I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 662: 662 The Jumper's Solution

The golden quest was just around the corner. If I got such heavy losses, then Id have no hope to compete at the golden quest.

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[0) Least he knew that I had another world with a time difference, a way to get more races, warriors, and humans from the Petals impact.

He didnt know the true might and full capabilities of me.

I felt that this attack aimed to lure the jumper to hasten his steps towards the capital. If he passed the New York gulf, then he would be trapped between the Hectors at south and the forces of that bastard at north.

He would get screwed! Especially when the rest of my forces in the region were already fighting desperately to keep the capital safe.

I wouldnt be able to assign any help for him. So the best simple move to ruin all this was to let the jumper wait south that gulf.

He wouldnt set foot inside that trap, or let himself get surrounded.

[Damn! Im pretty damn sure I didnt do anything to this bastard anytime before in my previous jumps!]

The jumper got pissed off when he read my messages and understood my doubts..

[Come on! You are such an annoying jerk to let anyone want to kill you from the first meeting!]

[Screw you!]

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Just before I could keep annoying him, a weird message came.

[Lord! The Hectors are sending more troops out!]

More troops? I looked at this message and a few others that followed. Even when Hectors sent many forces out, I kept few to monitor the continent.

And my extra caution just paid off!

[Stay put, I might need you to move anytime soon]

[Whats wrong?]

[It seems the Hectors are coming for you] I looked at the map again before adding, [They are sending new troops to the lower gulf. They wanted to surround you]

[Damn! So?]

[You have to retreat] I thought for a second, [Go for Pennsylvania, stay with Isac there for now]

[Are you sure? Isnt it better to move forward?]

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[Forward? If you stay where you are, that bastard will summon a huge number of portals and seal your path of retreat! You wont have a way out!]

[I have!]

[You dont mean] I looked at the map and paused for a long minute.

[Didnt you say he is waiting just a few tens of miles in the south? Let him move, and let me move]


[They wont expect it. Hell, you even didnt think about it at all!]

He was right. But such a move was really risky.

[Can you break through?]

[Do you think Im a pushover or a weakling like those idiots around you? Im the jumper! I lived through many ordeals and witnessed tons of apocalypses! I wont fall I wont fail! Just let that lazy bastard start moving out]

[Its your call. Just dont mess with your army! I hate it when you get an army and end up ruining it!]

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[This doesnt count! My new army is at the capital. Can you send it over as well?]

[Not now. The fight there is quite intense]

[But Ill need help once Im there]

I thought for a second. [Just set foot there and let me know. I bookmarked a spot close to their lands. Once you are on it, Ill come and bring cavalry with me]


Brute force The answer always lied in using brute force to crush any scheme or tactic!

I tried to fight schemes and other tactics with another tactics of mine. But that jumper leant directly to use brutal force to crush his way out of this predicament.

He wanted to cross the ocean, go directly East instead of running West. he wanted to go to Hectors continent, attack it and start securing a piece there.

In fact Such a move was totally unexpected even for me! If I failed to spot it, then even that son of b*tch wouldnt think about it.

Fang and his forces were near. And with the new troops of Hectors moving towards the southern gulf, that meant the mainland had a lesser amount of forces there.

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It was vulnerable, more than ever! This was the beauty of that jerks idea. When the enemy thought he got us, we were the ones to get him!

But that didnt mean the jumper would force his way easily towards there. He knew he would lose a lot. And even me, the one complaining all the time about the big losses the jumpers forces always suffered, didnt have any saying regarding this loss.

This time, it was a loss that I had to swallow. As long as we secured a foothold on that damn continent, nothing else mattered.

Besides, the jumpers army was now formed entirely out of monsters. Losing them wouldnt affect my kingdom or military might at all.

[Move out!] I instantly relayed the order to Fang. I didnt just send this simple phrase to him. I sent a lot of info regarding the current layout of the entire forces of Hectors all over my kingdom.

I also sent the newly arrived intel regarding the size and direction of the Hector forces moving out from their continent.

They were in hundreds of thousands, seemingly ready to eat up any strong army no matter how big it was, no matter who led it!

[I know all about the current situation of the war, but thanks anyway] that bastard! I forgot he was a Selvator, a well informed Selvator about anything happening around him.

I closed the chat after he said he was going to move out now. I sent to the jumper all the info I got, and he also was starting to move out.

As for the reinforcements the jumper needed, I had two armies waiting for that.

I knew, as the jumper knew, that crossing the ocean would come at the cost of losing most of his forces. Even Fangs forces wouldnt fare better.

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