I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 944: 944 I Will Pay To Get A Gift!!!

I knew this was going to be the start of a new day with a new bright blue light filling the world after the fade of the previously orange one.

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They are going great, and just as I looked over, my people led the new races and humans to start building towns and cities.

Yet their numbers looked slightly short. It seemed Lily gave orders to distribute them all over the other two continents, before shed step into the den of the tiger with her own will.

[I got what you asked for]

And just as I watched them work for a couple hours, Silverlining sent me this message.

I was just thinking about him just minutes ago. [Good timing! Why wont you send me the warriors you kept all this time?]

[Great! Take them, take them all!]

[Hahaha! I never thought keeping them around with this pressuring]

[It is, believe me it is! Now Ill send you a hundred dens for each type of monster. They are all low grade, the type you wanted]

[Thanks. Send me the pill and Ill pay]

[Lets first discuss something else]


[Your present. The price tag of this one is going to be legendary!]

[What the heck Will I pay for my present?!!!]

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It was unheard of! How come Id pay for a present someone was giving to me? That didnt make any sense!!

[Wait and hear me out This one Its truly special]

[Fine! Lets see what you got] I didnt hold much on this present. Paying for it? That was already a bad start.

[You are going to fight Hescos next, right?]

[Thats a fact by now, smart Toranks!] I was mad at him for that part regarding paying for my gift. So I acted a little rude to him. And it seemed he got over it and didnt comment.

[And who is the best race who knows them all?]

[Its you, genius!]

[Cool, what if I told you I found a way to fill in the gaps you lack?]

[You mean Are you giving me a few of your race kin?]

[No, no, hell no! How can you even think about something like this?!!]

Well, if not, then what was it, dude?

[Tell me then] I kept my thoughts to myself and waited for his next answer and explanation.

[Who is the race who fought those damn bastards the longest? Its us, right?]

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[Dammit! You said you wont send me any of your people just now! Why are you contradicting yourself then?]

[I wont send any of my people, and stop bringing up such topics. It gives me goosebumps!]

[Then what?]

[Im giving you Hescos!]


This time I was greatly shocked!

[During the long course of wars we had, we got many prisoners. I asked for permission and got it at last. Youll pay to get your hands over one million Hescos, all in full arms. Youll get to fight those enemies under your conditions, train your forces to deal with them, and theyll serve you loyally under the watchful gazes of the system]

Damn! Damn cool! How did he even get such an idea?

[Thats Great! But youll have to wait]

It was a really great idea. But it required little modification from me.

[Wait for What exactly?]

[I cant get them now, not right here. This place Its used to train my troops. Let me find a suitable place for my forces to train with these Hescos]

[Oh, thats alright. I thought for a second there youll back off Phew!]

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[Back what? Dude! This is the most brilliant idea you brought to me since knowing each other! Great! Tell me now, how much will this cost me?]

[Ten bones]

[Damn! Ten red bones?]

[No, ten diamond bones]


[Come on! Getting one million force of such a mighty race? And are they in full arms and wielding their scary mechas? Serving you as part of your force? This isnt cheap! You wont find such a deal anywhere else!]

I paused for a long minute. Such a deal was already great and all, but the price It was slightly off, way off what I expected!

I thought they were aiming towards my red bones. But they werent! They placed their eyes over my priciest diamond bones.

I got enough to cover up such a price, more than enough actually. But that wasnt the point.

[What? Please say something!]

[Who set such a price for this deal?] I had first to know who my foe was. It wasnt Silverlining for sure, wasnt anyone of the sovereigns I knew.

[Its The boss himself, our mighty leader, the one you spoke with before]

[Oh I see] so it was that dude. He grew greedy over my bones. What a surprise!

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[Tell him that, I do agree, but this delivery shall be increased by ten folds]

[This Do you think we can get you this much? Do you think we have this much?]

[If not] Of course I thought about that, [Each one thousand missing will be paid off using one million soulers or necromancers. If not available, then each ten thousand of them will be changed with one million warriors, or one hundred million races. What do you think of that?]


[Thats of course with the promise of paying at least three million of Hescos regardless of what you select] He dared to ask for such an extravagant price, and so I dared to ask for such a big delivery.

If he was this eager to get my precious bones, then hed better be ready to deliver much better than this pathetic offer.

[I I cant give you any promise]

[I know, just deliver this message to him. Im sure hell agree]

[Well I cant say Im optimistic about this]

[Hahahaha! Just deliver the message and wait for his answer] I paused before adding, [And deliver me the dens. I have to use them right away]

[O Ok] It seemed he got scared by what I just asked for.

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