I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 881: 881 The Cruel Fate These Races Fa

As he started to speak in such a way, I had to show my demeanour to him and others. Also I wanted to know the answer to this important question.

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Why the heck were they fighting me and my forces in such stubbornness?

You Are you full of yourself, arent you? that dude seemed to still not accept his defeat.

If you had the ability, then why am I the one standing on top of your heads and asking questions here? Im your lord, you can suck it up or accept it, but that wont change the fact that I won and you lost.

a bulging glaring daggering eyes were what I was met with when I said these words.

You are wasting my time. If you wont answer, then go down there and send others up, ones who can speak and not just bitterly cry on the corner for their losses.

Fine Great Let me challenge the so-called lord then! I got to see that you use our dark shadow clan techniques. You did great, but against me

Before he would continue his trash talk, I moved my dragon glaive and stopped it just an inch off his neck.

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My glaive was moving like another arm of mine. Supporting all these sacrifices made it look like a feather in my arm.


Let me make myself clear I wont tolerate any nonsense like this ever again. Wanna fight? We have been fighting for goddamn month! If you had such an ability, why didnt you defeat me back then? I hate it most when talking about useless stuff like this. So its either all of you kneel down, bow your heads, and acknowledge me as your lord right now, or youll all die, and without the need of my to stain my precious glaive with your blood! Ill do it using the system power.

I was fed up with such nonsense. If they didnt get it, then I should kill them and make them an example for whoever would come on board next.

Sorry Lord but when I expected them to defy me, one of them with all scarlet red fire surrounding his body said, using the title I bestowed over myself as a sign of his acceptance for me.

Its just We lived our entire lives seeing people from your race as the criminals who caused all this to us But for a reason Why do I feel you know nothing about this?

Oliver! Dont! the dude who was so close from getting his head rolling on my chariot shouted in such distress and panic.

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But Oliver just shrugged. You know that I can feel peoples honesty from their auras, so this Oliver dude seemed to be someone with special psychic powers. He felt my confusion, and the need to know the truth of this matter.

As I expected, they mistook us for the ones who did all this to all of us.

What Oliver said is true, and before anyone would step in and ruin this chance of breaking through their thick shield of hatred, I had to step in and clear things out, in fact there is a surface world where our people live and experience Hell! And we got to know that you are the ones who did it.

Lies! that dude who had the same power as mine shouted in such anger, your people did all this to us! Entrapping our people, sacrificing many each year and make them get tortured and screaming until they were dead! We heard everything! We saw everything! How cruel of you! How brutal you are! And you dare to come here, asking us to follow you as if nothing happened? I prefer to die than to listen to such rubbish from such a tyrant!

Wow! It was way worse than I ever expected!

Those motherf*ckers! and I didnt keep my thoughts hidden from them at such a crucial moment, we all got trapped here by a third party, another enemy, the ones who did all this to all of us.

You Are you quite shameless, do you know that?!!!

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I ignored that dark shadow clan remark and kept talking:

I came from the outside world, where I found by accident this pocket world. Here I found on the surface ten of my universes mightiest races, races who went extinct after entrapping here.


They suffered from another fate, they had to see many of their people die and turn into souls. Its not as brutal as you experienced, but it wasnt nice as well.

Stop lying! Stop spouting nonsense!!!

This time, most of them screamed in such a way, while their eyes told me how immensely deep such hatred was.

Fine, do you know why I came down here?

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To kill us, for sure.

I came here to find a weapon, the main thing this entire hellish prison was built upon and for. Do you think your people were sacrificed for nothing? My people were killed for just fun? Our people were killed for years to fuel a deadly weapon lying underneath this damn place. Im going to find it, and Ill show you everything to make you believe me.

I didnt wait for their responses, turned around and closed all the portals I opened before. Not a single one passed through them yet. Change of plans I will take you all with me to see the ugly truth of this world. Let me show you how dirty the scheme you fell to is. Just stick around and follow my chariot.

I held my horn as I spoke to everyone. The next moment, Lucias flashed and appeared next to me, giving everyone here a scare.

He looked scary, and he did great in this war with his soulers. So the leaders here mistook his actions as a sign for me deciding to kill all of them.

Tell me, is there a hidden place underneath here? A place where we can go but blocked by anything?

This Oliver looked in such a wary way towards Lucias, making me inwardly sigh.

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