I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 841: 841 I'm Not Going To Say!

[Half of my entrusted subordinates call me in this way, so its not an offence actually, hahaha!] I knew he was on the verge of exploding out of anger, but that wasnt something I should worry about.

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That dude needed something from me, and he knew the true value of it. It was so damn valuable that he was willing to keep chatting with me despite the irresistible urge he got to find and kill me at this moment.

[Are you sure this is wise? He isnt any better than that crazy friend of his]

And just as I waited for the response from that sovereign, Silverlining tried to give me a warning and advice.

He was such a sincere and kind person that I liked. He was loyal, and that was the second best feature of him, next to his ability to deliver what he promised in time.

[I know what Im doing] I sent before thinking about something, [Why dont you say something to help?]

[Like what?]

[Like you got another one to help other than this sovereign]

[This Do you want my head rolling on the ground or what? He is crazy!]

[If you dont help me solve this right now, he will come at you first. You heard him, he wants your head already]

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[Damn! Ok, let me try it out]

I knew this was a risky move, but this dude must know he wasnt the only one who could help or else he wouldnt crack down and get past his hatred.

I waited for long minutes this time, while looking at the two chats opened in front of me. It took twenty minutes before that sovereign sent again.

[Do you think you are smart enough? I got your man here under my mercy. Send me the location of that pocket world or else Ill make sure youll receive his head in the next weekend]

Oh, he was indeed crazy! [Do you think this will force my hand?]

[It will. Without him, you wont be able to get in touch with any of my race]

[You are underestimating me and the system too much, do you know that?] Of course he got a point, but not that quite right indeed.

I depended too much on Silverlining to perform everything out of late. But that didnt mean I was out of the means to contact Toranks race higher ups.

[What do you mean by that?]

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[Youll soon know the answer to that]

I got a way, and it was really quite simple and easy. Yet it seemed that the sovereign stayed away from the apocalypse and its affairs for too long, to even forget about such tiny details.

Any contract provided and secured by the system would allow the two sides to get in contact with each other. So, I got the three sovereigns in the reach of my fingertips.

All I needed to do was to just open the contracts and send messages to the three sovereigns briefing them about the situation.

However, even if I got such a way, I didnt hurry to use it.

After all, the two of us were having such a fierce battle in wits. Even if what he claimed was right, and he got the neck of Silverlining under his mercy, he wasnt that insane to kill one of his race, a high on and known by many already, a hot shot at this moment.

So he was just bluffing, trying another attempt to force me to agree on his terms. And I just responded to the punch with a mighty blow by what I just said.

And in less than a few minutes, seemingly after asking around about what I just said, he changed his tone and attitude.

[You know getting at each others necks wont get any of us any benefits. Why not talk and discuss like civilised people? Come to my place, or select a neutral place for the two of us to meet]

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[Sorry, Im kind of busy right now. If you want, we can continue speaking here]

[You Screw you!] Another attempt of his failed. Did he think I was this stupid to accept his offer? Speak to him face to face? Damn! Just thinking about this gave me goosebumps running through my spine.

I wasnt that insane to accept such an offer indeed. And it seemed my refusal just made him more furious.

[What do you want then? Huh! To just help you without getting anything back?]

[We can have a contract at any moment] I laughed, [Like this, and under the protection of the system, you can guarantee whatever you are seeking]

[And what if what I want isnt a thing but a person?]

[What do you mean? There arent any living people there in that pocket world!]

[No way! My friend told me that for a pocket world to appear in front of someone, that a person belonging either to the space or time clans will be there!]

This Damn! Was this sovereign after me? I suspected that the appearance of this pocket world and even this entire Krishna world wasnt a coincidence.

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It was all related to me having the same bloodline that was running in the veins of one of the time clans in the past; the angels.

[Well I cant sign over something I have no control over] I had to find a way out of this damn deadly trap!

If I signed such a contract, and promised him that Id deliver him the one responsible for all this, wasnt this like selling myself out to him or what?

[I only want that person, nothing else. If you cant help me then I wont help you] Damn that sovereign! Why did dealing with him turn out to be so hard?

[May I ask about the reason?]

[What for? As if you will understand it anyway]

[Try me then]

[Yo, this isnt a kindergarten and Im not your master! This is my personal sh*t! Why shall I even tell you?]

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