I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 776: 776 Getting Intel About The Battl

If what he said was true, then that arena we would move to would have special conditions, conditions that would ensure his superiority and victory.

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What would they be? Would I get my inventory sealed and deprived from access to the market and contact anyone like I experienced before?

Or would my items get deprived off me? Or would I get debuffs? Or would we only fight using strength? Or would we fight using cultivation only?

There were too many possibilities to give me a headache. But no matter what, this king here was sure of his victory.

He said it himself, if not for this coin, he wouldnt have prevailed over his cluster of worlds. That meant he became the final winner not because he was the strongest or the most capable one.

But thanks to his little coin here, he managed to triumph over other much stronger kings.

I felt curious about this coin, and the conditions that battle arena would enforce on the two of us.

Would it be a chase to kill like the arena I experienced before to gain my pillar ownership? Or would it be something else?

And what was with this race and battling arenas? I never experienced such a thing with another race but them!

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A face again It seems your luck is abundant! After the fifth trial, he said in such a cheerful mood.

It seemed he was enjoying this! Each time he needed an hour before using it again. So after wasting five hours of doing nothing, he was persistent in activating this coin of his.

Even the big losses his armies suffered didnt bring his mood down. I could only sigh. Dealing with such a figure was way beyond my current abilities for sure.

He was acting like this for a reason; these forces werent the total power he had. He was just acting like me when I lost lots of forces in all the armies fighting here before giving the order to group them together at one point.

I didnt feel any pain for such losses, which got increased when the armies started to retreat. That was thanks to the big army drawing close to here, which would be enough to shift the tide of the battle to my side.

As I felt back then, he was feeling the same right now. So whatever losses his aquatic forces suffered, he knew it was worth it.

[Stay positioned here] that made me give such an order to my four generals inside the shield after wiping out all the remaining Hectors here.

[Shouldnt we go and aid the others?] Sara asked, and I knew this fierce girl just wanted to shed more blood.

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[Is there an army coming this way soon?] The jumper was the only one out of the four down below to read through my intentions.

[There is a big army, more probably lots of armies, ground and flying, coming here once Ill leave] I sent this to all of them, giving them doubt instead of answers.

[Where are you going?]

[Is it related to that terrifying artefact of our king? I heard lots of rumours about it, all speaking about how mighty it is!]

[Are you planning to ditch us at such time, idiotic lord!]

I read their comments while only Sara didnt send anything back.

For this girl, my presence didnt matter as long as she would face more enemies and have her fun.

As for the jumper, that jerks sharp tongue was always rude and sharpened for me. I totally ignored him and focused on Lilys words.

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,l [Tell me everything you know about!] I got one more hour before this king would use his coin again. And something told me my luck would run short in this attempt.

So I had to prepare my forces for what yet to come. Just like that king already prepared his forces to come here before wed leave, Id have to do the same.

But I totally missed Lily! She was a paragon, once close to the higher up circle of royals. That king said he was in deep slumber before, so that meant she never met him in the flesh.

That didnt mean she wouldnt get whim of the powerful tools and artefacts that king held in his inventory. She recognised the coin, and she knew rumours about it.

[Aside from what he exposed here himself, there isnt much to tell] yet, unlike my high expectations, she started her messages with such disappointing words.

But what came next was weirdly what I precisely needed to hear!

[All the rumours talked about how this coin helped him rule over his trial with the least losses! He even was hailed as the third king in our history to rule his trial worlds with the least amount of losses thanks to this coin. But aside from this, rumours spoke about the effect of this coin over the battlefield]

She paused for a few moments before adding:

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[I heard that this coin will open a sealed space where you two will stand over a huge terrain, each with a single castle that will spawn warriors to fight on your side. I dont know much specifics, but they say that the two of you will have to pay a price using some sort of currency first to elevate the rank of your spawned forces. Thats all I know]

Well baby, you told me enough to guess the rest on my own.

[Be prepared then. Im going to leave in an hour or so. Make sure to be ready for a big fight here] I sent this to all, not only to Lily.

[Are you going to leave us with such a few forces here to face armies of them?!!] the jumper sent this, and he frankly got a point.

Everything I used here was exhausted already. Even the forces I controlled from the Hectors lost much of their bulk to make them not enough to form five armies!

As for my warriors, I lost almost eighty percent of them so far.

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