After Gu Jingyu watched the memory, the expression on his face was unclear.

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Quietly, he picked up his phone and reported to the police. When the police received the report, they didn’t think anything of it. All the way until Gu Jingyu finished what he had said, the whole thing got serious.


“Mr. Gu, can you guarantee that what you say is true?” This kind of human trafficking case spanned several decades and was no longer something an average person could solve.


“Yes, I can go there right now if I need to.” Gu Jingyu didn’t know why he was doing this and made the call automatically.


According to his original plan, he was to find a place with a decent environment to spend this still peaceful life quietly. What he did now was ultimately to find trouble for himself.


“If you can, I will trouble Mr. Gu to come to the police station.” The police, on the other side, originally heard that there were so many people still in the hands of human traffickers, and their hearts flared up.


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As police officers who had seen too many people running around in search of their loved ones and the desperate look in their eyes, inwardly, they also had a deep hatred for human traffickers.


To think that there was an organization out there for decades, how many families did they destroy?


Gu Jing Yu hurriedly drove to the police station. As to why he subconsciously did it, he decided not to look into it. Since he went to do it, he did his best.


When he arrived at the police station, several police officers and people who looked like big officials came out.


Gu Jingyu’s suspicions were confirmed later on, and the person who followed him up was the police chief.


The group was taken to an interrogation room. The only people sitting down were Gu Jingyu and the police chief.

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“Mr. Gu, the matter you are claiming is too significant and can only come here to ensure that it will not be leaked.”


Gu Jingyu waved his hand, indicating that he did not care about this.


The chief’s face was grave when he re-told what he remembered.


“According to Mr. Gu, this case has not just involved only one place. If I’m not wrong, this human trafficking syndicate already has a complete set of an industrial chain.”


In modern society, there would still be such a huge chain of human traffickers still existing in the community, tearing apart one family after another.


The chief hurriedly contacted the leaders above, and the case must be pursued simultaneously in multiple provinces.

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The next day, police officer Xiao Zhang took his colleagues to Gu Jingyu’s home.


The investigation was just now starting. As the first to call, Gu Jingyu was under the protection of the police department.


The investigation was at a standstill at the beginning. This human trafficking group had existed in society for more than a decade, or perhaps more than a few decades.


It had wholly integrated into society. If you went to investigate brazenly, you could not find anything.


Gu Jingyu was fine now, but two more police officers were at home.


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Honestly, he did not think these two people could protect his safety.


It was just two people who were a little better than average. If someone really wanted to harm him, what would be the use of this protection?


Gu Jingyu was searching for a suitable place for his retirement. He thought about looking for a home with beautiful mountains and clear water when this time of his life was over.


That day, the police chief again found him with a gloomy face.


“Mr. Gu, I am very sorry to disturb you. I would like to …..”


After the police chief’s explicit and implicit hints, Gu Jingyu knew precisely what was happening.

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