I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 694: 694 Zombies!

[How are things at your end?] I sent it to Wryly while hoping they started the war up there.

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[No news yet]

[What do you mean?!]

[The paragons decided to accept the treaty]

What the f*ck!! They did what?!!

[Doesnt your race love to fight? What the heck happened?!!]

[I believe some sort of a deal has been reached, something that my paragons couldnt say no to]

[Damn! So you arent fighting at the moment?]

[Neither do we, nor the Dragons as far as I know].

[Wont you fight anytime soon?]

[The treaty spanned over a year, so there wont be a fight anytime soon]

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I paused, thought for a second. Such a situation was something I had no say in or couldnt change.

[Then lead your forces and come down here. I need you in a big fight against Hectors]

[Right now? Where?]

[Its far from the north. That treaty is limited to the northern continents, right?]

[Thats true. Ok, Ill see what my paragon will say]

[I dont care about him. If you dont show up, then we arent friends or allies anymore!]


[This is final! Make up your mind bro. I like you, but if you are going to be a liability the Fang who fought by my side in this brutal war will be my only friend]

I had to use this direct and harsh way to force him to move here. If he asked his paragon, then there was a slim chance for him to come down here.

If he didnt show up, then he wouldnt be my friend. What was the use of friends if they didnt show up and support me in such times?

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He left his posts, left his lands unprotected. He caused me lots of trouble, failed to force war upon Hectors at north when the situation was optimum for his race to push forward and crush Hectors.

I got that he had no say yet in such matters. But if he didnt come and help me with his big and intact army, then there was no more use for him.

According to what he said, the war up north wasnt going to continue for an entire year! It seemed the Hector leaders were smarter than I thought, and moved early on to block on me such a path.

Like this their intentions become clear to me. They placed this fight here as a top priority. The previous plan of setting fire to their backyard failed even before it began!

I had to prepare for a long and exhausting war between my side and theirs. In such a war, Id need all the help Id get. Or else Id always be in such disadvantageous situation for a long time.

Sigh! This war already consumed lots of my forces. Even the great number of humans and races I amassed at the second Earth world was consumed up by half at least.

Such big losses would unfortunately continue for a long time. I had to reconsider my own plans about the second Earth and here.

I got to start training many forces, using the time advantage in the other world to my benefit.

To do that, I had to find those monster dens and buy them in big numbers. I got lots of Hectors this time, and under Lilys leadership theyd help my forces.

As for Fang, this dude lost it big this time. I knew he could bring more forces here, but this blow would need lots of time for him to return to his old mighty state.

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I had a deal with the Selvator race, and I didnt yet get to use it. I was planning to use Fangs help in training my forces, alongside Wryly.

One lost it big, and the other was acting in such a way to make me doubt he would continue as my ally.

This might be considered one of the most dangerous moments in my kingdom.

I had to tread carefully from now on. Going all out wouldnt help. I had to reserve my strength, start building up and getting my kingdom and people on their feet first.

The size I controlled was a good start. I just had to focus on rebuilding, getting more humans and races to fill these empty lands.

Without the people living in each inch of my kingdom, any enemy would find it a field trip ride while attacking my lands.

I built my kingdom, but it seemed I underestimated such a step. I had tons of things to do. And one of them was my lack of good and capable generals.

I had to start filtering and screening good candidates to be generals. Having such war was ideal to select and test their abilities.

Selecting generals must be matched with forming new armies. These armies could be acquired from the Petals impact. But they needed time and good preparation to be trained.

In addition to that, the fourth quest would end and the fifth and bloody quest would start with the mysterious golden quest.

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The fifth quest was all about zombies. All the fights and killing during the past four quests would result in tons of dead bodies everywhere.

All of them would rise up, turning into such vicious and cruel creatures that would be much more dangerous than any hybrid monster.

They knew no logic, had no mind at all. They just would roam the world, look for any living being and attack him.

Even monsters would get attacked and infected with their deformity, turning them into a hybrid breed of zombies.

This breed would appear out of all races and monsters, even aquatic and flying ones. This breed was the main problem. Only a single bite was needed for anyone to turn into something ugly as this hybrid breed.

When such fierce inhuman nature got mixed with little intelligence, it would become scary!

They would start working in big groups, controlling towns and cities and even acting like any sane race.

But they knew nothing but killing and feeding on the flesh of their victims. So they would only spread death and chaos, without leaving behind anything worthy of note.

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