I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 762: 762 Invading The Capital

My baby initially had superb speed, so adding this boost made it fly in the world like it was a speck of light.

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If they wanted to track me again, they would spend hours to find a trace of my shadow, and theyd eventually fail to do that.

I held the maps drawn by Brian and other generals and kept moving in an arc path, trying my best to avoid any unexpected eyes anywhere here.

Just getting spotted here would let anyone with a brain guess my destination was. So I had to take such a detour, and thanks to my chariots new speed this didnt take much longer than an hour.

During which I kept checking over the situation of my scattered forces.

The armies I left behind led by Hilary and Isabella were doing just fine. They were doing their best to push their troops to join the rest of us.

The enemies stationed in front of them already dropped their guard a long time ago. So once they landed fiercely on them with everything they got, they managed to crush them in a few hours.

Then they started the long run, with few minutes of rest in between long hours of running.

They were almost five hours away from the first basin. There, the fight got loose as I expected.

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Once the attack over the other basins erupted, many forces coming there stopped as they had to go to other basins to help.

And when I came to the capital, not a single troop was sent there anymore.

It meant all the forces were called back to reinforce the capital. Before I left the capital and went on my little ride around, I spotted a large number of ground forces coming from the direction of the central region, heading towards the walls to intercept my forces.

I didnt have any worries over them. After all, they acted as a diversion.

The real attack would come from me and the other two going towards the ocean and the big gulf.

As for the other basins, I got nothing from the generals there. I didnt bother to add them as my friends, as I didnt know if they were going to survive or not.

Besides, their fights werent that important anymore. They just had to kill the forces around the beasts and then wait there and let their forces hit the beasts.

They wouldnt kill any beast until Id finished the capital war. Then Id scatter my entire forces, even my warriors, to go and get their share of this beast bonus.

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Even I would gain a taste from them as well.

As for the other two, the jumper told me they were this close from reaching the ocean, only half an hour apart from there.

But there was already a huge army gushing out from the walls, trying to stop them from reaching there.

I told him to let the turtle first smash the walls before going directly to the ocean and start the aquatic battle there.

I knew without my little turtle, the jumper would stand powerless against the great aquatic army at the ocean and the great gulf.

I got towards the mountains, and I had to admit the one who decided to build this capital here was genius!

The mountains were closely intersecting each other, closing any path for any ground forces to penetrate this region.

There was no direct path, or even smooth one for any army to use. And above that, I spotted a few watching posts on the side of distant mountains.

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They kept sure to watch this place here. But it was too late for them to send any signal to their leaders.

I just rose so high in the air, pushed forward with my highest speed, and didnt leave these watching posts untouched.

I let out my dragons and scattered them around to destroy these posts while I crossed the mountainous region in just ten minutes.

And as I crossed the last group of peaks, I simply descended from the high clouds. I stopped just a couple of hundred metres off the ground, overseeing what could be considered as a peaceful part of this capital.

This place was a living block of the capitals normal citizens.

Sigh! I got nothing against you, but I had to control your capital so dont hold it deep against me, I muttered when I saw the shocked faces of many Hectors walking in the streets.

Even in the middle of such a heated war, the places away from it looked this quiet.

Come forth! But this was war, and they had to either submit, or resist till their last breaths. Spread around, kill anyone resisting. Then come towards my chariot once you are done here. I brought out two million warriors and gave them the order to control this region.

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Then I flashed towards another point where I summoned one million and asked them to take control of their region.

As such, I kept flashing from a point to another, spreading my forces until I had only one million left.

Seven groups were scattered there, and it seemed the Hectors didnt welcome any of them properly.

Cries of fight and wailing kept echoing from different places. This meant they started to fight back, and they got nothing to blame for their deaths but themselves.

The next spot I headed towards was the back of the frontline forces.

It would feel crazy to just go towards the central region alone. Even with all my warriors here, I had no confidence in taking it over.

The enemy leaders could simply order their forces to retreat, go directly back towards my direction and Id get surrounded from all sides with my warriors.

Even if the frontline forces I left under Lily and Legend control would come to help, the situation would be hectic and out of control.

Winning or losing would be hanged by a thread all the time. I didnt want such a result for sure, especially if I got another smoother way to do things.

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