I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 850: 850 Everyone Is Freaking Out!

[Liar! If you are this curious, you wouldnt have gone to the extent of asking everyone you can reach to solve this for you. Besides, your feeling is right]

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[What do you mean?]

[You arent owning a singular world; you are owning a ticking bomb! Dude, if I was you, Id turn back and ran as far away from there as possible]

[Stop bluffing! I wont get scared of this easily! This is my world, and its mine!]

[Dude, you still dont get it, aint you? This world of yours It isnt in our universe!]

What the heck?!!!

[What the hell are you talking about?]

[The reason behind no one of my fellow colleagues here not recognising any of these writings, even I didnt recognise it, is simple. It didnt come from our universe! Not a single race had a similar language before]

[Who said it? Why would I believe you?]

[Dude, even if my words arent that trustworthy, then think about the other sovereigns. We are the strongest in our race, and my race is the strongest in the entire universe!]

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[Dont brag too much, there is still one race on top of yours]

[Dont ever mention that! We are the strongest, and these cheaters are just using a dirty way to come on top of us! We are stronger, we are the strongest, dont ever forget about that]

[And yet you cant decipher a simple language!]

[Thats because it doesnt exist in our universe, idiot! It came all the way from that alien universe!]

[And I shall believe that!]

[Find me another one who can say where this language came from, and Ill leave my post right away! My friend recognised it already, and its one of the ancient and darkest languages in the history of that universe]

One of the ancient and darkest? [Did you know which clan or race it belonged to?]

[No, he just read a few records about that universe and interrogated many of the captured prisoners from them. He just has this habit, to try and know what others cant, just like myself]

[Oh, I see So this language cant be read What a regret!]

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[Kiddo, you dont get it yet, right? This isnt about the language, its about the world you are in! Such an ancient language is there because this world was once ruled over by one of the ancient races of that hostile universe. And that means you are now inside their universe!]

[That cant be true! I dont know lots of things about that other universe, but I know that it has some sort of energy that will eat away our strength and affect our bodies!]

[Thats not necessarily true. Besides, who knows what other things are in that world? You are stepping over a minefield! Leave it! Abandon that world and give it to those who can handle it]

[Aha, I see now]

[See what?]

[You are trying all this hard to get this world for yourself!]

[Damn human! Im not lying! What do you want? Sign another contract for you to believe my words?]

[Im buying them, but Im not buying your weird sincerity and care for me]

[Come on, our enmity got solved already. Plus, I need you to survive! Just find that person for me and return back and never come here again!]

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[Thats not enough to make me believe you] Of course he was acting a bit weird.

[Fine, Ill spread the word and youll hear the same from those who you trust more]

He sent such a weird message before going all silent. I didnt get what he was going to do. Yet in the next five minutes, I got tons of messages raining down over my eyes.

[Dont do it! Leave now! That world Its very dangerous to stay there!]

[You must leave! Leave now! Dont ever come to this world again!]

[You have a world from the hostile universe? And you are there and chatting with everyone like its your backyard or home? Open a portal, leave and never come here again!]

The three messages and many others came from none other than the three sovereigns I dealt with before.

Reading their distressed messages made me frown. What the heck was going on here exactly? Why did they side with that crazy sovereign, the one they never were on good terms with?

Even Ludan, the one that scared Golane before, was persuading me to leave!

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[Dammit Hye! What the heck did I just hear? Do you have a world in the enemy territory? Dammit! How the heck did you do it in the first place? And are you out of your goddamn mind? Are you tired of living? Do you want us to die with you?]

That last message came from none but Silverlining. And he seemed more distressed and gave out more info than others.

[Can you explain whats going on here? I dont get why everyone panicked!]

[Because you are risking our lives, our entire universe with what you are doing right now!]

[Stop panicking and just explain for me to get it]

[Didnt it ever cross your mind before? Why do we only have battlefields in the other universe and not in us?]

[This But I heard there are many traitors in our universe and also many races got extinct or close to thanks to the schemes of the other universe]

I thought about it for a second before adding, [Besides, I heard that universe is already fighting two other bigger and mightier ones, so its not that free to focus on us]

[Thats Indeed thats part of the reason, but there is also another Our universe has some sort of a big shield, preventing anyone from easily trespassing it. Letting in a few of their races isnt hard, opening a few portals with their worlds isnt that hard either. But they cant just send in large armies the same way we are doing it]

[And Whats that got with me and my world here?]

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