I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 974: 974 My Counter plan

However I never thought about this before. If I had to do it, then I had to keep taking forces and send them into that pocket world.

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Doing so meant Id always suck forces away from the training grounds.

[We have something we need to do] I sent to Lily, the one who was responsible for such a project.

It was that ancient recipe of Hectors, the one that would form potions and let my soldiers step into the world of cultivation on top of pyramids.

I witnessed how hard and challenging it was. But it was the only way.


[Where are you now?]

[At the second training ground, at the southern continent doing things Look, if its not urgent, then can we postpone it for later?]

[No, it cant be delayed] delay? We already delayed it long enough, [I want you to wait for me. And during this, select capable generals to lead all of your tasks here]

[This Why go so far?]

[Also leave orders to always select capable soldiers and prepare to send them away. Ill prepare portals at each training grounds for them to be sent away]

[Hye You are scaring me!]

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[Dont worry, its just something urgent and we have to deal with it] I looked into the old Mans eyes, [Prepare yourself. Ill come in less than an hour]

[O Ok!]

I had to give her time so shed get everything done properly. The leading general? I already got a name in mind, one that shed entrust with this task; Legend.


Not now, I pointed to old Gan to remain quiet while I opened another chat.

[I need you to prepare lots of workers, lots of materials and gears and be ready to gather up at the portal site]

[You mean the bomb site? Hahahaha! You are still thinking its a portal site, funny]

[Just do it as fast as you can, ok?]

[Is Something wrong?]

[Nothing, just a small hiccup and well get through it indeed]

[Tell me]

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[Not now. Just do as I say for now, ok?]

Well, I had to admit, I panicked a little here. Facing an enemy that only cultivation based energy and attacks would work against?

I got lots of my forces to step into cultivation, but right now they were fighting a brutal war in Texas!

Even if I tried my best to replace them, it was pointless. Lots of time would pass and also that war needed to be solved.

I had to suck such losses, and prayed that the jerk wouldnt end up killing most of them.

Or else I might go and kill him myself!


What? I wasnt just scared, but I got a ton of anger.

Toranks They knew all this and didnt let me know about any? Why? That was a question that kept banging in my mind since I heard what old Gan said.

Was old Gan lying? But why would he? And the way he told his tale Everything told me it wasnt just a fabricated story, no way!

There is a way to get lots of force with cultivation, he paused, and I looked at him as if I was looking at a crazy old man. Lord is amassing races, many races from all over the universe, right? Humans dont have any experience at cultivation, or even potential. But other races do.

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You mean

Lord is using the assets under his control in just a simple way If lord asked, hell be surprised by the number of people with cultivation under his command.

It suddenly hit me! How didnt I think about such a thing before?

Lord has just to arrange for people

[Send out a large number of your people Ask around, make every single one of our people and soldiers answer this simple question: Does anyone have a cultivation base?]

I didnt wait for old Gan to complete his words. I wasnt acting rude, but I was too damn excited about what he said.

I suddenly recalled something Many of my acquired races and humans looked like they just came out of brutal war.

I once had a theory about their origin I linked them with the betting worlds and the fierce wars going on there.

And what was the main condition for any powerhouse to send forces there? His forces ought to have cultivation bases, right?

It was a simple piece of knowledge that passed through my mind without linking it with anything yet.

But right now This simple little piece of news is great to be something that would save my life, many lives.

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[Ask them about what?!!] Angelica must have been thinking that I went insane or something, [Cant you tell me whats going on?]

[Are you free? If so then come to the portal zone. Ill be there in one hour. Ill explain things when we meet, but first]

[I know I know And what about your first request?]

[I need that too] I knew I had a way to get many forces with cultivation, but that wouldnt include my humans.

And right now I got to realise how bad it was that I neglected such an old project of mine for so long.

If I kept working on it, moved it here as I planned earlier, then things would have gone for the better.

I once asked Lily to move everything here, and she did. But we didnt have time to start that project as big wars kept raging on, one after another.

So as I got finished, old Gan was still having his shocked face, yet from his voice I felt immense excitement.

Youll start gathering up whoever you need, I said before raising one finger on his face, but dont take too much to affect people working here, got it?

Yes, lord. But When can I get one?

Soon, I intended to bring them in a few days, but right now it was better to bring them once I was done with all these urgent things.

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