I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 905: 905 Silverlining Crisis

Using it here? He seemed a little surprised. But I had to be sure they werent just going lunatics or having funny thoughts.

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Do you have an issue? I asked, while my gazes were fixed over his face, watching him in such a fierce and vigilant way.

One wrong move and this dude here would die.

I dont, yet he calmly shook his head, I just have to tell lord that this technique is used to wake up our race folks in deep slumber.

You mean it wont work?

The technique will get activated, but it wont do anything at all.

No problem.

And once we are done, we will need to replenish our energy again.

Thats not a big problem, I shrugged, we already got tons of monsters in here. You can feed on them after each attempt, here or back in my world.

Thanks lord.

Go now and make them prepared, I waved my glaive for him to move away, just wait for me until Im done with these folks here. Then we will move out.

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I watched him leave my chariot before starting to move my baby towards the west. I checked the map of this world and sat my eyes over my first target.

There was a big continent there, away from my main continent with another one in the middle, one that was smaller in size than these two.

I planned to leave the alien universe races there. Such a huge distance would buy me enough time till my people would inhabit my main continent and the one next to it.

[How are things going?]

And as I got lots of time, at least half a month in my estimate, I sent a message to Silverlining.

The last messages between me and him were related to this pocket world. He warned me tons of times to not touch that place, and yet I did.

I proved again that with will and might, with clear heart and mind, I could get through any tough challenges and survive. Not to mention I got rid of that damn weapon for good.

[You Good You are very good At least you arent dead yet] and what he sent were these weird words. I got that he was mad, confused, and must be pressured during the past months by the sovereigns.

[Please tell me you kept sending forces here] I sent, [Or else Im screwed]

[What? Do you have something after you? Dammit Hye! I warned you! Never go inside that damn stupid pocket world!]

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[Man, chill out first and take a deep breath. I got in, screwed whoever was inside, and won that place over. Now Im out, and Im fine. I just lost tons of forces in there, and need new blood right now]

This time he took lots of time to respond that even made me slightly worried.

[I heard that you got yourself out]

The next message didnt come from Silverlining, but from that crazy sovereign. [Getting into such a dangerous pocket world and getting out Thats something only happened to a few, you do know that?]

[Thanks. Did silverlining tell you?]

[Tell me? That jerk is running naked all over the capital, shouting your name and what you did!]

What the f*ck?!! I just sent this to him almost half an hour ago. Was he in his races capital or what?

[Dont blame him. He was locked up for the entire period you were gone]

[What the heck happened?!!]

[You didnt know? When he talked to you it wasnt just a simple talk. Damn! That idiot! Didnt he tell you?]

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[Well] I tried to recall and when I did, I recalled that I closed the chat with him, ignoring everything he said.

Did he send something related to what this crazy old man was saying?

I instantly opened the chat between me and Silverlining. And there I found old messages that I missed.

[Dude, please, stop this madness right now]

[This isnt a place you can risk going to and leave without getting yourself killed]

[You are going to endanger all of us! Are you aware of that?]

[Dude Please respond! Tell me at least you are reading this]

[Im not speaking to you as your friend, I got a direct order with my neck on the line if I failed. You have to stand down and share this world with us. Let the pros do it]

[Dammit Hye! Im trying to help and save your life and yet here you are! You messed up your life, and screwed mine Thanks for that! Im not going to prison thanks to you]

Damn! [So he didnt send me any forces till now?]

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[What? Damn! Are you crazy? He was locked up during this time and just got out thanks to your message. Now you are asked to come here and explain what happened]

[No way! I got tons of things to do] I instantly refused. Going there by my own will? I wasnt that crazy, you know.

Going to the lair of lions with my own feet? No way! I was here the king, but back there Id be a powerless chicken cornered by wolves.

[You gotta come. Everyone here is deadly worried]

[Im fine]

[Not on you, arrogant bastard! We are worried about our universe! You read the stones? I found a way to read them and the message there Damn! Hye, you need to come right now and explain what happened. I dont need to tell you that all of us are seriously considering calling out for a grand meeting with all the big forces here. We even will side with the Hescos]


[This is our universe, this is our lives we are speaking about. Not only our current generation, but for our future generations as well. You have to come and explain what happened there and let everyone know the truth. If its bad as we all expect, dont get chicken out because of this. We are on your side, everyone here is on your side]

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