I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 813: 813 The Teleportation Race Abilit


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All I felt was for my shield to tremble in such fierce way before a massive and violent shockwave erupted, clearing all the water around as if a bomb just exploded here.

I watched all this in silence while thinking about what this beast said.

Its words It wasnt the words of a beast at all! Gods? Since when beasts and monsters had gods to oversee them?

Gods? Would these mysterious beings that I faced twice so far be gods?

If so then it explained lots of the missing gaps in the entire picture! My scissors were the nemesis of gods, even it carried such an overbearing name as god nemesis scissors.

It also explained why the two were so fearful from my scissors, not able to stand a single attack from it.

They were gods, and that meant these beasts werent real beasts, they were a race.

What? Would they be a cursed race just like the soulers? The fallen gods? The necromancers?

Damn! I started to feel curious about why I always ended up facing such cursed races. And why would I get such adrenaline each time Id face such races?

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Damn! What kind of witchcraft are you using?!! it seemed quite stirred by my chariot and its sturdy shield.

No matter how hard it tried, the shield stood erect and didnt budge an inch or even show a single crack.

Just accept your fate, I said in disdain. Did it think this kind of attack was enough to take down my shield? Pathetic!

Just during the time it took to attack me, I finished forming three more balls.

Now only three remained.

I will kill you! I swear on my race sacred honour!

First tell me more about your race, I wasnt just aiming to waste time here, but to get more knowledge as well.

This beast kept saying that it belonged to a race, making me feel more curious about that proclaimed race, Is it a cursed race or something? I asked what I thought about it.

And the moment I said it, the energy coat that was about to form another kind of attack paused, telling me I hit the right note here with that beast.

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So you know that my race is cursed. If you still have a piece of mind in your skull then you should leave me and move away as far as possible.

Sorry pal, but cursed races and me goes for a long time already, I laughed while forming the last ball, I love you, cursed people, as if we are family.

Scra What the heck are these things? Move them away! Move them away now or else you will get cursed! Go away now before its too late!

Hahaha! Nice try pal. Hectors have been killing you for aeons without getting any curse. Why would I fear you? I laughed while my thick arms started to surround and entrap its movement.

Then it was pulled slowly and steadily towards my direction.

Damn you! Let me go filthy race kid! Let me go now! he kept screaming like a kid, claiming me to be one.

I couldnt help but sigh. I got a beast that was deluded to be a race and had such a sly and harsh tongue already.

He was also quite noisy! I hoped he would end up being silent and calm when Id summon it again.

However Just as it grew closer to my ball, something weird happened.

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Hahahaha! You cant trap me like this, hahahaha! My races power will always keep me away from such dirty schemes and tricks, hahahaha!

It was just a few tens of metres away from my ball before all of sudden, it vanished, appearing hundreds of metres away as if it got teleported.

Yet it couldnt get away from my balls thick arms with this trick. My thick arms expanded instantly and followed it, putting sudden pressure over my energy consumption.

So you have a trick up your sleeve? Teleportation? Is this your races special power then? I asked while filling the entire chariot with bones.

If it kept doing this trick again and again, I wouldnt be able to match it up with my energy.

It seemed that what looked as an easy task would need more time and effort to be done. Even if it kept teleporting like this, it seemed it didnt learn how to control it yet.

It just happened as if it was triggered by the sense of danger it was facing, a reflexive move. If it pulled it once, a few times, it would be just a fluke.

It wouldnt be able to keep it going. However, I was more interested now in knowing its race in a better way.

Hahahaha! Terrified, right? This is my races ultimate power. Im still young to control more of it, but no matter how hard you try, you wont succeed in trapping me there.

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Lets see about it then, I met his confident show with a sly smile of mine, one that made it stop laughing and look at me in such vigilance.

Thats if I allowed you to survive long enough to do it! The next moment, a big ball of water appeared hovering on top of its body before it all turned into ice.

One ball, ten balls, one hundred balls, one thousand Damn! That beast was upping its game and using such a big move.

Lets see who would end up falling first, but even if it used such a big move, it didnt bother me at all.

I simply moved my chariot after it, crashing directly at these big balls of ice without hesitation.

If it had the power to teleport away from my black ball, then it would be better to move the ball to it instead.

As I crashed into these balls, massive and violent explosions erupted. It even targeted more than half of its balls at my huge black ball over my head.

Yet what happened was for these balls to vanish inside the ball without causing even a single explosion.

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