I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 719: 719 A Meeting

[Just listen, you alone are enough to amass a mighty army, right? You can turn any enemy into our forces]

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[Then I should go alone!]

[Idiot! Who will lead that army then? You need capable generals, crazy folks who keep coming at their enemies with no regard for anything. I can do it. While the spearhead will negate that damn fierce curse we had]

[Hmm In terms of fierceness, Sara wins]

[Sara isnt as crazy as me! Dude, I ruined two armies already! Did you forget?]

[Dont tell me you plan to ruin another army!]

[They arent our boys, so dont get such empathetic towards them]

This dude He planned to go all out and kill to his heart content. Dont tell me he was planning to repeat the same tragedy that happened to him once again.

Sigh! But when I thought about his plan, it felt nice. Especially if it was followed by a direct assault from our forces here..

[I will bring Sara as well]

[Do as you wish. But too many and we will get detected early on]

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[How do you plan to let us sneak behind then?] I knew he wasnt crazy enough to suggest doing this on foot!

Just the size of this continent reminded me of the huge continent I crossed on my second Earth.

[I have a treasure that can help us sneak undetected even if we were directly watched by gods themselves!]

[And you kept such a beauty off me? How cold of you!]

[Its just a one time usage treasure]

[I dont buy it!]

[You will see its description when we meet. Now, we shall start]

[Not too soon. There are many things we need to handle first]

[What things?]

[Its your role to think of a plan to solve a problem, but my role is to think about the entire picture before making a single move]

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[Ok wise man, let me know when and where are we going to meet]

I closed the chat with him and started to consider the general line up. I, Sara, the spearhead, and that jumper were going to be absent.

Out of the four of us, the jumper had an army at the frontline. So I had to find someone to take over his post.

Aside from the risk of this plan, the next step needed from the armies here must be handled by someone with vast experience in fighting.

We would cause a big stir and trouble at the Hectors backline. This was enough to divert the attention of the elite forces towards our direction. It was a golden chance for a full out attack from the forces here.

I thought of Hilary. She was good and had vast experience indeed, but she lacked that decisiveness and aggressiveness I needed in a fight.

[Come to me] as I decided, I sent this message out for the selected four, and one more.

I waited for a couple hours before everyone was here. The jumper, the spearhead, Hilary, Sara, and Isabella stood in front of me.

I decided to not let the armies led by Hilary alone. Isabella was a fierce girl as well. If not for her love of tacticians, she might be a tigress fierce enough to rival Sara.

Do you have a sealing treasure? I looked at the jumper before saying anything about this plan.

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I knew we were closely watched by the angels. If this wasnt a plan depending upon the surprise element, I wouldnt have asked for such a thing.

If he didnt have one, Id go and buy one bubble out of the market. But I was too lazy to do it myself.

I have this, Hillary was the one to act. She took out a small bead as she added, just throw it over the chariot and it will expand into a mighty tree, enveloping everything here and shielding us from any spying eyes.

Nice treasure, the eyes of the jumper gleamed when he saw this finger size blue bead, these are the treasures you should seek, not the poor things I have.

Dont start this topic, or else youll end up losing all of your good stuff, I rolled my eyes from this dudes shamelessness before taking the bead and placing it on the chariots surface.

You should be the one to do it as you own this chariot, the jumper said in explanation, telling me he knew exactly what this bead was.


Just by placing it over my chariots surface, the bead shook and with it my chariot shook as well.

It happened just as Hilary described it. The bead grew a few roots first before rising up a small trunk.

Then in the time of a few breaths, a mighty tree with lavish blue leaves appeared all around us. Inside, I could see and move freely. But I got the feeling anyone from the outside would only see a big blue and towering tree.

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Now, why are we here? Hilary asked, as if she gained such authority from her contribution just not.

That dude will tell you his idea, I handed the stage for the jumper to speak while I silently watched from the side everyones faces and reactions.

And they all showed the expected reactions I guessed before.

Damn! I thought this girl here was crazy, but you ended up being much crazier than her! The spearhead was the first to comment, attracting everyones attention.

What? Werent you the one going around blabbering about how mighty and special you are? The jumper rolled his eyes and gave the poor spearhead such a harsh comment.

What about me? Hilary pointed at herself, stopping the spearhead before exploding in the face of the jumper, you four will go. That thing I can understand. What about me and Isabella?

Yes, what about the two of us? Isabella realised what was missing here and pointed at herself and Hilary.

This part is related to him, the jumper handed the stage back to me, and I started explaining my plan to all.

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