I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 753: 753 Summoning The Beast!

They were deep and unfathomable. Give such an enemy time and he would become scary.

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Hectors werent the strongest in the entire universe, but they didnt come in third place out of nothing. I knew this was my chance to secure this continent for good and with the least losses.

Failure here would have much more effects than anyone would imagine! All my advantages would be gradually lost, and Id become on the back foot instead of them.

[Dont feel this way, its a success!] Just when I felt so down and bitter, the voice of Sith reignited such a feeling in my soul and mind.

Really? How come I cant even feel its presence then?!! I wanted to believe him, really wanted to. But the facts were clear.

[Its due to its current status, its in dormant status]

Dormant? Is it in slumber or something? Will I wait for a longer time? I looked at the edge of my glaive and waited for his response in anticipation.

[Its not in slumber, its just dormant. There is a difference. You can activate it using your blood anytime you want].

Activate it anytime I want?!!! I paused, while trying to get what he meant by this, do you mean this technique Is it permanent?

[Bingo! You now have a permanent seal mark on your back and a permanent summoning mark over the edge of your glaive]

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Thats great!

[Dont feel this happy too soon. First you need to test how well this technique is. Also you need to know this, without your glaive you cant summon that beast]

I wont let my glaive away from my sight for even a second! Dont worry about that!

[Idiot! I was speaking about your ability to hold it! Did you forget? You need to sacrifice souls to gain enough strength to wield it!]

Well, this might be a problem for anyone but me. Souls? Paying two millions to get this boost again? It wasnt that bad.

But the time for activating this boost which would take roughly an hour was the sole problem here. I wouldnt be able to take out the glaive and use it directly.

That meant one thing; I had to prepare the strength effect beforehand, before the start of any huge battle.

Or else Id end up losing the chance to summon this monster.

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[Stop daydreaming and thinking about useless stuff. Just drop your blood over your glaive and test how well this technique will work!]

Ok, I looked around, but not here for sure.

I was in a void place, but it was near to the training forces at the ocean and the crowded towns and cities at the paths in between the mountains.

Let me go somewhere else, the closest and best place for me to train would be on another continent.

I instantly flew fast towards there, and took almost five hours to cross this trait.

The islands were densely packed with many humans and races fighting tons of monsters. I had to admit, the ability of these monsters to increase their numbers was something above my way of understanding.

I knew many days passed here, but the size of the monsters here was something scary!

When I passed the water surface and headed again to land, I found an emptiness and calmness there that wasnt in the ocean zone just hundreds of metres away just from the shore.

That spot looks great, I didnt stop there at the shore and went directly towards one of the deep passes in between the mountainous region.

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The place there was spacious enough for me to fight this beast again. It was also away from the shore by a good distance, enough to let the forces training back there not get into the middle of the upcoming heated battle.

I didnt hope for a battle to erupt, but I just was taking into account all the possibilities, starting with the worst of them.

Come out! I dropped my blood over that circle, while waiting for what was going to happen next.

Once my blood touched the circle, things changed abruptly! The circle shone in such bright scarlet red light before a thick pillar of thick red fog erupted like a fountain!

If this all didnt emerge my glaive, Id have retreated back at once. But how could I get away from such a phenomenon?

I tightened my grip over the cold shaft of my glaive, while trying to endure such fierce fog that hit me directly in the face.

I was quite sure if I was looking at this from far, then Id see a mushroom cloud, so giant to rival those of obsolete now nuclear bombs explosions, very bright red to rival the sky in the dying moments of the sun.

This went on for only a span of a few breaths, but it felt like it took days to finish!

Well, you really came at me as a great surprise!

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The voice that came from the thick and dense red fog around me was slightly familiar. It was the voice of that bastard.

But It sounded a little different! And I instantly realised what was wrong when it spoke again.

I never expected for a human, a mere human, part of such a weak and useless race, to obtain such invaluable treasure! A direct access to the shadow world? Damn fierce and very unusual! I never thought those old and crazy fogies of that damn clan got an interest in one from this universe. And a weakling? Thats totally unexpected!!

It Got more mature than the last time I met it!

The fog was slowly clearing and fading away into the wind. When I met this bastard before, it had the voice of a kid.

From what I heard about it, and per Isacs words, her race, the Selvators, fed up with such a beast for a long time, released it over many worlds to devour, yet it failed to grow.

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