I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 839: 839 Time And Space Powers

Time, what?!! Wasnt this a thing of the angels? The thing running through my veins?

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Not only that, I can also sniff traces of space ability as well.

What do you mean? Is this a pocket world?

A pocket world storing up a moment of time from ancient times and trapping souls inside, Lucias said in such firm belief, making me look at this dome in a much weirder way.

This place It wasnt just a mere relic site, it was a time loop! A thing that reminded me of something I heard a long time ago, a thing that angels did to save their race.

Was this place also connected with them or what? Were they the bad guys in the end? Or were they desperate to turn bad at the end of their tale?

How can we deal with it?

Im not that experienced at dealing with such troublesome things, but I know a fact about this A place like this must have a core, a circle of magic, and someone to control it.

Someone? Someone is still alive inside?!

Its not necessarily a living person, a soul will do just fine.

I see I was lost in thoughts. This entire thing was really troublesome and I didnt like the feeling of it.

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But these people These souls touched my people first. They didnt come in peace and tried to talk, they acted in such tyranny, abducting two of my people and tried to harm my Hilary.

Can you deal with these souls? I asked with such a cold tone that expressed my intentions.

If they started touching my things, then they got only themselves to blame.

I can, but alone will take much time to do it. Its better to bring my boys over.

I will, I slowly nodded before opening up a chat with Silverlining and sent him a message.

[Have you ever heard about a loop time thats trapped in a pocket world using time and space abilities?]

If I got to identify this site, then it was better to not set a single foot there before gathering up intel about it.

Any information would help, and it might even save my life.

[I heard stories, legendary ones But why?]

[I got one]

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[You What?!!]

[I have one in front of my eyes right now and I have to deal with it. Tell me what you know about that]

[This You do know that the two abilities and the people who mastered them were long gone from this universe. I cant tell anything without adding the word rumour or fairytale next to it]

Oh, that meant he didnt know anything for sure. Should I risk it and hear stories, unverified and might end up being wrong, about such a place and the people who created it?

For a moment there I was desperate enough to say yes.

[But I heard of a weird dude who lives at the remote places of the universe. He is quite eccentric, not the guy you want to know. But a sovereign I know is a good friend of his. I can find him for you if you wanted]

Well That was an interesting introduction, but there was a single issue here.

[How is that weird dude going to help me with this problem?]

[He is famous for looking for any clue and info regarding the two extinct folks using these abilities. Some even said he went inside one of those pocket time loops and returned, leaving part of his sanity back there]

[Thanks, thats relieving] I lied! Relieving my ass! It was damn scary! I was thinking about going there. I never thought it would be this dangerous, to leave such a terrible touch over my mind for eternity.

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[Do you want to speak with him? I can be with the sovereign and act as you spokesman there]

[Sure, that will help. How long before finding that man?]

[First I have to find the sovereign]

[Arent you still in your races home world?]

[Im, but many left already. Give me few hours and Ill get back to you with good news]

[Thanks buddy] I closed the chat, looking at that dome with disturbed thoughts.

It was dangerous then going there and coming back. What about my Lily and Angelica? Would they be alright? What about Hilary? Would that damn soul leave something permanent in her mind?

Sigh! Something seemed a bit fishy here. Tell me, do you feel any calling or something trying to control you? I asked without shifting my eyes off that lovely world down below that dome.

Im, but they are useless. Against soulers, such cheap tricks wont do.

Good Come out! The next moment I summoned all the souler army here, search everywhere, move even rocks and find me anything useful. And stay away from that dome, ok?

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Ill supervise their actions then, Lucias volunteered and I didnt reject the extra help here.

I returned to my chariot, looking over my soulers while spreading around.

It might seem a low chance, but as this site was here, I might also find other stuff around.

I wasnt hoping to find other time loop sites around. I just felt something was related to that rock, the rock that Hilary came and read its content and I couldnt.

It wasnt random, nothing of this looked random. It felt like an ancient scheme and plan just started in motion.;

Having a world that held such a troublesome relic from time and space dudes? It couldnt be random at all!

I was sure something was connecting all this together; the old man, the gift he left behind for me, and this world All this didnt look random to me.

But what connected them? I felt like standing on top of the world and taking a peek at an entire world from a small opening in the sky!

Slowly Id unveil all these schemes, slowly Id get to the bottom of all these mysteries.

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