepare my boys then. Ill leave a few to help leading workers here. Ah, we found lots of mines. The ores here are all in good grades, just like the woods and everything else.

Everything else like what? I asked while thinking deeply about the value of time difference on my cultivation speed.

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