Has he always been living this way, maintaining his distance from the other kids? She tilted her head. After looking at him for a moment, she was convinced that was the case.

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She didn’t think he could’ve gotten along with other people with such a mean and brash personality. Also, what’s with that haughty attitude towards a noble?


Aren’t you afraid to get your tongue cut-off for insulting a noble?


Yurina was thinking of trying to make him speak more politely. Nevertheless, it was refreshing to hear a child speak so crudely to her after spending such a long time speaking so formally in front of people and most of the time, they were cowering before her.



If she could teach him to talk more politely like any other aristocrat, that would be good enough to keep him out of trouble.



“At least, it’s good to know that you won’t make a fuss about missing this place and wanting to go back. If there’s nothing else, let’s go.”



The child just raised his eyebrows as a response to her harsh criticism and followed behind her.


“My Lady, this cannot be happening.”


Her nanny nervously said as she grabbed Yurina’s arms while they were headed for the carriage.



Yurina didn’t care and still took the child to the carriage with the help of the coachman.



Her nanny wanted to pull the child down much to her displeasure, but it was quicker to just shut the carriage doors.


“Nanny, what are you doing?”

“I don’t understand why you are doing this, My Lady.”


“As I have told you, that child has power. He can’t stay in a place like this. I will take him in and sponsor for him.”



“How do you know whether he has the power or not? If you take the child with you like this, the master will be furious. If you really want to take him, you should ask permission first….”




Her nanny was shocked to hear Yurina’s voice which was colder than usual, then she bit her lips. Yurina looked at her with an expressionless face.



“I am a Carthia. When I decide that I will do something, there is nothing I cannot do.”



Some would think it was a premature remark made by a 10-year-old child, but truth be told, the Carthia family has the power to do so.



Yurina grew up in a family who loved and doted on her. She had the right to enjoy whatever she wanted. She can just take this child away and support him without needing to ask for anyone’s permission.

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The nanny seemed like she still had something to say but decided against it.


The child agitatedly looked around the fancy interior of the carriage and stiffly sat as he shifted around and tried to straighten his back.


Yurina sat opposite of him and scanned him from head to toe.


The child glared sharply at her as he withdrew until his back touched the backseat.



“W-What is it? Why do you keep looking at me like that? Were you lying to me when you said you’ll take me in to sponsor me and not because you want me to be your plaything?”


“I’ve already told you to watch what you say, didn’t I?”


She smiled darkly, reminiscent of a dragon in a novel. Since she has a way with words, she could easily gain his favor



If she has a hard time to do something like that and fails to get him to her side, it might lead her down to a path like the original and everything she has done till now would be in vain.


“What is your name?”


She was surprised by his sudden change of attitude. The young boy slumped his shoulders and softly whispered.


“…… Tom”


Was his original name Tom?  She couldn’t recall what his original name was. It seems she didn’t read anything about it in the book. In that case, it must’ve been a minor setting that she scanned through.


“It’s a common name. Do you like that name?”


Yurina still asked him despite knowing how much he hated that terrible name.


You have the right to despise it.


His mother, who held not even a tiny bit of affection for his son, named him after a man who was a regular at the bar. As expected, he clenched his teeth and shook his head.




“Then, shall I give you a new name as a commemoration of me being your benefactor?”


He liked De Flon after giving him a new name when he was a child.


Well, it’s not like she should also do the same, but children are surprisingly fond of such trivial things.



Of course, this alone was not enough to completely break down the suspicious child’s wall, but it was important to start off on the right foot.


Yurina interpreted his silence as an affirmation and started to speak.

“Raynard, Ray for short. What do you think?”

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The name “Charrion” was originally given by Marquis De Flon and it was an ancient word that meant “Victor”. The word “Victor” was not for the child who would be a mage, but for the Marquis who discovered such a child.



So the moment he was called “Charrion” like in the original, she would die by his hands and he would offer this victory to Marquis De Flon.



Such a conceited name. Yurina didn’t like the name “Charrion” or even “Marquis De Flon” whom she has yet to see. So she chose the name “Raynard” instead, which meant “Hope”.



She was suddenly reborn to a strange place one day, and he was her only hope to save her from her ill fate. Even if it’s shameful, she could endure such shame just so she could comfort her uneasy heart.



The child repeatedly mumbled his name a few times to himself and lowered his head.


He didn’t say anything until the carriage departed and speeded up.

After waiting patiently for his response, Yurina finally asked him bluntly.

“Why won’t you answer? Do you dislike it?”



“It’s not Tom.”

The child lowered his head deeper this time.

“It’s Raynard.”

Peeking through his bright blonde hair were two flushed ears.


Marquis Karthia pressed both his thumb against his throbbing temples. His head began to ache because of the prolonged dispute with his daughter.



“Yurina, if you really want to take in the boy, I’ll tell Robert to train him as a servant.”



He always tried to do whatever his wife-like daughter wanted. It’s not like he doesn’t love his other sons.



Yurina came into his life as a blessing since he already had three sons. And because of that, she held a little more special place in his heart.



That’s why a few months ago, he didn’t hesitate when she asked him that she wanted to go to the orphanage and help the children.


However this time, the situation was different.

What in the world is this child thinking?


Earlier, when he came to meet his daughter who returned a little later than expected, he witnessed a boy getting off the carriage with Yurina.



A commoner with a slender figure and a slouched body, wearing light clothes and clutching a small bag in his arms.


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Even if no one explained it to him, he can immediately understand the situation.



At first, he thought she took the boy because they were around the same age and she wanted to make him into her servant to live here.



Although she has never done such a thing before, he thought that his daughter, who was already at that age of curiosity, upon seeing this child’s appearance that was not commonly seen in nobility piqued her interest.



He had already instructed them to take care of and educate the child anyway since he also needs a sitter for both of the children.



However, her daughter came into his office and threw an unexpected proposal.


—Father, that child has a talent for magic. I want to sponsor him.

It’s not difficult to sponsor a gifted commoner child.


The nobles regarded sponsoring the common people as a virtue, and the more children they supported, the more the family’s reputation increased.



For this reason, what started out as a favor, turned into a means to show-off one’s status and ability. Nowadays, they have been looking for commoners who are also willing to support the capital’s society.



Marquis Carthia had also been supporting several children in various areas for many years.  Lord Aaron, a famous officer in the Empire whose talent has been recognized 10 years ago, was sponsored by Marquis Carthia.



It was just a case of selecting talented children through several processes. But then she just went to an orphanage, took a child without knowing whether they had the talent or not, and then sponsors for him.



No matter what Yurina said, it was absurd. How can they handle the ridicule if it turns out that he does not have the talent after sponsoring him?



But even if he explains it thoroughly for her to understand it, she won’t back down so easily.



“I am not going to keep him as a servant. He is talented enough to be admitted at The Royal Academy of Crohn.”



The kingdom’s area size, military strength, economic power and etc., the Kingdom of Crohn was inferior to the Empire in every way except for magic, which is far superior than that of the Empire.



Unlike many students who came to study in the Empire, those who wanted to learn and study magic went to the Kingdom of Crohn.



The Royal Academy of Crohn boasts about having the highest quality of curriculum and faculty and was known for refusing to give admissions to those who were not able to meet their standards even if they came from a very wealthy and outstanding background.



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And she thought he can be admitted in the Royal Academy of Crohn. Even if she was still a child, he didn’t think she would be this immature. Was this because she was a spoiled pretty girl who was allowed to do anything she wanted?



He took a moment to think while looking at his beloved Yurina.


“I think our talk isn’t going anywhere. I’ll call Dave. I’ll head to the lab right now so if someone sends a letter, I’ll be back by dinner.



Dave is a mage working for the Marquis. Even if the Marquis tried to coldly refuse his daughter, as he looked down at her little figure, he still couldn’t resist her.



So instead, he would asked for an objective opinion so that she would stop being stubborn like a child.



“If Dave meets the child and says he is indeed talented, then I’ll officially sponsor him. But if he is not, he will be trained as a servant. Is this okay with you?”


“I’ll do whatever Father says.”


After he saw his daughter smiling brightly, he thought it was a bit strange, but that’s because Yurina was grateful that she had achieved her purpose.



If Dave arrives, contrary to her father’s will to support Raynard’s talent, he will be frustrated at the fact that he will sponsor him.



Not just that, maybe he wouldn’t let him be sent to the academy and pursuade to teach him himself instead. She heard that there was clan of mages who “collects” disciples and takes them to a mysterious place.


Either way, I have no plans on dying.


It wasn’t decided yet whether this new found life is a blessing or a curse.



Yurina didn’t understand why people would be envious of an aristocratic girl’s life, it just made it difficult for her to get use to this place.


She thought about it and she’d rather have never been born again.


Still, after she was reborn, Yurina desired to live. There was also this hunger for life after she lost it in a hit-and-run accident, but that wasn’t the main reason.



She was afraid that during the moment of her demise, she would die helplessly.


She wanted to live with all her might because she was afraid of death.

I am not going to die.


There seems to be a little light in front of her dim vision. Her heart was throbbing.


The mere thought of dying again changed her mind to live.


Yurina’s body, which doesn’t belong to hers, was slowly starting to feel like her own.

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