I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 894: 894 Something Seems Fishy

Dont hesitate They know They know about your visit. They left all these statues here to watch me and anyone coming here. Dont waste time, please finish me before it will be too late to do that.

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Are they coming here? a flash of cold light appeared in my eyes while my tone grew extremely cold.

Dont They are far stronger than what you consider strength is in your mind. Just kill me and leave. This place This f*cking place will crumble the moment Im dead. It wont be accessible by anyone, and will just vanish like it never existed.

But you said they are coming, I stopped listening to all his pleas and focused more on the fact that they were coming here.

What was scarier than dealing with a hidden and mysterious enemy? In fact it was my scariest fear. If I had to risk it, then I should do it in return for exposing these folks.

Come! Come and let me see who you truly are! Unlike what that pathetic dude expected, I turned to all the statues and shouted, waving my glaive in such a challenging way, come or else your little precious boy here will die. Youll lose a precious asset, and I wont hesitate to make you suffer such great loss.

You Are crazy! Do you want to die and take down your universe with you? Do you want more universes to suffer what the few I smashed their shields are suffering from?!!

Dont! I pointed my glaive towards this pathetic dude, I wont fall here, and wont let you live a single moment after two minutes from now.

I said my last piece in such loud tone, trying to provoke those motherf*ckers. To add little flavour to my words, I waved my glaive for a few circles before landing it towards that dude.

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Losing an arm wont kill you, right? and with it, I severed his right arm, sending it rolling over the ground, leaving behind a long trail of purple blood.

Its Pointless, he first fiercely screamed out of immense pain before I watched something crazy happening.

That thing in his chest flared up, getting stirred with what I just did. Then at the place where that arm was cut, a new one grew again, just like it was a branch coming out from a tree.

That was New to me!

You can Regenerate?!! I couldnt help but ask in doubt, and he only sighed.

Its this thing he pointed at that glassy heart, it keeps me alive. Even if you send my head rolling, it will kick in and regrow another head. Its just like that, with it inside my body Im an immortal.

And that thing works over the energy that is provided for you? I asked again and this dude nodded.

Energy is needed to keep it running, and bones and flesh are needed to regenerate my lost pieces. Its futile man, just kill me and let all of us live in peace.

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Ok, as he kept begging, and those bastards didnt take my words quite seriously so far, I took a few steps forward, raised my glaive and held it with both hands, before falling it fiercely over that heart.

And as I did that, that dude just closed his eyes, with a new look over his face.

It was a look of peace!

Something Something was off here. Just as my glaive fell, I shifted its target at the last moment, severing his right side totally without touching the heart.

Damn! Damn you! Whats wrong with you? Why torturing me like this? You looked like a good man! Damn you!

As he got almost his right half halved, he started to twist and scream like a girl while his heart flashed again. This time, I noticed the speed of its growth was slower.

Im not joking, Ill kill him, and as I felt more unsettled, I kept playing such a game with those supposedly watching races, come and get me. Come and stop me, I dare you!

F*ck! What is inside your skull? Jelly? Why dont you listen to me? Just aim at my heart and relieve me and all the people in the cosmos from my threat.

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Shut up! for the first time, I screamed at it while moving my glaive at him. Its right half still didnt fully regenerate, and I added a rolling head on the ground before moving my glaive again and severed his left side as well.

What remained from his body was just the torso and chest parts, with that heart flashing brighter.

He was right, he could regenerate his head! But that took almost ten minutes to happen. As for the rest of his body, it took a quarter.

Damn you!

Shut the hell up! During these minutes, I stayed vigilant against the supposedly arriving forces of those mighty enemies.

Yet all it ended up was nothing! Not a single foe appeared, even that proclaimed portal never appeared.

Ill kill you! and as I reached this point, he roared, standing up with his body not complete. Even his skill was missing an eye and part of his nose, giving him such a scary look.

As he said it, he grabbed a big double edged axe from the back of his throne, and thought about coming at me.

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Yet I was the one who ran towards him first.

F*ck you! This was the last thing he said before I severed his new head again, alongside his two hands and feet. I didnt spare his torso this time, as I cleaved apart his chest from abdomen.

The sight wasnt pleasant to be honest, yet it had to be done this way.

My side of the story? This damn bastard was the real weapon indeed. But for a reason I didnt know, he tried to make me come and smash that heart of his with my own glaive.

Things didnt look right. If he could kill himself, why the hell didnt he do it before? Relying on that weak will story and fear of death, the survival instinct of his It was just a lame and funny story.

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