The power of love prompted An Qiao to be youthful and energetic. The research progress that was stuck at 88% rose to 98% within a day.

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But Lu Mingshi thoughtfully did not urge An Qiao anymore.

The two golden singles who had finally gotten off the list should be given some opportunities to spend some time alone. This was the respect and love that good employees deserved.

It was said that An Luoyu had obediently distributed the money to his eighteen…… Now sixteen little mothers1Step-mothers who are younger than one’s biological mother., after getting off the gambling ship that day.

And of course, as a bonus, there was also a cheap father who was now penniless and unkempt.

The former Gambling King did not even look at the young wives he married after he became rich because he knew that these women he loved never loved him.

They just made a deal with him and got what they needed.

But Chunjuan. Chunjuan should still love me, right?

Mr. Gambling King, who was in tatters, was confidently helped by An Luoyu and walked towards his wives who oathed to be with him even in times of trouble.

But his wives didn’t help him over or pamper him as he had thought they would. Rather he was swept with cold glances as if they were looking at a telephone pole on the side of the road.

The sixteen wives present listened to An Luoyu stammer and whisper the whole story of what had happened on the ship, and they all looked ashen.

I am dead. I should have saved more egg money earlier!

At this moment, some unknown number of wives were envious of the seventh and eighth wives who had eloped hand in hand.

The commotion only gradually subsided when An Luoyu told them that there were still a 10 billion to share among the wives.

They were mentally prepared to be left with nothing. So they didn’t have much of an opinion on who would get more or less of the money.

Anyway, it was enough for them to squander their lives, and they didn’t have to serve the Gambling King anymore.

“Well, ladies. Mr. Rothschild said at the time that you all have to divorce father before dividing the money.”

When An Luoyu said this condition, he obviously felt that the sixteen women in front of him, including the first wife, were very happy.

The seventeenth wife who had let herself go, even exclaimed in front of them, “My God. What a great guy you met on the ship! He is simply a great hero who has saved us from the abyss of suffering.”

The Gambling King was completely dumbfounded.

He didn’t expect that the young Mr. Rothschild, who looked like his hair hadn’t grown up yet, was so meticulous and ruthless that he didn’t leave himself any room for a comeback.

The Gambling King looked at the chattering wives in front of him, and half of them had already pulled out their cell phones to call their divorce lawyers.

The Gambling King turned his last expectant gaze to the first wife.


The Gambling King tried to hold her hand affectionately, but the first wife tucked her hand into her pants pocket.

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She took out a pen.

“Shuan Zhu2Oh my finally!, this is my last request to you.”

The first wife called out a name that had not been called for twenty whole years.

After Gambling King became the Gambling King, he never allowed anyone to call him by his real name. He hated his origins and deliberately forgot them; just as he had also forgotten that once he had made an oath of eternal love to this woman in front of him.

Today, this appellation represented a lot of unspoken words.

“Sign this divorce agreement.” The first wife pleaded, “Let me have a happy old age.”

The Gambling King didn’t believe it. The Gambling King didn’t go for the pen but just looked at his first wife incredulously.

“Chunjuan, you told me that whether I am poor or rich, you will stay by my side to accompany me……”

The first wife’s eyes could no longer shed tears. She put the pen into the hand of the Gambling King, “You also said that you would only love me in this life!”

The Gambling King looked at the first wife and he became speechless all of a sudden.

He wanted to say: You shouldn’t believe what I said at that time. I was lying to you!

“Big sister.” The third wife by the side who had already secured a lawyer couldn’t tolerate it anymore, “Which one of us hasn’t he told that to? The difference is that we all know that he’s telling ghost words3False words. Only you, big sister, still think that he’s saying human words.”

The Gambling King didn’t dare to look into the first wife’s eyes again. He took the pen and signed the agreement tremblingly.

He handed the signed agreement and pen back to the first wife, who took the agreement, confirmed that he had signed his real name, and put it away. But he did not take the pen.

“You can keep it.” The first wife said, “There will be a lot more to sign this afternoon. The sisters are in a hurry to get their money. So you can work overtime and finish the rest here.”

After the afternoon’s hustle and bustle, all fifteen wives left the old mansion satisfied. While the Gambling King, the first wife, and An Luoyu were still here.

Gambling King couldn’t help but feel sad as he watched his once beloved ones turn around one by one and leave him mercilessly.

He looked at the first wife and couldn’t help but ask in a trembling voice, “Chunjuan, do you want to leave too?”

The first wife glanced at him in surprise, “Why should I leave? It’s you who should leave. Now, this property is under my name.”

Only then did the Gambling King realise that he was already penniless under his name.

Could it be that tonight he could only sleep under that damp and dirty bridge hole as he did twenty-five years ago?

The first wife was in a good mood after a smooth divorce and decided to show mercy.

“Here’s two hundred yuan for you.” The first wife casually drew out two hundred yuan bills and stuffed them into the Gambling King’s trouser pocket.

The first wife plucked out a white hair of her own and recalled, “I remember when we got married, you said you didn’t have the money to buy a gold ring. So you bought me a fake one for two hundred yuan.”

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Later you inlaid a two million worth diamond on this fake gold ring. But I got no more joy than when I got that fake ring.

Because you took a fourth wife on the day the ring was delivered to me.

“I’ll pay you back these two hundred dollars.” The first wife mused, “There’s a budget hotel six blocks away. One hundred and eighty for a night. You can make do with this.”

“With the remaining money, you can also eat a bowl of braised chicken and rice. That was your favourite flavour back then.”

The Gambling King walked out of the mansion where he had lived for 20 years, on crutches in a daze. And he looked back, feeling a sense of loss.

His mind suddenly flashed back to what Gu Yixin had said to him on the day of the full moon banquet.

“Your palmistry says that your early years were bumpy, you got riches and honours in your middle-age, but this old age……”

“How is old age? ”

“There will be great disasters in old age. ”

“Mr. Gambling King, don’t panic too much. Money is merely a worldly possession. So eliminate the money to prevent disasters.”

A fortune?

The money was really eliminated completely.

He looked at An Luoyu, who had not left yet.

An Luoyu was also in a complicated mood. Although he had no feelings for his father who had sprung up. But after all, the Gambling King had helped him in his career and he was still grateful.

“I still have some money. But you have to promise me that you will never get involved in gambling again.”

The Gambling King sighed, and was a little relieved, “I don’t want your money. But, find me a job in the film crew, and I need a lunch box.”


Half a month later, An Luoyu was filming on the set and ushered in a wave of fans visiting the set.

The fans carried a cannon, and the tall and strong security guard tried to block it. But he was knocked ten metres away by a junior high school girl who was 1.5 metres tall and weighed 80 kilograms.

“No. Why is this security guard so useless?”

“He still looked a little familiar. It seems as if I’ve seen him on Rule of Law Online4It is a news channel..”

The two fans in the back row discussed spiritedly. But little did they know that the one who was knocked into the air was the father of their idol. The former Gambling King who had been in office for more than 20 years.

An Luoyu worriedly looked at his father being helped up by other security guards. The director waved his hand to tell the head of security guards to stop scolding and handed the Gambling King two lunch boxes.

“Go eat in the corner.” The director gestured.

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The Gambling King gratefully took his box lunch and left.

An Luoyu was signing autographs for fans when his phone rang. So he took out his phone to check, but it was a harassing call.

At the same time, the fan with the cannon in his hand had already taken a lot of pictures.

When she got home, the fan immediately took out the photos and began to retouch it quickly.

There is a pimple here that needs to be removed. The skin needs to be smoothened but not distorted. The complexion is brightened and dark circles are eliminated. There must be no pores. My idol should be a refreshing fine boy!

The heinously HD photo couldn’t actually hide the pores. So the fan had to spend a long time.

When she finally retouched his face and was about to start with the proportion of his arms and legs, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the mobile phone An Luoyu was holding in his hand.

One was the lock screen and the other was the background.

She could see that both were the same two-dimensional character drawn by the same artist.

Who was that? The fan faintly felt it to be somewhat familiar, but she couldn’t remember.

She didn’t think too much about it. After ten hours, she finally finished retouching all the pictures, tapped on her sore waist, and sent it out overnight.

On the next day, as soon as An Luoyu went out, he was surrounded by a hundred reporters at the door of his house.

An Luoyu was confused. But there were so many people who wanted to interview him and it meant that he was still popular. So he was still happy.

“Don’t squeeze everyone. Come one by one……”

As he said it, he was crushed against the wall.

“Mr. An Luoyu, can you show everyone the screen of your mobile phone?”

An Luoyu felt that he had to be sincere in the face of the media, and felt that there was nothing unseemly about his paper boyfriend. So he readily agreed.

The reporters, with wolfish eyes, raised their cameras and snapped wildly at the phone.

“Mr. An Luoyu, may I ask if you have any special affection for this…… Character on your own phone screen?”

An Luoyu’s face flushed red with a swish. How did they know that he really licked the screen?

“This. There…… Is a little bit of it.”

“Really only a little?”

An Luoyu blushed and took back the phone……

Although An Luoyu didn’t say anything more serious later, his fans still received a serious blow.

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So much so that looking at the big picture of their idol’s blushing face, the mother fans who used to cup their faces and shout “Mom loves you” could no longer laugh.

“How could he admit it?” The fans said in disbelief, “Doesn’t he know that idols can’t announce their relationship? Does he still want a career?”

The fans rushed directly to the crew and questioned An Luoyu in person.

“An An, we hit the charts for you, rush the ratings, do data, forward Weibo, register, send flowers, swipe Weibo, strike back anti-fans forums, multiple purchases your nonsense albums, praise your lousy acting skills to the extreme. We quail eggs are obsessed with you, crazy for you, and bang our head against the wall for you. We did all this to get you on the flower road and achieve your dream ah……!”

“But how can you betray us and run away to fall in love?!”

The fans wept so loudly that even hard-hearted people cried when they heard them.

An Luoyu felt that this matter was very serious. He hurriedly clarified, “I did not fall in love ah!” I’m just addicted to a paper person and occasionally lick the screen owo.

A fan cried, “You have admitted in front of the media that you like Gu Wumao! You said that you just want to find a boyfriend, but not an idol of your same generation who can push you down in all aspects! This is to create a point of ridicule for yourself!”

An Luoyu, “????”

What the hell?

“Your phone screen and lock screen are all fanarts of Gu Wumao.” The fan said sadly, “Promise me that you won’t admit that you are in love even if you die. I still love you.”

An Luoyu looked sluggish. His mobile phone fell to the ground, and the cartoon character on the screen then shattered on the ground.

“No!” An Luoyu roared heartbreakingly. He squatted down, picked up the phone, looked at the broken boyfriend on the screen, and fainted on the spot.

Lu house.

Lu Mingshi and Gu Yixin had just finished eating. And were exchanging ideas about where the baby should go to elementary school in the future when suddenly Lu Mingshi was drawn to the sound coming from the TV.

The entertainment news channel was broadcasting:

“On June 30, 2019, pop idol and popular young man An Luoyu collapsed and fainted during a fan visit; and was in a coma for three days. The media is urging his rumoured boyfriend Gu Wumao to visit, but Wumao has never been seen. So far, one side believes that the newcomer King Wumao is a scum of the world, and the other side believes that Wumao is only studying in the United States as the rumours say. No matter which side, both are calling for Wumao to come out early to clarify the truth and give the public an answer……”

Translator’s corner

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. If you liked my translation and wanna support me, you can comment down your thoughts about the chap or send me a Kofi.


Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~

1Step-mothers who are younger than one’s biological mother.2Oh my finally!3False words4It is a news channel.

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