I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 956: 956 Forming My Long Desired Aeria

Lord Please listen, I know they are useless so far. But who knows? We might find some sort of use for them. Besides, they were the crown jewels of the entire weapon systems in the world before all this sh*it happened!

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Just listen I have an idea Why wont you think of a way to make them fly freely?

I got that he was trying to defend himself and his corp. After all this was the latest creation in his corp, the best jewel they got.

But I didnt bring him here to give him harsh comments, I wanted to propose something. And if he did it right, these fighters and bombers might be used properly in the apocalypse.

What does lord mean? he asked, and I started to explain my idea in such a childish way.

I kept moving my hands around while speaking, I want them to fly low, not at a very high altitude. In return for that, I want them to fly fast, move freely. I mean they will be able to change their trajectory at any moment, even to the totally opposite direction. Like this They wont get hammered down by the huge dome encompassing our Earth, and wont get hot easily.

This Wolfs face didnt tell me what he was thinking about. His lips trembled for few seconds before he finally jumped up, shouted in much excitement:

Lord This is huge! We can, we definitely can! Just allow my people to use others and resources, and we wont disappoint you.

Im counting on you, I couldnt help but smile while watching the big grin and long laughs this dude had.

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And the first thing he did was to go down there and show off in front of Moore.

And that made the latter come and seek me out.

Lord This is unfair! and here the headache just came.

Im not acting unjust here! I just got an idea and he has to work on it.

I didnt mean that! We also have fighters! They got bombers and we have good fighters! Why will the Lord ask him and not us?

This I was surprised by what he said. And in the next moment, and as if his men got the order from him during messages, they all started to take out lots of planes.

They were smaller than those stealth bombers of Wolfs corp, yet they came in much greater number. I saw thousands of them, and his people were still taking more out.

We emptied the entire corp warehouses at the eastern and middle zones. The entire west isnt accessible, but our people there already stored away everything and are trying to cross the distance to here as we speak.

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He started explaining, before pointing at his legion of fighters and helis, we got lots of them but didnt take any out as lord didnt allow it. But as Wolf and his gang are going to do it, why wont we do it as well?

Sure, you can also do the same, I nodded before explaining my rough thoughts to him.

Hmm Quite interesting. I heard that there was once a leader who tried to use anti-gravity engines to make it happen. But he lost and everything went missing. I believe if he did it, we also can, Moore said, and I didnt know about whom he was speaking about.

As someone already did it, you can do it again. Besides, we got the help of other races, geniuses and mighty ores and higher forms of energy.

Yes lord, we will do it! he said it in a firm belief of his ability to do it. And I liked such spirit.

Then go and show me miracles Dont forget, having good birds doesnt mean they are deadly and scary to be used in the apocalypse.

I got it, he was smart enough to get what I meant. I wanted them to replace the entire weapon system in these flying birds, using much deadlier weapons, just like what happened at the rocket launcher.

As I got done with these two, I kept watching others working. Well, to be honest, watching scientists work was quite boring!

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They stood in their place motionless for damn hours, speaking about different issues and exchanging ideas. After ten hours of watching them stand and talk, without doing much, I finally resigned and decided to go back to my second training ground.

The situation there wasnt yet stable enough for me to close an eye over it.

Once I jumped there, I got to see how my fallen gods made a difference here.

They managed to keep the sky almost clean from any monster around my forces. Yet the entire continent was still brimming with them.

As for the ground fights, these were under my troops control.

[Have you finished?]

I waited for two more days, and spent this time helping in cleaning more of these aerial monsters. They were becoming a source of nuisance for me.

Fighting them wasnt that hard, especially when using my chariots pulse weapon and shield. However after a few hours of doing so, I thought about something else.

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Why wouldnt I start enslaving them? I aimed for such a long time to get my hands over flying armies.

Of course they werent anything close to my dragons, but with their huge numbers they could make out for it.

As I thought about it, I started to venture directly through the densely packed aerial monsters outside the regions controlled by my forces.

Letting my threads loose after enhancing myself with all the sacrifices I had made the task of controlling these monsters a piece of cake.

From the start, the time needed to control a monster didnt take much longer than twenty or even ten seconds.

And with my enhancements, this time got shortened to be a few seconds, one second even in many cases.

Controlling these monsters wasnt anything like controlling sane races. At first I kept sweeping them in large batches, like a grim reaper.

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