I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 710: 710 Using Monster Dens

This part of the world looked weirdly identical to the part we departed from. I got the feeling that if I went up there, Id find another piece of heaven beyond the thick layer of the sky.

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What would happen if I tried to link the two parts together? Could I get the secret behind having floating islands and dense clouds to form a bridge of heaven between these two parts?

Just thinking about it made me smile.

What now?

We will go either east or west, I shrugged, its up to you.

The two have oceans there?

Big wide surface of oceans, I nodded, which one do you want to visit?

Lets head east, I like east..

Ok, I didnt have a preference between the two directions. So I took East and started flying towards there.

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[The sovereigns responded]

Just as I flew for five hours straight, crossing over lots of islands in different sizes, I got this message from Silverlining.

[And?] I grew curious about their response. Would they agree to have such a bumpy ride with me? Or would they prefer to play safe and refuse?

[They see your plan to be crazily ambitious, but they liked it!]

The words he sent made me worry at first, then grin in satisfaction. [But they have no control over such a decision. So they are calling for a grand war meeting, where they will propose your idea and try to get a go for it]

[Thanks my friend, and relay my thanks to the sovereigns as well]

[No problem. They said theyd agree on anything to make the life of Hescos in any part of the universe bitter and misfortune. They also thank you for such a brilliant and courageous idea. They promised even if the race didnt support you, theyll do what they can to help]

[Thanks bro, Ill pray for the Toranks agreement]

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I knew getting the help from the three sovereigns might be useful, but not enough. In such a big open war, Id need all the help I could get.

But it was great news nonetheless. Like this I got the support from the three sovereigns. Even if the three were on my side in the eyes of many, and many other sovereigns had the envious look towards the three, there were still much more with the vision towards the benefits of the race.

[You know what Its better if you spoke about the idea instead] After thinking about this point for a few hours, I sent it to Silverlining.

[For what?]

[I fear that the envy of many sovereigns towards the connection between me and the three will stand between their vote for supporting my decision] I was slightly frank with him.

Part of my reason was this, and the other was related to the desire to support Silverlining. The three sovereigns were connected to me via the contracts.

But the man who was dealing directly with me was Silverlining. If he got elevated in the race, it meant more chances and support for me as well.

[I get it] he didnt get anything to be honest, [Ill speak with the three and try to see what I can do] I knew the three sovereigns were smart and cunning enough to get what I wanted to do here.

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And so they wouldnt disagree over what I proposed.

If they didnt get it, then they would allow their pride to stand in the way. One way or another, and if this race was as mighty and wise as I thought, then theyd agree on my terms.

I closed the chat and looked at the broad stretch of water lying after the last islands here.

It looked like the islands formed a rocky edge, closely packed together. If the other side was like this, then it explained why the tsunami waves appeared in this region.

With such narrow space for the calm ocean water on the outside to enter there, such turbulence was expected.

As for Lily, she got herself busy using the three dens I gave to her. She selected three different zones to use these dens upon.

The use of each den was simple. She just needed to throw the den into the water and wait for it to mature and explode.

The first den released aquatic beasts, just resembling the old whales on Earth. They got feathers with different colours on their backs, as Lily told me the colour determined their grade.

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The most common colour was silver, as this was the silver grade den. But there were also few green and blue feathers, meaning there were few of the weaker grade monsters as well.

But there were no higher grade monsters than silver.

The second gen released monsters looking like sharks. They got strange horns on their heads, giving me the impression of being a hybrid.

They are killers, Lily said this, see the colour of their horns? The highest grade is dark gold. But they got other grades as well.

I could spot what she was talking about. She released this den so damn deep and far away from the other two. But few of the monsters of this den went towards the other two and started hunting the weaker monsters there down.

As for the third, it got two long flat wings that gave them the impression of flying in water instead of swimming. They were in gold grade, having gold scales all over their big bodies.

They were the biggest out of the other two kinds of monsters. The smallest ones, the green grade ones, were double in size compared to the whales monsters, triple compared to the sharks size.

Are they going to be ok? I pointed at the other weaker two kinds of monsters in a worry. I didnt want for a single breed to survive while the other two would die out.

Dont worry, its normal to be a hunter or a prey in the wilderness. Nature has its ways to stabilise things, so stop worrying already.

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