I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 999: 999 Chapter 999

I left instructions for Lily to inform those handling this training ground. They got three hundred more generals, and they had to let them start their work when we were ready.

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The construction process of the entire three continents was almost close to being done. Soon we could start operating this training ground, with the different purposes of each continent.

I then took the rest towards the first training ground. There the situation was hard to describe to them in words. Stay here for a day or two, get used to the process of my forces training and then one of mine called Legend will come and appoint you to your armies.

I had to let them scatter and inspect different places here. Saying that we got our forces shrank with each big monster attack wasnt correct.

That was the case before that recruitment order back at the heaven zone of my people was established. I could see lots of forces flooding this training ground from the direction of the portal zone.

Not to mention most of the forces we called were sent back after getting recorded by Angelicas men.

It seemed Angelica was doing a fine job back at the heaven site. I knew if not for all the fresh blood that came from that place, Id have to relocate more forces from the second training ground.

In time this might be needed to keep things here under control. I could use the help of my little Qi and control the influx of monsters towards this training ground, but it would be hard to do this and not affect the echo system produced over a long time.

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My soldiers here got used to such intense fighting situations. All they needed was more new soldiers for the old one to lead and allow them to ascend rankings without losing too many of them during the continuous fights everywhere.

Lord This place is really interesting, as I watched the seven hundred leaders of Hescos, Oglak said from the side.

I took his words as a praise for my training ground down there. It took us lots of time to get to such a result, I said, but we lack enough forces to arrive and replenish our lost ones.

Lord can go and buy them from those impacts.

Thats what Im currently doing.

How many impacts does lord deal with? I know of few who can satisfy the needs of my lord.

How so? I had to admit, I was just depending entirely over Silverlinings impact and race. It was great as they were sending forces with cultivation over, but that wasnt enough.

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Just right now I got three big training grounds, one operative, one close to get functional, and the third was about to be established.

Considering all this, and with the mighty weapon I got thanks to my little Qi, it looked regretful to use little Qi to just limit the amount of monsters coming at each training ground.

If it was up to me, I should ask him to increase the magnitude of monsters coming, expand the reach and distribution of these monsters over the entire shores of all the continents I control in these training grounds.

Like this, I could train not just the armies I got right now. I could even arm up the new generals I just acquired.

Thinking about the one thousand generals made me crave to arm each with tens of millions of soldiers. Of course dreaming was great and such, but executing these dreams and seeing them turn into reality was a different story.

Even if the Petal impact and Toranks race were helping, they were far from enough at this point.

There are different ways to get races from our universe, and when I asked, Oglak didnt hurry to respond. Instead he started by explaining such a concept, giving me the impression he was going to tell me a huge secret.

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One of them is by kidnapping races taking part in different apocalypse trials. This has the advantage of a grand pool, but its main drawback is that youll get only weak races with weak stats and almost zero cultivation bases.

Thats correct, I nodded as this was the case when I dealt with the Bringold impact.

They also have the advantage of numbers. Many impacts operate in such a way. And they arent that pricey.

Well That nymph girl did extort lots of bones out of me for almost nothing in return! Dont say it wasnt pricey For me it was!!

Then comes the ones who deal with the betting grounds, he continued, they grab the losing races from these betting worlds and sell them. Of course this comes from the winning lords. Its a fact that not all seek power using numbers, and many prefer getting wealth instead of spending theirs to nourish strong and massive armies.

Shortsighted greedy dudes, thats more I like it! I got his point.

These races are all soldiers, all have cultivation, and usually they are sold in great quantities. However their price is the main issue. And the one dealing with such has to have big impacts, meaning their number is quite few.

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Hmm Do you refer to them from before? Do you get any contact with any?

I got a few in my head, he nodded, but no

No What?

I wasnt referring to these when I said that What I was speaking about was rare impacts, very dangerous to deal with, but they are effective.

In what way? I got my interest piqued when he said it was so dangerous to deal with.

Lord knows that there is a huge war going on between our universe and that alien one, right? he paused and when I slowly nodded, he continued, and this war kept going on for ages! No one even knew the exact date of its beginning except for those system higher ups.

Your point is

Let me give lord an example from what I saw here, he didnt hurry to answer me, and this made me get the feeling that I wouldnt like what he was going to say next.

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