I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 903: 903 Meeting A Zombie

Go now, the entry and exit are always open all the time, I pointed in the direction of the dome. And yet before they left, each one knelt on one knee, announced their vow to serve me after getting their thoughts straight.

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They werent that many, but I got that they were strong enough to help at times of distress. Not to mention the knowledge they got must be huge!

A new world was waiting for me after theyd returned to their true selves.

System, can you give them your power? and as they went down there, I asked the system, hoping for it to do it.

Even if they would stay behind and not do anything major, they should at least get the power of my universe system.

Like this the first step in letting them into my universe would be done. As theyd get to know the system and its various and marvellous different options and abilities, theyd start to point out differences from powers at their universes.

Like this theyd be ready with a long list of knowledge long before our talk. And if they were half the men and women I was expecting, theyd be smart enough to see through my real intentions here.

[The system will link them but we need more time to assess their abilities. They use different forms of energy that the system is getting to know for the first time]

As I expected, they came from different far away universes. Well, if this was going to help then it was great.

If the system managed to recognise new energy then things would be nice. The system could add more features and even things like cultivation if possible.

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Recalling cultivation made me think about mine. I slacked a lot and had to start my cultivation.

Not to mention I wanted to check what changes happened to my shadow world by the pure energy I sent there.

That explosion didnt cause any damage there, right? Or so Id have to feel changes in my dantians already.

I checked, and my two dantians were just doing perfectly fine. I didnt get a backlash or any sort of damage whatsoever.

That meant my shadow world was ok, right?

How could it not be? It was After all, the world!

As I watched the group of saved alien races vanish inside the dome, I knew it was time for me to do what I had to do; roaming the world and select two far away continents for these folks to stay at.

You two can go down there and rest, I said to Lily and Angelica. The two kept uncomfortably close distance from me all the time, and if you got time, can you check on Hilary for me?


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What happened to her?!

The two looked at me in weird ways and I just realised they werent here when my chick got controlled by that soul.

I had to explain what happened to them. And when I finished, I saw a gaze full of regret and pain, with lots of self blaming there.

Girls This wasnt your fault.

Yes it is! If I just didnt ask for that damn cosmetic thing! What was special about that cosmetics anyway to drive me crazy? Angelica said and I couldnt help but nod.

I kept asking you this all the time without getting any answer at all.

Well, she was controlled it seemed, she and Hilary. I got to realise this when I saw what happened to Hilary. And it seemed Angelica just realised it now.

Anyway, lets go down there and check on her, Lily pulled Angelicas arm, and let you work.

Take good care of yourselves, will you? The last thing I wanted was to add more blow to the already shattered self esteem.

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As the two girls descended through the stairs, the visitor I was waiting for finally arrived.

Lucias appeared first by my side. Yet the newcomer took his time to walk in such a calm and steady way, as if he wasnt fearing me, fearing anything.

I got to read a detailed description about zombies coming to my world on the next quest. They were merciless, they were bloody, and above anything else they werent this sane or had any mind at all.

They were described as hideous species, deformed from the races they infected. They got such pale white and grey skin that gave anyone the impression it was covered with mucus.

It was gross, but it didnt apply here. Even the words talking about how their bodies got soft bones, could twist and not die didnt apply here.

This dude was skinny, as the description of the zombies at the fifth quest told. But he was standing erect, walking on two and not on four. He got eyes, not eyes covered with a thin layer of white opage tissue that would turn them blind.

He got normal teeth, normal features, not those saw like teeth or deformed features I read about.

He has thin muscles, and seemingly strong bones. With each step he took over my chariot, I could hear a soft bang coming from the weight and might of his steps.

He got two blazing scarlet red eyes with vertical pupils. The first thing he made me feel when he stood this close was strong.

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He was strong! And I didnt feel such a thing except from my soulers and fallen gods.

Im Loran, at your service, my lord, he bowed and greeted me in such courtesy, making me wonder if he was really honest about it or not.

At ease, regardless he showed his respect, and I had to show him my appreciation, I see that you are quite different from the current zombies in our universe.

How so? he seemed a little puzzled, what changed?

A lot changed, I sighed, dont forget, you vanished from our universe for tens of thousands of years or even more.

This he seemed to not realise the magnitude of such tiny detail.

Your race is considered extinct in our universe.

But lord You just said there are zombies in our universe.

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