I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 935: 935 The Rocket Launcher

It was a rocket launcher installed on the back of a big truck. I looked at the two rows of five cylindrical barrels that were held in such an oblique way, seemingly ready to fire.

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See lord, Moore started to speak again, and yet I felt a faint arrogance and much pride in showing me his rocket launcher.

This was supposed to be a standard rocket launcher with a rocket battery supplied to it, he said while pointing at the back launching part of this big weapon, but we had to change all that.

We used the same tech and concept behind the monster cores you provided to us before, Wolf didnt like how his rival was acting, and stepped in to ruin this moment over Moore.

Using the tech wasnt enough, Moore gave Wolf a side warning glance, as he seemed to grow annoyed from what the latter did, we had to change the entire internal mechanism, adding new parts to these weapons to work efficiently and without a problem.

But that didnt happen without changing the entire concept of these rockets, Wolf didnt give in as he added, we had to change the nature of their attacks. Instead of launching rockets, we launched energy pulses, explosive enough to devastate one hundred metres area.

One hundred metres? I asked in doubt, while the two nodded in such excitement that I didnt get the reason behind.

Lord, our rockets before could destroy single targets or thirty metres area We added lots of damage to make these look so brutal.

And yet, Wolf paused on purpose, as if he was showing off or something, our companys big cannons can destroy areas up to two hundred metres.

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I was speechless! Did they think such areas were enough?

Lord, do you want to check it? Wolf noticed, as many here, that my face didnt look as what they expected.

Lord, is something wrong? Old Gan asked, and I couldnt help but sigh.

What made the area of effect this limited?

Limited?!! my words fell and many exclaimed in shock. The blonde girl leading the MIT youth team looked at Wolf, Moore, and old Gan before saying:

Does lord want it to explode in a wider area?

Of course! One and two hundred metres? Come on! We are doing this to create weapons of mass destruction, not toys for kids to play with, I said and felt like my words were filled with all complaints and no directions.

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See, in big wars just like the last one we had at the nearby continent, we had to fight over an area of tens or even hundreds of miles! Our enemies kept pouring towards our direction in millions, tens of millions even. Using such limited scale weapons wouldnt help!

But Old Gan looked at me in a weird way, that was caused by the limitations of energy sources. Monster cores dont bring that much energy to begin with. And to make these things work, we had to replace many parts with energy consuming devices of our own.

So what? I didnt care about reasons, I wanted results, fine Lets do a test then.

I took out a dark purple ore the size of my head. It was the same fierce one I used before and brought great results, lets test this rocket thing with my little more here.

This the hall fell under such heavy silence, making me wonder what I said wrong.

Lord, we need to use tons of energy sources to make these work.

You gotta be kidding me, right? I couldnt control myself when Moore said these words, do you think this is cost efficient? This you need to work further on improving all this.

I didnt like such results. Of course they did just great, but it was far from enough. Sigh! Go and gather everyone, and bring everything you need. We are going somewhere else.

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Where? In that second world of yours? The blonde girl once heard me speaking about my second Earth, and her words reminded me of that.

You will enjoy a good time there. Just bring everything you need and make sure to not leave a single scrap behind.

We will need a few hours to do that! Wolf exclaimed in surprise and I didnt find anything wrong about waiting.

After all, I had to go and find them a suitable continent.

Take whatever time you need. If you came here and didnt find me, then just wait until Ill arrive, I said, and this time I just prayed nothing else would happen back at the second world to delay me.

Every single time I made such a promise I couldnt keep it. I didnt know if it was a curse of what, but I hoped this time would be different.

As I watched them leave, I stopped Moore and asked for his rocket launcher.

Lord, you need to place the ores here, he opened a big black box at the back of this truck. It was really big and could accommodate lots of ores inside.

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It was empty right now, showing the back structure that had many openings. It seemed these would deliver the ores to the rocket launcher, allowing it to work and launch death over the enemies.

However it wasnt that effective yet.

When you are ready, you can press that button here, he pointed to a big red button at the back of the truck, the range can cover thirty miles, giving it an advantage in big wars.

We need to raise that range at least by triple, even the point he seemed to see as a big advantage wasnt.

Lord he gave me such a look, as if I was setting a very hard standard for them.

They should get that they werent a simple project or a team working on something trivial. This was the future of my kingdom, and held lots of possibilities for me and my people.

By the way, consider it damaged, I said in advance, Ill possibly ruin it with this thing, I threw my purple ore inside before closing the box and got that rocket launcher inside my inventory.

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