I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 799: 799 It's My Victory!

What about me, dark lord? from far, the turtle asked and I had to come closer to it first before whispering his next task over.

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Oh, I like this. Thanks for entrusting me with such an army, dark lord, he said in a way that I didnt know if he was speaking honestly or not.

Then as it left to execute his task, I focused on the still hot fight over the eastern walls.

The aquatic forces there werent alone. They had lots of races and Hectors to fight alongside them. In my eyes, they werent an enemy, they were a decent army waiting for me to take.

But considering their huge numbers and the constant reinforcements gushing out from the lots of underwater portals, I knew this fight would last for a long time.

And the main reason behind this was my desire to control as many as possible of them before this battle would be over.

Even if I got a good aquatic army from the Silvador king, it was still one army. Having just one aquatic army when my kingdom had such wide areas of waters to defend was unrealistic.

I aimed to control more armies using this battle. And as such, I gave the order for everyone here to stay inside the walls and keep defending.

I, alone, ventured to the forefront, hovered above the enemies heads in the sky with nothing they could do to stop me.

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They werent aerial forces, or even ground forces with lots of weapons to target my chariot. That if my chariot could be shot down like any mere fly or something.

Then I entered a fervent state of working my technique and threads to control the forces just coming out from the ocean and gulf.

These ones were the safest to control without much casualties. I tried to control forces at the central battlefield but ended up losing them.

They either had to go to the walls and pass through the heated up fight there, or go back to the ocean and cross long distances. Either solution failed, and so I ended up standing near the ocean and gulf, controlling massive numbers in the process.

Anyone controlled would first get the order to retreat back to water before forcing him to sign a loyalty contract. I kept doing this for long hours, extending over to almost a day.

During this time, my hands were tied down by my lack of bones. I spent almost all of my bone reserves on the low and mid grade ones. Using higher grade bones like dark gold and above just didnt look right and a big waste of resources.

And in the middle of this, the effect of my sacrifice boosts vanished, greatly affecting the ability of my technique to perform like before.

Yet I kept working over the races and monsters coming out from the waters until I felt enough.

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In fact I was never going to get enough. However after a day and half of such work, the enemy stopped sending herds of enemies here.

The size of the armies sent dwindled by much. It seemed that whoever was lending a hand here to this continent got the news of the fall of this continents king.

It was futile and useless to keep fighting such a war. It was already lost, and whoever was handling the situation on the other side of the portals decided to give up this continent.

As such, I tried to control more before I felt it was a waste of time and effort. The scale of portals was just massive! And now their forces werent gushing out like raging waves of the ocean, from everywhere.

They were coming out in scattered points, separated from each other by a large distance. Going to and forth was pointless. And so I gave the order:

[Attack! Kill all of them on the land!] I sent this to everyone before turning my eyes towards the direction of the big ocean:

Come here now, lead everyone and crush those portals. Dont leave a single one intact. Then bring all the corpses from the depths of the ocean and gulf here on shore.

Yes, dark lord!

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I couldnt even see a glimpse of my little turtles colossal body, yet he managed to hear and even responded to me from such a far distance.

In the next five hours, the entire battlefield ushered under heavy silence by the fall of the last enemy.

Then loud shouts echoed from down below.

This war It was my win at last!

[Gather up!] I sent this once the fight was over, [Scatter out your forces, grab all the corpses here]

I lost all my bones, but that didnt mean I wouldnt get more. From this war alone, I estimated to get a good replacement of what I lost.

I hoped Id got more bones this time than I ever had before. And considering there were tons of elite Hectors here, I expected to get much higher grade bones than before.

I previously thought I got enough, but the last two spending sprees I did made me feel Id never had enough.

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So as I waited for my different generals to come on board of my chariot, I watched their armies scatter around, bringing all the corpses from near and far.

The good news was that this wasnt the only battlefield I got. There still were the battlegrounds of the four beasts, plus the battles we got before near my capital.

Congratulations lord for such an overwhelming victory, the first to speak out of all generals when he came was Brian.

This old sly fox As I got the tide on my side he was showing such an excited and sincere look of joy.

But I knew once the tide would shift, he would be the first to abandon the ship.

Thanks for your efforts, I said, while silently motioning with my eyes for my friends to come to my side. I didnt miss Legend as well. You all did great.

I did that just to put a line between those who performed extremely well and who didnt. Not to mention even if I got thousands of generals, my friends wouldnt lose their position in my kingdom or to me.

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