I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 896: 896 Delivering The Grave News

I looked at this small gem and couldnt help but sigh. For a reason, this gem was an alien to that dude, some sort of artefact he gained to acquire such power.

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He was a bastard of the enemy hidden from me. Yet I got lots of recognition and gratitude for killing him, something that was weighed for nothing of value for me right now.

Notorious universe destroyer What an infamous title for such a pussy, I rolled my eyes when I recalled this part of the messages I got, making me not know if I should be proud of this or not.

But one thing was sure for me right now, this weapon was all related to that bastard. He was the weapon. And he was gone for good.

Get inside, I touched that small ball on the ground and stored it inside my inventory. The system needed time to recognise it, making me wonder what it would give me when this all got done.

Would I get some cool ability out of it or what? Regeneration ability seemed nice, but as I didnt encounter any brutal fight recently, I doubted it would be of any use for me.


Just as I was thinking about this, I heard this faint rumble coming from one direction before many others happened after that.

I looked around, and for a moment there I didnt know what I was seeing right now.

The entire hall kept shaking and trembling, while cracks appeared all over it. Was it going to get destroyed or what?

Light started to come from these cracks, and even the statues around started to crack as well.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

All of sudden, everything around me started to explode, sending lots of these gems all over the place. I shielded myself with my glaive, sending anything coming at me away, turning it into dust.

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Yet when I saw what remained after this series of explosions, I couldnt prevent my eyes from going all wide.

Lily Angelica You two were here all this time?!!! I was shocked to see the two familiar faces standing in the place where two statues were.

And they werent alone. Other people appeared. Different looking races who told me they were from other universes appeared in the places of statues from before.

They all looked dazed, lost and confused. They looked around, looked at themselves, then looked at me.

And a look of hatred flashed all over their faces, even Lily and Angelica showed the same look.

Wait Im not that bastard, I hurriedly said, look, I dont have that damn thing on my body, right?

I pointed towards my chest, just to make things clear for them.



That son of b*tch Did he run away?

Where is he?

Suddenly different voices came, all filled with immense hatred and lots of pain. I felt their desire for revenge, making me wonder if that dude really destroyed their universes, kept them entrapped here just for his amusement.

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That Was such a sick thing to do, and I didnt see it was weird for such a jerk to do such a lowly thing.

I killed him, I said before adding, I killed him right here and he is Gone.



No way! That son of b*tch is eternal!

No one can kill him!

I cant believe it!

I wasnt here to see it myself!

Different comments came, yet the last two comments came from my girls as they said in one breath:


They just said it in low tone before suddenly screaming my name again. The next moment I saw their bodies tremble, their eyes all red, filled with running tears before the two of them jumped at me, burying their heads in my embrace.

Dont worry Its over, I patted over their shoulders. Even the giant Lily lowered her head and buried it into my embrace like this was the safest place for her in the world.

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And from the sound of crying they issued, I got how hard this experience was on them.

I didnt know yet what they passed through, but it seemed like hell.

Who are you? as the two girls recognised me in this way, and there was no sign of that son of b*tch who entrapped them here, everyone started to change their attitude and gazes towards me.

Im the human race Hye, from universe From my universe, nice to meet all of you, I paused as I suddenly realised that I didnt know what my universe name was.

This was A bit weird, wasnt it?

Human race? Universe? You arent from my place.

Neither from mine.

Never heard of such a mighty race called humans before.

What is this race? Are you this mighty?

Do you know what happened to my race?

Yes, my universe, my people, the Sockerots, do you know anything about them?

All of sudden they kept speaking about such weird things, asking me questions I couldnt answer, asking me about the condition of their races and universes that I never heard about before.

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Silence, and as things grew to such a hectic state, I raised my glaive high in the air and shouted.

And with this single shout, all of them stopped speaking and even retreated a couple of steps backwards, seemingly terrified from me.

Damn! Did they take my race to be this mighty? Well, it wasnt a bad idea to let them keep this misunderstanding, right?

Im your friend, and ally However to be honest, I never heard about any of your races or universes Sorry about that, I could only sigh while not knowing if I should say anything more or something.


You never heard about my race?

What about my universe?

Wait I never saw you before!!!

How long For how long was I trapped here?

Damn! This means

Slowly they started to see the ugly truth about what happened to their races and universes.

I knew that jerk held that infamous title of universe destroyer. And that meant he already destroyed many universes.

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