I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 859: 859 We Found Real People!

I watched, and the more I did I got to realise that this place wasnt real. These people didnt have bodies, they were mere souls wandering around, trapped inside such endless hell.

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Their bodies were fake. It might be just a projection of their souls, or some sort of magic done by the technique here to let them live fully in this dream.

Sigh! I hope this will be a good end for their misery, I knew living like this wasnt any much different than living in hell.

So I hoped what my soulers were doing would bring peace at last to these tortured souls.

The once bustling with life and activities cities, towns, and villages turned in mere hours into such deserted places of ghosts.

Even ghosts were no longer living there anymore!

At the first couple of hours, my soulers expanded outwards like a locust. I tagged along, flew over them and watched what they were doing.

Gradually things started to get boring and dull. Nothing new happened. For the first time, I missed the big fights, the resistance anyone would put against my soulers.

It was futile but it gave time a more interesting touch.

After six more hours, I started to lose interest in following them around. There was literally nothing new happening down there!

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They just kept flashing, killing and eating souls, adding such an astronomical number to my soul count.

After three days, I started to grow dull and quite bored. I tried to fill my time during the past days, going from one point to another, trying even to go down there and inspect the empty cities and towns, the empty houses these people left.

There were photos, memories of things that werent even real! People got born, grew up, loved and married, gave birth to new kids before dying and returning again in the form of newborns.

This was endless hell! None of this was real! And gradually, my interest grew dull from seeing all these fake memories and lives that didnt really exist.

Whoever designed this pocket world made sure souls here would never suspect it! They were living such a lie, and never suspected it for even a single second.

Quite Terrifying!

The first thing to happen took almost one week! I didnt know if time here ran at the same pace of the outer world or not, but luckily this all happened inside my second Earth world.

Even staying here for months wouldnt be a big problem for me.

Lord We found something

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The first new change happened after one week when I spotted the great orange fiery fog of Lucias as he was travelling fast towards my direction.

What? Did you find some who tried to resist you? Or someone who saw you? I was already deadly bored. So coming here and telling me such a thing failed to stir any enthusiasm inside my soul.

No lord, we found real people!

You found them? Lily and Angelica? I jumped and asked in such anticipation. He managed to stir the dead heart of me, making me tremble in enthusiasm.

No lord, these are other people And they came from different races, he didnt find my missing two girls, but found a group of other people?

Dont tell me There were people trapped here all this time? Did they come here by mistake? Or were they like Golane?

Where? I asked, tell me where to go!

There lord But you have to get wary of them. These people They managed to resist the attacks of my souler army.

Idiot! Didnt I tell you not to touch any living ones?

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They arent the lords girls so

Damn! Go and tell everyone, finding a single living person is a big deal! They arent allowed to touch them, or else Ill make sure whoever does this to die in my hands, and a terrible death as well.

O Ok lord, Lucias got terrified and instantly he vanished for half an hour before coming back. He seemed to take my words in the wrong way, and I wasnt tolerant towards such deadly mistakes.

Having living people here? This wasnt just a big deal, this was great news for me! These people would know what was going on here, and might even have a clue about the weapon and the deep foundation of this entire pocket world.

And how come they were still alive here? I was quite sure that the second Earth world of mine was void of any living souls. Were they the old inhabitants of this world? The ones who brought death to it?

Or were they something else? I couldnt tell. But from the words Lucias delivered, these people werent simple.

Resisting my soulers? I saw strong races resist the attacks of the soulers for a few times, before theyd finally fall dead under the hands of my soulers.

There wasnt a single occasion where my soulers failed to kill their foes as far as I could remember. Killing my soulers happened but failing to kill never happened before.

The only exception might be what happened back at Albany city. Yet the enemy there was just a projection of the monsters controlled by this city magic.

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Other than this, I couldnt find any other instance like this.

That mean? These people were either special, having the ability to resist souls or anyone who was related to souls.

Or they got some sort of a treasure to protect themselves.

That also explained how they managed to survive here. Being in such a world where souls were all over the place, who knew if one or many of them started hunting these people down.

Which race are they from? I asked, and how long before going there?

Two more hours, lord, Lucias first answered my second question before speaking about their nature, I recognised a few races I met before, ones that grew extinct alongside us many years ago. For example, there are lots of necromancers there. Ah, there are those groose zombies, ones that were once a mighty race in the past.

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