I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 874: 874 Using An Artefact To Change T

Thunder hawks Fiery lions And flying serpents Interesting, I got another clue. It seems the clans in the other universe usually use names of a natural power and an animal, a sort of combining them together to form their attacks.

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No time for that, my lord, we need to find them fast and exterminate most of them before the more troublesome dudes arrive.

Why look alone when we can summon part of the souler army to do that? I was just about to summon a large group of soulers when Lucias suddenly turned to me and shouted in such fright!

Dont! My lord Sorry, but you cant If you call them here, with how weak and low grade they are, they will end up dying!

This I stopped, realising the point he was referring to, So we are left without any force?

Lord can summon the five elites, also those fallen gods and the high dragons Anyone without high stats will be left to die here, my lord.

And his words landed, making me realise I just lost most of my forces simply like that, simply by being here.


And just as I was lost in the shock of this, I heard a loud rumbling coming from many places around.

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Lord, they are coming We need to find them fast! We need to kill them before others will arrive!

Damn! and using my Hawk Eye skill made me see how bad, terribly bad, my current situation was.

Densely packed enemies were running towards my direction, all big and frightening looking races. Their number was frighteningly high, too much for even my army of soulers to handle.

And just now I realised I lost my army of soulers, and had to fight against all of them alone! With weakened allies and forces on my side How the heck should I win this damn fight?

Lord Just when I was lost in the heavy effect of the moment, Lucias voice came to jolt me awake. Its now Or never

He said it in such a way that made me feel that my death hour was drawing near, so damn near that I could even hear the bells of the death god on his chariot flying towards me right now.

I turned and looked at my weak and pathetic looking chariot and my Lucias, thought about the scene Id have, with just a few fallen gods and five elite soulers, a bunch of flying dragons, Bulltors, and shield bearers.

I Im screwed! I got this result even without trying to take them out. What was the point? It was just pointless.

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We lacked in everything, either the overall strength, the size of the armies, the level of gears, abilities, and even the individual strength.

Would my legacy end here? Would I end my journey and fall in such a forsaken place?

I clenched my glaive tightly, feeling the coldness of it. I looked at my left arm holding the centre of the merged technique of mine.

I Couldnt fall down here, would never fall this easily without a fight!

I never expected to use such things here But who cares! If my life reached to such a point where I might lose it, then who f*cking cares!

Well I wasnt out of options to be honest. However the solution I had was something I intended to use back at my capital.

But Who cared! I looked at the world around me and had one single thought in my mind This had to stop!

This entire place was a torture! I didnt know how these races from the alien universe were living, but I could say for sure they were having a hellish life, just like my universe races.

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They were coming at me, might be mistaking me for the ones who caused all this to them. If I was in their shoes, Id come with everything I got to crush the bastards who did this to me.

But they were directing their battle towards the wrong enemy. Even if we were enemies, that was on the outer battlefields.

Right here And inside this grand prison designed by the dirty schemes of those motherf*ckers, we werent enemies, we were victims of the same tyranny and injustice.

Using that item right now? So what! Losing a lot? So what! I only needed to restore the balance of this fight, turn things upside down, and give my technique a chance to show its worth.

What was the biggest obstacle, the major factor that turned this fight into such a desperate state? Wasnt it the alien universe energy?

Simple Id negate that effect at once and would restore the balance of such a battle once more.

I got two unused artefacts from the sovereigns, one was the dens of heroes. That little egg required a peaceful place to grow itself into a magnificent den of heroes.

It wasnt suitable to be used here. My second Earth world would be the perfect place for such an artefact.

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However right now, and in the middle of such angry masses, and in a place that had the smell of death reeking from all its corners, I had only the other artefact left to use; the fountain of life!

I knew its name might give a false impression about this little baby, but it was really the most suited artefact to use in this kind of situation, in such a place filled with death.

What was that artefact? It was one that was given to me from Tontram sovereign. It was supposed to be a treasure to help in turning any dead place filled with terror of death and big wars into such prosperous place, brimming with life and many potentials.

Well Its uses actually werent going to be useful for me later on. As this entire world would fall and collapse after destroying what these idiots were defending.

But that was the only thing I got to turn the tables around without losing my life in the process.

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