I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 807: 807 Doing An Exorcism!

Such a tyrant and here I was thinking you are different, that dude was still keeping his act despite getting blown in the wind.

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Was I a tyrant? Of course not! If such a being had such ability from the beginning, then he wouldnt take the trouble to come and trick me like this.

If you got such ability from the start, why would you take such trouble then? That didnt add up!

So he was bluffing, and he hoped my care for my people would cloud my eyes.

I dont care what you think, I shrugged, now scream and let me kill you beast with a clear heart.

I will kill your people, do you hear me?!

Do it then, I got enough from this fool. The next moment I controlled my chariot and let it move towards the ocean.

Stop! Im serious! Ill kill her! he grabbed out Lilys sword and kept screaming like a little girl.

I spared on gaze to size him up. Let me bet You are inside this body controlling it using your soul, right? my face showed a vicious smile, one that made him retreat backwards with a few steps as he read my mind.

He knew what I was thinking about, my scissors!

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F*ck you! The next moment the golden thread vanished while the water clashed at my chariots shield.

I looked back at Lily, and now her eyes returned to what I used to see when the two of us met.

What Just happened? her body suddenly grew weaker before slamming at the ground. I didnt move a finger to help her.

Hahahaha! Quite ruthless one you are, and just as her body fell heavily on the chariot, that bastards voice appeared again.

Trying to trick me to come closer and drop my guard? Indeed he couldnt kill Lily, but who said he couldnt control her body and kill me? Kill others?

I had a crazy idea about the root of all this. If it was true, then all of sudden my entire Hector talents would turn useless.

Just thinking about this sudden twist made my blood boil!

You guessed it right, again, he slowly stood up, looked at me with such a smug smile that I wanted to go and wipe it using the blade of my glaive.

However I couldnt. He was in the body of Lily, and there was just one way to exorcise that evil soul.

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The god nemesis scissors? Are you sure? Even if he kept smiling, I knew this little toy of mine would be able to kill him.

Lets try and find out, I instantly jumped at him and the next moment he did the unexpected.

He controlled Lilys body and jumped off the chariot, heading towards the ocean.

I knew that he wanted to escape with his life, and then he would go towards the forces down below and create chaos, enough to make me enter another war.

What did he think I was?

Damn! Why cant I go out!! just before he would leave the area of my shield, he slammed heavily against it, unable to walk through.

I didnt tell you about my little girl here yet, right? I moved in slow steps towards his direction while the shield suddenly twisted to form stripes that held Lilys body from the arms and legs, moving her to come to me.

He tried to resist with all his might, but no matter what, he couldnt break a single stripe off.

My baby here is magnificent, I stopped walking, moved my eyes around my chariot, she stayed by my side for such a long time that I started to consider her family. Can you believe that?

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I watched Lilys body getting moved with my shields stripes to come closer to me. She stopped a metre away, with a vicious expression on her face.

It wasnt hers, it was his. He knew he got screwed!

Im just curious, is it a one way journey to here or what? I held my scissors high, while feeling it wasnt that heavy anymore.

I used to struggle to just hold it and always failed. Like my glaive, it was a heavy existence that I failed to even hold.

I used it as a shortcut, but now I am holding it so much easier than before.

My right arm was strong, stronger than even my body. It seemed I didnt need the boost from my sacrificial soul class abilities to let me hold it.

As such, I raised it high in the air, while watching the struggling and fierce eyes of that foe.

Are you regretting coming here? I asked while holding the scissors like it was a spear.

You will burn in hell! Do you hear me! All of your people will die in front of your eyes, scumbag human race kid!

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Nice last words indeed, I didnt hesitate to stab Lilys body with my scissors.

My scissors were a mysterious godly item to me, yet I knew it could sever the connection between any race and gods.

Accordingly, it could sever any intangible connection on a spiritual level, just like this little dude here.

Ah!!! and the next heart curdling scream that followed made me know it worked. Yet I didnt show any sign of joy.

Your soul will burn in hell for eternity! he said such a threat before a black fog rose up from Lilys body.

And this time when her body went loose and weak, falling on the floor while her eyes showed such a weak gaze, I held her up and supported her with one arm.

[You! How dare you?!!] and just as I did that, I reached a level seemingly seen by my girl. She sent this short message to me, getting it all wrong.

[Stop fooling around and hurry up here. There is a disaster we have to prepare for]

[Humph! As if I can get fooled by you! I saw it, holding that girl in your arms as if she was yours!]

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