I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 872: 872 The Terrifying Negative Effec

Were they ignited automatically? Once anyone trespassed here or what?

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To be ready for anything, I started my preparations.

My first technique is good enough to fight against many enemies. But if they are strong, then it will be limited My second technique is better suited for dealing with stronger foes, but it lacked the wide range of activity my first technique had Its better to merge the two together then

It didnt take me a minute to reach such a conclusion, and five more to end up the merge between the first and second technique. A big black ball appeared, with many thick arms coming out from it.

I took out many bones and filled up my chariot. I even filled the interior of the chariot. The three floors were now filled with different graded bones.

My harvest from the beasts was really rich. I could now use the gold graded bones or even the dark gold ones to replenish my lost energy.

But I didnt go to such lengths. I just used my green, blue, and silver graded bones, leaving higher ones for better use.

And then I waited.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

After the rise of the five smoke signals, more followed. At some point, I could hear the echo of distant explosions, but couldnt see anything.

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That meant the far away lands from here were also getting stirred and alarmed. Who was doing it? And who would come?

Were they also an army of races belonging to my universe? Or were they an army of grand beasts?

Something told me it was neither. If the enemy here was like the races above, then the ancestors of these ten races wouldnt have found any problem dealing with them.

And if there were beasts like the ones guarding the paths, then the old strict warning to not go into this place didnt make any sense.

If so, they would have just sent different messages, telling their people that this place was guarded with the same fierce beasts like paths.

Then who was going to come here?

Just in half an hour, I got the answer. And it didnt come just alone, but with lots of bad news.

[Warning! You are getting exposed to an alien and hostile universe energy]

All of sudden, I got this message popping in front of my eyes. When I came here, I checked, and the system still worked.

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That made me feel more reassured. But when that message came, many changes started to happen.

The first thing that happened was for the thick layers of clouds to suddenly fall. They fell over my head, covered up my entire chariot, making me see nothing.

I thought they were going down, but this darkness continued for long minutes. At the same time, I kept hearing sizzling noise, as if my shield was fighting against fierce power outside.

[Warning! Your system power is going to lost eighty percent of its value]

[Warning! Everything related to the system will lose eighty percent of its value]

[Warning! Your strength and stats are going to lose eighty percent of their value]

[Warning! Your forces are going to lose eighty percent of their strength value]

[Warning! Anything brought from your universe will lose eighty percent of its value]

[Warning! The weakening curse of the alien hostile universe energy is activated]

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Damn fierce! I sucked in a cold air of breath while one thing echoed loudly in my mind.

When I got the treasures from the three sovereigns, Silverlining stressed over their crucial role and high value in dealing with the hostile universe energy at the outer battlefields.

I didnt place that in my mind at that moment. After all, going to these battlefields wasnt a thing Id do anytime soon.

But right now And seeing all these messages, feeling my chariot getting weaker, and even it couldnt keep the high altitude and started to fall made me realise how deadly such an effect was.

I took it lightly before. However right now I was feeling the real threat of death coming at me.

This wasnt just about the weakening effect of this hostile universes energy It was about what this all meant!

The upper world was inhabited by my universes races And this one was inhabited by the hostile universe races!

I recalled the stories I heard from the zone leaders before. They all agreed on the same story, this world came to existence amidst a great war between their ten races, mighty forces and the hostile universe forces.

Damn! I never asked about the nature of the other universe forces I couldnt help but blame my carelessness on this.

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I never thought Id have to fight these enemies here. The stories spoke about how the world was created by the sacrifice from the hostile universe forces.

But it seemed these stories were wrong! These races survived, just like my universes elite ten races did.

If the ten elite races of my universe were fighting a brutal war against the hostile universe forces, then I could assume these forces were at least as strong as the ten big races of my universe.

If not being stronger!

And that It was terribly bad news for me.

I looked around The chariot was all surrounded with such thick layers of clouds that kept assaulting my chariot. I hurriedly opened the core of the chariot and examined the status of energy there.

Damn! I lost eighty percent of the energy stored here! F*ck this! I was scared when I saw the great amount of energy stored here getting reduced to just a couple tens of millions.

That That wasnt even enough to sustain me for an hour against heavy assault! An hour was even an exaggeration!

Damn! The energy crystals lost eighty percent of their value!!! and gradually I was seeing how fierce this eighty percent curse was.

I used to take out tens of my crystals to get enough energy for my chariot, enough to sustain me for weeks.

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