I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 942: 942 Preparing New Training Ground

The long trait in front of me would get diverted into two midway, separating the lands of the three continents apart.

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I examined this place with great satisfaction. I was just perfect! My troops could train on such a huge distance, adding the many islands in between the continents would turn this place into a heaven for my forces.

As I found it, it was time to bring forces and people here. Troops couldnt live without towns and cities.

It wasnt just to secure food for them, but also to make them feel a sense of responsibility. I liked how it went back to my first training grounds.

Hopefully this place will turn into a better place.

[Listen, make sure to send the future batches to the place where Im at right now] as I reached a good distance inside one of the three continents, I sent this to Silverlining.

[And the old place?]

[It got already filled. So move everything to here]

[Cool! The next batch should arrive in few hours anyway]

[Looking for it. Also how about the dens I asked for?]

[Give me a day before Ill bring them to you]


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[Also wait for a good news soon]

[What good news?]

[Im preparing a present for you]

Oh, that thing again. [Fine, keep acting mysterious and dont arouse my curiosity, ok?]

[Hahahaha! It always feels nice to arouse your curiosity, especially when there is a good present waiting for you]

[Tell me about that when its ready]

[Why not guess it then?]

[F*ck off!] I closed the chat while feeling a little annoyed by this dude. He seemed to enjoy a better life since coming out of prison.

What happened to him to be this happy? Was it a new status in his race? Or was it my bones?

It was weird!

Anyway, I left a few discs at the two continents nearby, before going back to the training camp grounds.

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[Im opening portals at the place where the bomb exploded] I sent it to her while I started to look for a good place to rely these discs at. I selected a place far away from the previous portals and also it was close to the shore.

[Can we move there now?]

[You can, but there arent any monster there yet]


[Dont forget youll need to build cities and towns there first and prepare the place this time. You dont want this messy situation to be repeated, right?]

[I have to see it first. Im coming over with a bunch of my generals and capable leaders]


It would be weird if she didnt select more generals during all this time. The forces here kept fighting and training for a long time.

As I waited for her, I installed the ten discs around, bought a few more as it seemed I was going to need more of these.

Then I sent a message for Angelica to fetch more of her experienced people to help guide who was coming.

[Its simple, Ill move all who are stationed at the training grounds to move to the new continents. You said they wont receive any new batches here, right?]

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And when I thought shed struggle to find suitable people, she simply solved the problem with just a few words.

[Thats Terrific! Yes, all the new races and humans will arrive at the new continents from now on]


I closed the chat and then waited for Lily to arrive.

I decided to link the three continents together, using discs. This would help in organising the situation there.

Lets go, in half an hour, I spotted a group of chariots coming towards my direction. There were at least twenty, all filled with many people.

They all looked tough and strong, not the kind that would accept jokes.

So I said once they arrived, and passed through one of the huge portals here.

This is going to be your new training ground, Once arriving on the other side, I said while watching them disperse around, checking the new continents.

The one we appeared at was filled with mountains and hills. Yet they werent aligned like the past continent, not that close to the shore, not that clumped together.

They were scattered all over the continent, in groups of tens or even hundreds here and there. There were lots of open plains there, with few filled with forests, and few filled with low level grass.

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As for the other continent nearby, it was filled with vast lakes and hills. I couldnt see the mountains, but it looked quite unique.

Seeing these lakes made me know what Lily would do here. Shed use them for training, and that might be a perfect place to train fresh forces first.

This place Its amazing, Lily came to my chariot and said in pure admiration, even if you always do things later than promised, you always deliver more than promised.

Im not late, I just had to do many things, I rolled my eyes. At least she was glad about this place.

She surfed the place for six hours. During which, Angelicas men arrived and the first batch of humans and races was delivered as well.

And by this, the working process in this place kicked in.

Are these linked to the other continents? she asked when she spotted the group of twenty portals I arranged at different places.

During the time she kept herself busy, I didnt slack and kept linking the three continents together.

This group links this one to that one, I pointed at a group of three portals, and this one links this one to the third continent at south.

I see And I suppose there are also portals linking that one over there with the one down below, right?

Thats correct, I nodded, and now all you gotta do is to start preparing your forces and putting plans about how youll train them here.

Its not that big of a deal, she shrugged, but first let me check the other two continents.

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