I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 830: 830 I Got Myself Into Deep Troubl

[They are Nice] I laughed, knowing that this dude never expected my pocket world to grow to such an extent in such a short time, [Also I want to ask about something Have you ever heard of the Zombie race?]

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[Zombie what? Sorry but the zombies Im aware of are those disgusting creatures who appear in the apocalypse. I still cant find a reason behind the stubbornness of the higher ups on using them in each apocalypse]

[Ok] even he, a high member of such a mighty race, didnt have a clue about what Tove, the necromancer, told me.

Was he bluffing? Or was it an ancient secret of this universe? I frankly didnt know. But if they turned out to be a race, a good cursed race, and I got a way to deal with their curse, then it would be a game changer for me.

[Im sending over the price you need to pay, then you will get them. Do you want them at your current place or somewhere else?]

[Send them over to me] I looked at all tempting Lily and couldnt help but feel bad for such joy to be over.

Get out, your boys are coming, I shouted in her direction. As for Legend, this dude already was having his time over the shore.

He wasnt a water lover like Lily, or perhaps this chick did all this on purpose.

Right now? she seemed surprised, not suiting a girl who kept showing off her delicacies for the past hours!

Get here or else youll miss them, I waved at her before opening a chat and sent a message to notify Angelica.

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Angelica didnt delay and in less than ten minutes, she came with lots of her boys.

She seemed to recruit more to help her on this task. Tens of thousands of people stood on one side while waiting for the arrival of the first batch.

[Send them over] my inventory was already full with all of the bones I gathered from the past war. So, I paid without even flinching or feeling any bad about it.

And the next thing happened was for lots of portals to open, and huge numbers of different races and humans were sent over here.

Lets do it! Welcome them and explain the situation over, Angelica shouted from the top of her chariot, and then do as I said earlier.

Yes, maam! her team shouted in such a unified way, making me feel she recruited fighters and not just helpers.

As her team started to work, I noticed that she kept glaring at the direction of the ocean.

And there I noticed what she was watching; the fiery body of Lily!

Damn! I never expected this! Angelica was a talkative girl, and if she decided to keep her mouth shut then it would be for a price in return.

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I just missed that! Damn!

However, I acted all ignorant and innocent when Angelica shifted her eyes over my direction. And when she tried to come near me, I controlled my chariot to fly away.

[Do you think you can run away? Humph! Just wait! If you like these low tricks, then why didnt you tell me earlier? I can even swim without a single gear over my body!]

Sh*t! She wasnt thinking about telling Hilary, she was thinking about tempting me! Just imagining her sexier body in the way she just sent made my body temperature rise for a few degrees!

Damn! This was a deadly trap that I had to run away from as far away as possible!

[Keep running! Do you think we wont meet again? Next time I will show you what real human beauty is like, not like that body covered with ugly scales!]

I closed the chat and decided to ignore her for now. As for what the two chicks would do together, Id leave that for them to handle.

As I went far away, I sent a message to Silverlining, asking him to save the place he just sent this batch over at.

[When will the next batch be ready?]

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[Quite impatient you are! Like before, once per day]

[I hope the next batches will have more humans] as he warned me, the number of humans in this batch wasnt that much! They didnt even exceed five million in total!

Looking at this from a different angle made me realise my kingdom was shifting fast to be a multi-race one, not just a human based kingdom.

It wasnt bad except that I wanted it to be the home of all humans being mistreated all over the universe.

So, I had to stress over this point, to make him pay more attention to it.

[Dont worry, I already notified the sovereigns about this. Besides, this batch and the yet to arrive ten more are going to come from my race. After that, Ill return back to my impact, and I can deliver twice a day]

[Thats great! But why ten days? Why not now?]

[Well I have personal matters to attend to. Life isnt just about work, you know Right?]

Oh, he got a girlfriend then or even a wife and family! I never thought about that before.

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[Cool. Say hi to your family if you have one]

[I have five, hahaha!]

Five? Damn! He was having his fun for sure! And lots of headaches as well.

I closed the chat with him and now I was free to do the remaining tasks before starting cultivating.

I had two more beasts added up just like that little turtle. I now had a way to summon them, and hopefully the two wouldnt be hard to deal with.

Dealing with my little turtle wasnt that bad. A fight didnt erupt as I imagined. But that was all thanks to the nature of this fierce beast.

It was a dark realm monster, so staying inside my dark world was a blessing and a reward for it.

But that wasnt the case for the other two.

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