I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 756: 756 Come Forth... My Valliant Arm

I had enough roster to make me feel more reassured than before.

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[They are ready] I gave them a few hours before Lily sent this message, informing me about their readiness.

[Great. Let them wait for my portals then]

Before leaving I got a wide tour around, checked over the current status of my forces, especially the little turtle.

This dude just stood on water, forming an extra island in this vast trait.

It stood there, shouting orders at his forces which Lily assigned to him. Well He wasnt doing things like Legend, but he did something different.

For a reason, it got some sort of effect over the aquatic monsters, turning them all berserk! So its forces were fighting against very angry forces, making me inwardly sigh over how bitter they were.

Well We were at times of war, and they were training my forces for a big fight. I had nothing to say, but later on might ask them to go slightly easy on the weak boys down below..

Or it would be better to arrange the training procedure and induce a little change. Instead of giving generals my boys to train as separate armies, it would be better to arrange this in a stepwise approach.

To do so, I had Lily to watch over the performance of each general, gather information about their way of training, and arrange them accordingly.

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Then my forces would have to pass through this training pyramid, starting from the easiest generals way up to the most brutal ones like Lily, Lead, and the little turtle.

I sent this info for Lily to be aware of, and she agreed on the general idea, postponing the time for discussing it in detail for later time.

Time to go back, after I did all that, I decided to go back to Earth.

Just as I went through the portal, I heard the scared shouts from the little turtles coming from far. This sly dude was keeping an eye over me and my actions it seemed.

Well, stay there lazy dude. If you didnt perform well in the meantime, Id prefer to let you stay outside for much longer.

The place I stopped at wasnt that far away from my destination. But the first thing I did when I came here was to inspect the area around, making sure the place was void from any hostile forces.

And it was all clean and silent, making me heave a silent sigh of relief.

[Tell me your updates] I knew I didnt leave them for more than two hours, but for me it was closer to an entire day!

I started to get reports about the current status of the war. The situation back at the big basin I left didnt change much.

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The two generals of mine were fighting everywhere with the help of others. I could only sigh when I heard about the insane number of monsters and other races that gushed out from dense portals there.

The entire focus for Hectors was now over that battlefield. It would be nice to have such news, as that meant the other beast places werent that much defended.

But I knew that once I started the attack on the second beast, this pressure would be relieved greatly.

The Hectors wouldnt sit idle watching me getting over their second beast without trying to stop me with everything they got.

And theyd also realise that I knew about the places of the other beasts and was going to attack them.

Wont it be better If I went around and visited the other places before starting the full out assault?

I left the jumper while he had two beasts yet to discover. But I knew the place of two beasts so far.

So instead of alarming them over one beast, why not go and attack the rest directly?

[I got the place of the third beast, its two hundred miles to the north from the third one]

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And the jumper just sent such great news back to me. I grinned when I heard that, and told him about my idea.

[Such a nice idea coming from such a sly person like you I like it!]

[Keep looking for the fourth then]

[I believe its in the capital as you guessed, but Ill look around first. Going there directly right now is risky. Ill leave it until you start the overall attack]


I had no objection over what he proposed. As he went to look for the last beast, I first saved my location here before going towards the direction of the third beast.

I didnt risk getting closer from the basin area of the second beast, or else Id risk getting exposed thanks to my eye-catching chariot.

It took me roughly four hours to reach the place of the two beasts. I saved their places and jumped directly back to the first beast location.

[Im going to start the attack now. Get ready and keep as many forces there busy as possible] I sent this message to the two generals fighting out there for me.

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The first stage was the most crucial moment in this stage. I had to force the enemy to not be able to move much force from the first basin to others.

To do so, I had my generals to go all out.

[Get ready, Im going to start the real war now] I sent this to the jumper, and he just responded by saying he was still looking for the fifth beast.

Come out now! I instantly paid the price to open a large number of gates to lead my armies out.

The distance between my place and that second beast location was less than half an hour using my chariot, almost an hour or more by my ground forces.

But it didnt matter.

Once I opened the portals here, I instantly jumped over to the next beast location and did the same for it and the next one.

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