I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 961: 961 Little Qi

After all, it was just my own theory about the reason behind all this. Who knew, there might be a totally different theory behind such changes.

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It works fine for us, I shrugged, we got lots of forces to train, and they kept getting stronger fast. So if they were acting like what normal monster dens should, I doubt this will satisfy the needs of my forces.

I wasnt making up excuses, as this was the bare truth. I got tens of millions each day, and part of them would be used as fighters while the rest would live in the towns and cities, helping do other stuff here.

If we didnt have such scary monster growth here, I doubted even the first training ground would be enough for half of my current army.

Besides, having the chance for these monsters to evolve was great as well. It would add new variables for my soldiers, just as if they were facing different enemies each time.

I had no other choice but to keep killing those monsters for hours until Qilin finally fell under my control.

Order them to stand down! the moment I got it under my control, I didnt yell in joy or something. I just gave it this simple order.

It could control other monsters, so what if I used this to make these monsters retreat?

[Yes, master]


A childish voice echoed in my mind before a mighty roar came. The next thing that happened was for all the endless amounts of monsters on the ground and air to stop all of sudden, before hurrying to retreat.

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Stop fighting, I also followed suit and gave the order for my own forces to stop this bloody fight, come back!

I called back all of my warriors, only leaving behind my fallen gods and dragons.

I wasnt yet sure this dude was able to control all monsters or what.

You can speak? I asked, just to make sure it wasnt just a coincidence.

[Yes, master]

Cool, I drove my chariot over. After the retreat of monsters, the world looked much calmer and more spacious than before, let me know your name first. And call me lord not master.

[Lord I have no name yet I was born]

I felt his voice shaking, just in the same way kids would show before crying.

Fine, Ill give you one I wasnt good at giving out names, Ill call you little Qi.

[Thanks lord, I like it] I knew it sucked, but this was my limit in giving names.

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Tell me then, can you control monsters? This was the million dollar question.

[Yes lord. I was born out of this world, and so I can control all monsters living here]

Wow! Are you sure of that? if he wasnt lying then all the problems we were facing got solved!

[Yes lord. I can give orders to any monster and he or she will follow my orders to the lettre]

Thats great! Please give orders then and let monsters not attack the three continents here. Let them all retreat for now and Ill let you know when theyll come and how.

If I had a way to deal with such a mess here then it would be great. My forces here never got a chance to take their breaths.

So, Id let him control the monsters in the three continents, not allowing a single one to come here. Then Id only focus for now on the ground and aquatic monsters, leaving the winged monsters for later.

Id leave the flying monsters to expand their numbers and evolve freely, then Id use them to turn them all into my forces. Like this, Id secure a stable source of flying legions, and Id control losses of my forces.

[Great news! Monsters are retreating] and just as I heard my little Qi roar multiple times, I got this message from Lily.

[I know, Im the one who did this to them]

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[Damn! Dont joke with me]

[Im not!]

[This Then]

[Dont worry anymore about monsters. I have total control over them for now. Once you are ready, Ill give them the order to come and Ill also control their types and numbers]

[Wow! Its like we can control everything, hahaha! Thats Simply great!]

I knew it was. [Just start working fast. Arrange your forces and Ill let Isac finish up her planning. Ill let her come to meet you later. You two will work together and when you are ready, just let me know]

[Sure. Ill start arranging the mess we got here first]

Is it over now? as I closed the chat with Lily, from the side Isac asked. And I nodded.

Phew! This It was so damn intense!

Its the normal thing at such times, I knew she was away from the frontline for such a long time already, making it look weird for me to hear such words.

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I had more stressful times than these. This was intense? Give me a break!

Oh, is that hard at the apocalypse? she seemed to really not believe my words.

When you are done, you can go back and check the first training grounds. It will give you a deeper perspective about how the apocalypse truly looked like.

It seemed my first training grounds would play a different role from now on. In fact the fight there was brutal and continuous.

I didnt even consider my little Qi here to do anything to change the situation over there. It was so perfect, and very suitable training grounds without doubt.

And hopefully with its help, this place would also turn into a good training ground as well.

Promise to take me there, she said as if she was asking for a tour or something.

Sure, but now lets get it done, I moved my eyes around. Only the monsters controlled by my contracts were flying all over the sky, alongside my dragons.

Oh, that task I totally forgot about it, she seemed to get absorbed in this fight and forgot about why we came here in the first place.

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