I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 740: 740 Going To The Other Beasts

During the past time, I got these two messages from the jumper. This dude was doing his part really well and quite fast.

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He was having his own treasure to hide himself. But I didnt know if there was any paragon nearby to spot him.

I sent him a warning message before, telling him that a bunch of paragons ran for their lives and scattered around.

He said they wouldnt dare to go far from here. After all this was the focus of the fight.

He got a point, but he missed something.

Once I started to move towards the second beast, these smart motherf*ckers would sniff everything about my plan.

That was why I didnt hurry to leave before leaving such considerable forces here. I even stored lots of places into my staff, few of them were located deep inside the basin.

The basin was really huge! The forces fighting here right now were almost close up to fifty million! I didnt know how the Hectors got such a scary amount of elites, but they deserved a salute from me for that..

And now their beloved elites were my sharpest weapon, fighting fiercely at all fronts to allow my boys a chance to get to that baby guardian beast.

I waited for ten more hours to clear two more passes and control more forces to help.

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I knew I could jump over here anytime I wanted, but I didnt want that. I needed this place to be secured enough by my forces, long enough for me to secure the other beasts locations.

You are going to lead more armies later on, I turned to the group of twenty Hectors standing behind me. They were the leaders I selected from the armies I crushed so far.

I carefully selected them to solve the up to come problem of leaders. I had to scatter forces all over the other places, and for such armies to perform well, I had to leave behind capable generals and leaders to lead.

[Be careful, Ill leave to other spots right now] I sent this message to my two friends leading the armies deep inside this basin, [Your task from now isnt just to secure a spot for our forces around that beast, but also to keep other forces here busy to not retreat and go to other places]

[Got it boss!]

[I will show them hell!]

The two sent their answers, the ones I expected and hoped for.

Lets go, I said, while turning my cold gases around. There were lots of eyes spotted on me, I could feel it.

[How are the size of the forces you spotted at each place?] As I started my journey towards the first location the jumper sent to me, I asked him about that.

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[Its just as you expected, not that much to hold a candle for you and your warriors]

[They arent trying to kill the beast?]

[I didnt dare to go deep enough to assess their forces there. I just got a far away gaze, and the forces there arent anyway near a single pass forces we fought so far]

[Great news! Keep looking. Once I get close to the second beast, they will know about your presence and will try to get to you]

[Dont worry, I know how to handle myself well]

I didnt know if he was saying this out of his arrogance or if he was really able to survive their assault.

But I hoped it would be the latter.

Do you know where the other beasts are? as I was on my way towards the next beast, I knew Id take at least five hours to arrive there.

So I decided to waste time here by interrogating these Hectors.

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We know only of the presence of one egg, one of them responded, with thicker scales than Lilys.

He looked as if he was the strongest and highest in rank among the others. I moved my eyes around, as I didnt just ask for his opinion.

Everyone shall speak freely, I slowly said, while moving my eyes among them, each one will give me his answer. Lie, and you will die by the contract.

They shouldnt feel any smart or try to fool me here. As I expected, not all of them were stationed around the first monster.

I came from the one you are heading towards, lord, a young voice came, attracting my attention.

I failed to recognise the age of these Hectors so far. How could I do that and they all were covered in scales without any other signs of ageing?

Was getting old related to the colour of their scales? Or the thickness of their scales? Or none of the above?

I didnt know, and was curious to know the answer from Lily later on.

Why such a young man standing in between the generals? I asked, while directing my question not to this young dude but to the first one to speak.

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He is a prodigy, the voice that came told me this general didnt like how things were done here. He seemed quite protective about this kid, hoping that I wouldnt notice him.

A prodigy? A prodigy and not involved in the paragon line up? I raised one eyebrow while feeling this dude was hiding something off me.

He didnt like to join such a program, the elder and highest ranked general here said, ask him yourself if you dont trust my words.

I dont trust you, I shrugged, I just trust the system and the contracts secured by it.

Then I turned to this dude, asked him directly: Whats your name?

Im called Legend, lord, he gave me such a mighty and arrogant name, making me have a good feeling about him.

Is what he said correct? I asked and he slowly nodded. Speak up freely, Im not that scary! I said, and honestly I didnt believe myself.

Well I came from a family with a military background. The paragon path doesnt suit me. I like being on the frontline, fighting and leading forces.

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