“I don’t know. I was here as soon as I woke up. He shouldn’t be dead.” He felt that the soul of this body was not dead, but he just didn’t know where he went. Maybe this was a question that only the so-called Time and Space Administration would know.

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“Not dead. It’s good not to be dead. I approve the resignation report. Do what you want.” For this stranger who occupied his student’s body, he didn’t know how to face him.


As long as he saw him, he would think that inside this body was a stranger’s soul, which was uncomfortable in his heart.


Instead of this, it would be better not to see him.


When Gu Jingyu returned to his office, it was already empty.


The original things belonging to Gu Jingyu had already been emptied.


As the resignation was approved, many people in the Design Department were aware of the news of Chief Gu’s departure.

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Everyone was talking about it, thinking that the previous incident between Chief Gu and Song Ningxuan had made him think of leaving.


After all, everyone could see how much Gu Jingyu favored Song Ningxuan before. This change in time could not reverse the impression in everyone’s heart.


The female lead learned of this news and had the same thoughts as the people in the Design Department. In her heart, she was happy: Sure enough, Brother Gu is a hypocrite.


Her mood improved a lot.


After packing a porridge from outside to bring to the hospital, she ran into Chairman Ou Lingtian, who came to visit Ou Xiuyuan.


After a brief glance at Song Ningxuan, he thought it was his son’s little secret lover. He didn’t give her too much emotion.

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After all, people like them raised a few mistresses behind the scenes, which was expected.


Song Ningxuan helped Ou Xiuyuan avoid this matter in the original plot. Therefore, although Ou Lingtian was not very satisfied with this girl, he let it slide for Ou Xiuyuan’s enjoyment.


“I helped you to quell this matter. Only that in the second half of the year, you have to make achievements that can shut up the board members, or else you won’t be the president next year.”


Ou Xiuyuan sat on the hospital bed. His face was not very good. After all, he was still reprimanded by his father when he was so old, and it was humiliating to say so.


“Then you take good care of your injuries and pay attention to the company’s affairs as well.” Ou Lingtian was about to leave when he suddenly turned back. “If you raise a little mistress, just raise a little mistress, and don’t bring her to the company.”


When Song Ningxuan heard him say this, she was about to say something.

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But seeing Ou Xiuyuan beside her giving him a look, she instantly did not speak. She just looked at Ou Xiuyuan accusingly and firmly.


After Ou Lingtian spoke, he left without concern about his son’s injury.


“President Ou, I am not …..”


Ou Xiuyuan waved his hand. Did you bring the food?


How could he care about others when he is used to issuing orders from a high position?


On the side of the leading characters, their feelings appeared to have hit a bottleneck.

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That was right; without the supporting character on the side as a catalyst, how would the male lead pay more attention to the female lead because of the competition?


After Gu Jingyu quit his job, he met a problem, and now he didn’t know where to go.


Speaking of Gu Jingyu, his family was in a rural area. The village was so poor that sometimes even eating was a problem.


It was in such a village that Gu Jingyu got into the design school with excellent grades and became the only college student in the village.


As for why he didn’t go back for so many years, there was no trace of this in his memory.


Perhaps the original Gu Jingyu didn’t want him to know, so he hid this away.

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