I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 633: 633 Giving Silverlining A Scare

In brief We needed much more blacksmiths to melt ores, workers to move things around, and more dragon riders to relay orders and deliver news.

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You deal with the planning and supervising over the building process, I said, and leave everything else to me.

What about north? she motioned with her head, that girl is working there, right

Hilary is already working there, mostly finished with the coastal walls and forts.

Hmm I wont be behind such a girl, I didnt know why, but Isac seemed to make a challenge with Hilary over this.

And as the lord of this place, I was happy to have such a good fight.

Go now, I waved my hand, let me go and prepare things for you.

Two hundred millions Not a single one less she raised her finger in warning before leaving, and dont forget to get as much ores as you can, tools to dig and move things around, and also more blacksmiths.

I got it! I shouted while she vanished through the stairs.

I needed a lot! Races werent the issue. The Bringold impact would deliver more than that for sure..

But resources Talents Tools I needed tons of these.

[I need help from your subsidiary impacts]

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[Sure! What do you need?]

[I need] I started to state my requirements. I needed ores, one that had at least one single bonus effect when used.

I spoke about big tools to dig earth fast and with much more efficiency than the ones used here. Also I needed these in large amounts to satisfy the manpower I was going to acquire from Bringold impact.

I needed blacksmiths. At this point, even apprentices were warmly welcomed by me. I needed a lot of these, thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands if possible.

[Damn! Are you planning to renovate an entire world or what?!!]

[Im just building a city]

[Just one city? What the heck?!!! Its like you are asking for turning this city into an entire world!]

[I just like to do things in big way] I laughed over his reaction, [Ah, and I need these as fast as you can provide]

[This How fast is fast exactly?]

[What do you mean?]

[I mean if you want things now, then Ill provide what we have. But this might not be even close to one tenth of what you are asking for]

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[Save this place then, and keep sending things over. You got two days at most. As for what you have, send them all]

[Damn! Asking for such a big thing without even batting an eye! Quite fierce! Are you really human?]

[I got asked this question quite a lot] I laughed again before adding, [Go and prepare things over. Once done, send me a message with contracts to finalise the deals]

[What about warriors? You seemed pretty much interested in them before. And humans as well, you asked precisely for these two goods]

[Ah, you can also prepare what you can and send them over] I was going to get a lot from the Bringold impact. But who would say no to more of my humans and warriors?

The list of warriors I got before was very long and quite detailed. What I wanted from them were my beloved Bulltors, winged wyverns, shield warriors, and even vampires!

[Send me all the warriors your subsidiary impact got, all in the form of exchangeable seals]

Seals were the things stored in my inventory. If I had them, I could exchange these mighty fighters with my teammates and even capable generals.

[Are you sure? We are speaking about millions of them! Even more!]

[Just prepare all these Dont forget, exchangeable seals]

The only drawback about my warriors besides their low number was the inability for me to exchange them with others. Even my soulers, they would only answer to me, and me alone.

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[Ok, this might add little cost to their initial price but I got the feeling this wont be a problem for you]

[You guessed it right]

[Then What about their ranks?]

[What do you mean?]

[I mean Do you want only mere commoners or you want higher grades like specials, elites, and generals?]

[Oh So they got ranks?] I previously was puzzled with my soulers. I got tons of them but none showed any remarkable or outstanding abilities or performance.

[Of course! But those with higher grades will cost much more. Also they are handled by our main impact]

[No problem. Do you have general grade soulers?]

[Gene Damn hye! Do you want us to kill ourselves to keep such scary beings? No way! If you want them, you have to sign a contract first to directly handle them without our intervention!]

[This] His weird answer and nervous reaction startled me. [Are they this bad?]

[Damn! A ranked elite souler will consume ten thousand souls per day! Ten thousand! And thats just an elite! A general will need a million! Who is in his right mind to accept such a scary condition? No way! We wont deal with such deadly goods, not directly at least]

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[I got it] I understood what he meant. I opened my soul class and watched the twenty something million souls residing there.

I was sure in the upcoming battle, this number would grow to reach a terrifying figure. Paying my debt to that higher up? It wouldnt be a problem after this war.

[Find me a general, five elites then]

[Hye! Are you out of your damn mind! Didnt you get what I just said?!!]

[Just send me their contracts to sign. Once you got them, theyll be mine]


[Also send me their price]

[No, I wont ask for anything back! Just take your time and rethink about this]

[I want them, I can deal with such conditions] I knew he was worried about my safety. Of course not out of good will. He just was scared hed lose his golden goose.

[Ive never met such a crazy dude like you! And just two months ago you asked for those scary necromancers! Damn Hye! What are you? Really, what are you? You cant be human, no f*cking way!]

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