I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 743: 743 Lily Knows Them

From their words, I got to know how big this capital was! I thought my capital which absorbed three cities within and large areas around was big! But according to their words, it was the size of Texas.

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Damn! It was damn big! And that meant it was very complicated as well. The military camps and posts there were in hundreds!

They didnt follow the arrangement of mine, the triangular zones. They used circular zones, scattering them all over the capital.

The central zone alone has at least twenty of such zones, forming an entirely separate military big circle around the centre.

And there were the big shots, the big names of each big family, and the royals and their private armies.

Of course such mighty figures wouldnt come here without their own forces. That meant the battle to take down this capital would be fierce and long, filled with many variables.

The capital was located in a very good spot, overlooking a big and deep gulf that expanded even to the outer military circle of the central zone..

Such a big gulf gave me the feeling that it was filled with an army of aquatic monsters, tons of them actually.

As the capital size was this huge, it reached a nearby set of mountains. It was as big as the mountains I saw before, making me believe a beast might be reserved there.

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If that was true, then the last battle would be the battle to kill the beast and take down the capital.

It meant things would get more complicated for me and my boys.

However, I didnt feel any pressure yet. I had to first ascertain this news. And as such I sent these to the jumper to be aware of such a possibility.

[Thats interesting! So they kept one beast near the capital so they would allow their forces there to get benefits from it. Thats smart! Like this theyd defend it easily using the forces of the capital]

[It means the last fight for that beast would also be the fight on the capital] that dude missed the point entirely and focused over praising their arrangement!

[I know, I was just commending their tacticians]

[Ok, keep looking and dont get lazy. Im less than an hour away from the second beast]

[I think Im close to the fourth one. Just give me an hour before you attack that region, ok?]

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I knew he wanted to wait until finding the fourth beast before Id attack. Like this, he wouldnt get pressured by the Hectors before finding the fourth beast.

With one beast remaining, and my guess about its location, it would be easier to escape their pursuit and find that beast as well.

[Ok, Ill wait for the good news then]

As I got an hour left, I decided to go and spend it inside the other world.

Wow! This Is this another world?!!! The oldest general was shocked when we arrived on my second Earth.

Brian? What are you doing here? the voice of Lily told me she recognised this old man from far away. She was shocked to see him here, and I could only explain what happened to her in brief.

Wow! You got one of the three big generals of our world!! Thats awesome! she jumped in such delight before turning to Brian, tell me, do you like the new lord or what?

He is Ok.

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He is mighty, much stronger than those useless folks in the capital.

See? Even a paragon like her knows they are useless! Legend pointed at Lily while saying this in such a tired tone.

It seemed this kid had a very deep grudge towards the princes and princesses of his race.

Legend? What are you doing here?!! Lily also recognised this troublesome kid.

Do you know him? I asked, and she gave a look that told me she really knew him quite well.

He is the best, THE BEST! In our entire roster of youths for this apocalypse run, this kid came up first and on top even over those kids of the royals.

That Was part of the past now, Legend said, seemingly like someone regretting his golden days that went into the wind.

You beated every single one of us back there, using that tricky and dirty little mind of yours and those little tricks in fights I still feel bitter about my loss to you, Lily rolled her eyes before looking at me:

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He came from a family with a long heritage in the military. But when the royals came last time, they imprisoned his family and sentenced them to death because they refused to let his big brother join the paragon program and sign a contract. He lived because he was a bit younger and seemed harmless. Least they know about his monstrous talents.

Im nothing but a loser, Legend shouted, seemingly getting irritated by the facts she narrated about his past.

So this was the reason behind all such hatred. Well, to be fair, if I was exposed to such unfairness, then Id end up having tons of hatred and rage towards the entire race.

They committed a single mistake, so dont make a drama out of it! Brian scoffed, making it like it was something trivial.

You I know for a long time already that you are on their side! Legend couldnt control himself, moved fast to point his finger in Brians face, you were the one who held me back, not allowing me to rise up in ranks despite I deserved better!

Humph! Whats there to get blamed for? Brain was full of himself, I was following the orders of the mighty ones. Everyone should, including your long gone family. They should know better! Resisting heaven itself isnt a wise thing, kiddo!

You Great When I thought Legend was going to lose it, he retreated, walking a few circles around the chariot before adding with a fierce glare, Now these mighty ones are going to face the wrath of the Fierceless familys lone descendant. Let them show their worth, or theyll die.

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