I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 966: 966 How Overlords Are Decided

[Instead of letting two worlds compete together at each point, they will do a ranking. According to the ranking of worlds and their greatest figures ranking in it, theyll give those in higher up ranks the chance to invade more worlds according to their ranks]

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[And who is on the top of the list? What can he do?]

[He can invade all the worlds freely, and even add any if he conquered it]

[Whats the difference then?] I didnt get the difference between the two settings.

[Its a huge difference! In the old regular way, each world would have a stepwise approach to get stronger and compete fairly with each other. But this way You know that not all the worlds have strong figures and races, not to mention prodigies like yourself]

[So Its a good thing for me, right?] I wanted to get this point clear above anything else.

[Hescos never make a move without having one hundred percent guarantee in winning]

[What does that even mean?]

[If they allowed your trial to enter the scorching ground mode, then it means they have someone who is at least better than you in all terms]


[If they didnt, then making this move will only benefit you. You have to know that whoever comes second in that ranking will only invade five worlds!]

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[But Im going to invade them all!]

[But you wont be able to merge with any until the system allows it, right? Yet who comes on top can merge with whatever worlds he desires]

[This] I finally got what this meant. It was like pressing on a fast forward button for the one who got on top, making him escape the wait and merge with whatever world he got total domination at.

What did a merge mean? More lands, more races, and more troops and resources. Like this, and at the end, Id end up facing the same fate I was trying my best to evade.

[You You have to come on top of that list no matter what, or you wont have any chance at all]

[Then How can I do it?] This was the most important question right now.

[Its easy, you got to dominate the largest area among the entire trial at the end of quest ten]

[Quest ten? Isnt it]

[A bit too soon? Indeed it is, but dont think the rating will be fixed. Each ten quests, the system will run an analysis and will determine who is the new overlord of the entire trial]

[But the first one will have a huge advantage, right?]

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[Thats given. But dont think about it this way]

[What do you mean?]

[They got the upper hand as they have access to almost twelve worlds according to the news spreading. But you are going to play in twenty worlds, right?]

[They just added three worlds, so they got fifteen]

[You also still have the upper hand]

[And my forces are going to crush into the people dominating the world for the entire four quests!]

[Thats not a big advantage actually. Besides, I doubt there is someone like you in any of these worlds]

[Not to mention paragons already unlocked most of their powers!]

[I heard you killed lots of them already, mostly from Hectors, right?]

[This This doesnt count! They were weak and without their power]

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[You still got us on your side. Come on, dont tell me you dont believe in your victory]

[If against those races, then of course I do. But you said it yourself, they must have something up their sleeves]

[Well get to know it in time, and then we can discuss the best countermeasure. Dont forget, this clash will span over the next six quests]

[Sigh! I never expected things to grow in such a way!]

I wasnt acting out of confidence, or trying to behave in a weak spirit. I was just stating facts, and he kept arguing with me about each single fact.

The overall fact was simple, whoever got the stronger stick would win! So it all came down to the might of each sides forces, generals, and overlords.

I was confident in my ability to handle anything. My generals were growing in number and experience. And I got the support of the ten ancient races besides the ten clans of the hostile universe.

I got many things up my sleeve. However my enemies arent that simple either. He said it himself, they never went into something without full confidence in winning it.

They must have done their homework quite fast, and got to know my current abilities. So coming at me in such a way meant they got to realise my biggest advantage.

Give me time and I could turn a group of weaklings into mighty and massive armies! They read through my cultivation and knew everything about its techniques.

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They knew if they gave me time, even ten quests, theyd allow for a fierce beast to get born.

So the best thing they could do was to seek a fast and decisive battle, one which would deprive me of my best advantage; time!

It came down to this, a battle between two mighty races ended up to become just a race against time.

Whoever got prepared faster would win. I thought deeply about this. Did they know about my second world presence? About the time difference I got here?

I doubted that! Even if they knew, this wouldnt help that much as there was a simple variable they knew nothing about; that pocket world.

I prayed they made such a fatal mistake in their calculations. But I also had to not fall into such one as well.

The early invasion must be witnessed and monitored by me. Like this Id get the chance to interfere if things went south.

If the early days of invasion didnt result in controlling a vast piece of land, and if we didnt move fast to build our forts there, then the later days of quest five would be quite stressful.

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