I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 929: 929 Fulfilling An Old Promise

That jerk was the only one able to turn me mad with just simple words of his. I took deep breaths before I finally calmed down myself.

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[Help is going your way] I sent to Fang before recalling my twin discs. [Lead your forces back to the capital. Ill leave a huge ten portals there. They will lead you all the way to Texas directly]

[Wow! Nice touch!]

[Dont slack! This war is huge and I want it done before the start of the fifth quest]

[Dont worry, leave it to me. Since when have I let you down? Im your right handed man! Ill make you proud]


I controlled myself to not find this jerk and smash his head. As I got this urgent task, I stopped, saved the bookmark, before jumping directly to Texas.

There the situation was a clear image of war camps. Long rows of forces kept marching towards the direction of the big gulf to the south.

I didnt look around for too much before finding a suitable zone to use my discs at. I installed the ten ones there and returned back to the capital and installed the other ten.

I left the gates just outside the huge walls and densely packed defensive forts at the southern parts of my capital. This was the most heavily fortified and most secure place in my entire capital.

[They are done! Just lead your forces and move them to Texas]

[Im on my way. Others are as well. We will commence a grand meeting soon at the capital before travelling to the two continents]

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[Beware, I wont be here to help. So]

[Dont worry, I told you I got it]

[And ah Dont forget to take good care of my armies. Dont screw them like you did with your armies]

[Damn you! I wasnt the one who did all this to my armies! I just got in bad circumstances]

[Excuses I dont want to hear them anymore, right?]

[Yes, Im your right handed general after all, hahaha!]

This jerk! I tried to tease him, but ended up getting teased instead. I closed the chat and sent it to Fang, telling him about my forces getting on the move.

He told me that he started working on the fake retreat plan. He also said theyll abandon Texas shores, giving the enemy the false impression that they were really at a tight spot and considering abandoning this continent for them.

He planned to gather up forces and move them to help my troops. At least he got some conscience, and decided to help in this big war.

I felt more reassured this way. Having trust in that jumper? Damn! He got every single army I gave to him destroyed!

Of course I was worried! I even thought about bringing more fresh troops to help if needed.

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But if I ever did that, Id delay much of the plans of the fifth quest.

Anyway, I returned to my journey to Isac. as I got closer, I sent her a message.

[Ive seen you from far away, yet didnt see any of the people you promised]

[Do you want them here? Fine, Ill bring them all here]

[No wait! Can you just scatter them around? And before bringing them here, are they oblivious to their tasks or what?]

[Dont worry, they all know what they are going to do]

[Perfect! Let me get more dragon riders then]

[Im going to bring them first. You handle everything else]

I opened a portal and went back to the second Earth. [Send all the people towards my chariot] I sent to Angelica once I arrived.

[Do you know how f*cking huge this place is? And we got mountains! Hye, I cant see your chariot anywhere!]

I frowned for a second before sending again, [Bring them all to the path near the place of the explosion]

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[Oh, I got it. Ill send everyone now]

[Cool! Ill leave this task over for you]

I started opening tons of portals here. Unlike the portals opened by the twin discs, mine paled in terms of size.

So I had to compensate for it in numbers. As I got done, I already saw the early batches of the people coming here.

They looked so damn huge in number! I got satisfied with what Angelica did and decided to return back to my Earth again.

I got done with one planned task and one urgent one. Yet there still remained another important one; the MIT guys.

I went back to where I left to find Isac waiting for me. She stood over her chariot, crossing her arms and swaying her body just like any girl would do when getting mad.

Man up! I said before adding as I turned my chariot away, they are coming. Get ready to welcome them.

And just as I was less than a mile away, I could hear a loud ruckus coming from behind. They arrived, and the many dragon rider girls started to shout and organise them to start their work.

[Thanks!] Isac sent, and I didnt care about her hidden apology.

[How is the current state of work around the kingdom?]

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[As you can see, we just secured north, then marched to west. We still lack few parts at north, and we didnt touch south yet]


[Dont worry, we will start working soon with all the workers you provided. I will make sure to finish the building projects at north, and start working at south]

[Be sure to have an army stationed at each direction]

[I already got six armies waiting to help at any given moment]

[Thats cool]

I instantly used my teleportation staff and returned back to the capital.

I felt like I was racing against time whenever I came to Earth out of late. Everything had to be done yesterday!

Going to the capital after all this time made me feel like I was going home.

This time I was coming here as the overlord king. There was nothing to threaten my capital anywhere around.

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