Gu Yixin then went to the set to move bricks.

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The Yi family and edamame opened 24 astonishing joint stations to show their support, filling the crew’s site where the conference for the start of shooting was held with all kinds of dazzling support items.

It could be said that the stations on both sides were spending money like crazy. Spending more and more money!

An edamame cried bitterly as they maxed out their card, “Let me do it! I was ready for my brother to quit acting. But he appeared in the show of the country’s number one director, unannounced. Three gold is not the destination of my brother. Oscar is! Brother, our future is a sea of stars. Wu Mao, we want to accompany you on the flower road ah1Hope everything goes well for you!”

The Yi family was not willing to show any weakness, “Just leave this little thing to us! We had already prepared for our Prince Charming to quit the bricklaying world, but he didn’t even forget to move bricks when acting. If he doesn’t change, we will always be here!”

The two families spoke in unison, “Mr. Perfect, you’re my Yi Dian Dian! As long as you keep your original intention of pursuing your dreams, we will always hold you in our hands!”

Such a fervent fan circle was rare even in the country of kimchi2South Korea..

When the reporters finally stepped into the launch site, everyone was stunned by the sight before them.

The flowers, cakes, chocolates, cookies, drinks, and postcards on everyone’s chairs were, of course, a common practice. The real eye-catcher was a huge pot placed on the table in the middle, two metres in diameter, with a fire underneath, gurgling and steaming.

The reporters smelled the aroma from a distance and collectively swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

A young reporter who was seated at the very front was almost starved to death. He picked up the paper bag on his chair, thinking of grabbing a biscuit to satisfy his hunger. But then he got to take out a pair of bowls and chopsticks from it, which looked very clean.

Then the reporter heeded the call of his stomach and rushed to the table to get himself a bowl of authentic fragrant black pepper braised chicken and rice!

The reporter played a good role as a model and leader for his colleagues who were getting restless, and then reporters from various media rushed to the pot with bowls.

The reporters were so satisfied with the support system this time. After going home, they burped and wrote the manuscript, completely boasting about the project “You who Move Bricks”.

Gu Yixin had a very comfortable life in the crew, and the daily meals were very satisfactory to him. The pillow for the accommodation was stuffed into the suitcase by Lu Mingshi, and the bed was soft and firm to the right amount.

The only thing was that he missed his son very much.

Lu Mingshi had been busy integrating the company’s structure these days that he really didn’t have time to come to a set. So he could only start a video call before going to bed while holding Xiao Jiujin’s soft body and waving to Gu Yixin.

He didn’t feel it when he was around, but he felt lonely after he left.

Gu Yixin pinched his finger and counted. He had been wearing his ring for almost a year. A year ago, he never thought that he would get married in a flash, and he would have a little baby. But now, when he woke up and touched the empty and cold bed sheet beside him, he felt very unaccustomed to it.

A month and a half passed unknowingly. On this day, Lu Mingshi was taking the baby to the hospital for vaccination, and he happened to meet Hei Che who was also undergoing an examination.

Lu Mingshi couldn’t help but stop and look at the extremely rare man in the world who had the same experience as him. Hei Che looked no different from usual, calmly staring at the value displayed on the instrument. But his eyes revealed a little excitement that could not be concealed.

When An Qiao was checking on Hei Che, his expression was completely different from usual. He was extremely cautious and nervous. Lu Mingshi watched An Qiao babble with interest until Hei Che stood up and sorted out his clothes before stretching out his hand to Lu Mingshi.

“Mr. Lu.” Hei Che said politely.

Lu Mingshi also smiled and shook hands with him.

Nowadays, Young Master Hei had almost vanished from the outsider’s view. And the crazy admirer from the time when he had hit the bed and lost his memory seemed to no longer exist. He stood quietly next to the white-clad doctor, like a large, loyal, and simple German shepherd.

An Qiao greeted his Boss with a smile, winked at the Xiao Jiujin in Lu Mingshi’s arms, and clapped his hands, “Hug uncle?”

Comrade Lu Jiujin cooperated and opened his little arms. Lu Mingshi raised his eyebrows. But then he carefully put the baby in An Qiao’s arms and watched An Qiao tease the little baby into giggling.

Lu Mingshi had an exchange in passing with Hei Che about pregnant men.

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“Don’t be overly nervous.” Lu Mingshi said reassuringly as someone who had been there, “In fact, men have many advantages in pregnancy. First of all, their physical strength is generally better than that of ordinary women. Plus an event of a crisis can be resolved by supplementing energy, which reduces many of the risks in the process of pregnancy.”

“Really?” Hei Che asked as he looked at Lu Jiujin in An Qiao’s arms anxiously.

“Mm-hmm.” Lu Mingshi put his hands in his pockets, and casually glanced at Hei Che’s abdomen from the corner of his eye while facing An Qiao’s direction. Not much time had passed, and Hei Che’s abs were still very visible underneath his T-shirt, and there was absolutely no sign of anything else.

This posture made Lu Mingshi’s shirt stick tightly to his lower abdomen. At the same time, An Qiao happened to take a look to this side and got a panoramic view of Lu Mingshi’s belly that had put on weight again.

An Qiao was surprised, “Boss, how did you get fat?”

……That touched the tender spot3Deliberately mention other’s weak points..

Lu Mingshi said coldly, “I will report it to my private coach later.”

“No, no, no.” An Qiao stopped him, “You have to figure out the reason first, not just blindly lose weight. Well, Mr. Lu, you can do another full body examination……”

It was yet another shooting day. Gu Yixin came to the set as usual and found that the atmosphere today was unusual.

I didn’t hear that anyone was going to finish their shooting today, Gu Yixin thought to himself.

At noon, after finishing one of his shots, Gu Yixin was standing under the sun dripping with sweat. He wanted to wipe his sweat with his sleeves but was afraid that he would not be able to continue the scene. But suddenly a towel was handed over to him from the side.

Gu Yixin took it and it was cool and refreshing. He thanked them and covered his face with the towel. The person who handed him the towel merely nodded and then turned and walked away.

The back was super familiar. Gu Yixin widened his eyes, and the word wife got stuck in his throat, but the director had already started the next shot.


Director Li happily looked at the film, “This one can be used.”

After completing most of the day’s work ahead of schedule, the shooting of the next scene had to wait till the evening.

So the director happily gave everyone a half-day off and only asked them to gather on time in the evening.

Gu Yixin jumped off the excavator and trotted a few steps in the direction of a familiar back.

Just when he was about to touch Lu Mingshi’s shoulder, suddenly there were earth-shaking shouts all around.

“Gu Gu ~~!”

“Big brother Gu Wumao!”

“Happy birthday to the Prince Charming!!!”

Gu Yixin took a step back, only to see a group of fangirls suddenly appearing outside the fence of the studio on the construction site. They rushed forward with countless colourful gifts in their hands and kept throwing flowers, gifts, and dolls in from over the fence.

Gu Yixin took another step back, blinked, and took a long time before realising that today was the original owner’s birthday.

Of course, coincidentally, it was also his birthday.

Gu Yixin lowered his head and was thinking about this coincidence when someone pushed his waist from behind. Gu Yixin looked back. Who else could it be?

Lu Mingshi was wearing a mask, but his build was very eye-catching. Gu Yixin’s brick-moving fans couldn’t be more familiar with Lu Mingshi. At that moment, someone shouted excitedly and raised their camera to click.

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Lu Mingshi took out a small box from his pocket and awkwardly said, “Happy birthday husband.”

The fans who were close heard it very clearly, and their blood boiled instantly.

You know, seeing and hearing on the Internet and on the screen, and seeing it with your own eyes were two completely different feelings!

The fans exchanged excited glances.

“Damn, did you hear it? Mr. Lu called the male god, husband!”

“F***. I will just say that the male god is definitely the gong4Top!”

“Damn. I don’t believe it. The male god must have forced Mr. Lu to call him, husband outside!”

“Stop fighting. Mr. Lu is surely the shou. I will say that the child was born by Mr. Lu himself. If you don’t believe me, look at his stomach!”

The fans composed themselves and took a collective look. Sure enough, Lu Mingshi’s lower abdomen had a slight bulge, and it looked like it was a few months old.

Gu Yixin looked at the shining eyes of Lu Mingshi that were hidden behind his mask and hat. The baseball cap made Lu Mingshi look several years younger, like a college student who had just graduated.

Gu Yixin took the small box that Lu Mingshi handed him, and couldn’t help but wonder what Lu Mingshi would give him.

The fans also watched without blinking, making their own guesses one after another.

“Pigeon eggs! Pigeon eggs! A big diamond ring worth five million5A diamond ring that was as big as a pigeon’s egg.!”

“No, a diamond ring is only used for engagement. Mr. Lu won’t be so rude! I guess it’s a big custom-made brick!”

“Can you take a look at the size of this box and guess? I think it should be a tie or a pair of cufflinks or something. Anyway, they have known each other for so many years, and they could be considered to be an old couple. So it is good to return to normal romance!”

“It could be a letter or something, or the footprints of the baby!”

Gu Yixin opened the box and took out a folded piece of paper from inside.

As Gu Yixin opened the paper bit by bit, the fangirls also held their breaths.

Then they saw their male god’s expression change from surprise to joy, and then from joy to worry. Then finally, he folded the paper two or three times and stuffed it into his pocket. Then when no one was expecting, he bowed and hugged up the unprepared Lu Mingshi in a princess carry.

Gu Yixin hurriedly walked two steps towards his residence while carrying the unsuspecting Lu Mingshi, but then he remembered his group of fans who worked so hard to come over to celebrate his birthday. So he turned back and gave two deep bows to the fan girls while in the position of carrying Lu Mingshi and thanked them loudly.

The staff quickly collected the gifts that were thrown all over the place. And the fans watched the back of the cucumber gentleman who was carrying the stiff loofah gentleman, dumbstruck.

Lu Mingshi reached out with difficulty to pull off the mask, “Honey, I can walk. Why are you carrying me?”

Gu Yixin hurried back to the residence, tucked Lu Mingshi into the bed, and then jumped up to lie beside him, holding his hand.

“To replenish your energy.” Gu Yixin turned to the side, staring unblinkingly at Lu Mingshi, whom he hadn’t seen for almost two months, and remembered the date on the test result he just saw. Then he couldn’t help feeling scared.

“We both were actually careless…… However, the results came out last week. Why did you wait until now to tell me?”

Gu Yixin poked Lu Mingshi’s stomach slightly.

Lu Mingshi said, “Because I want it to be your birthday present.”

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Maybe it was because he got well accustomed to it soon after being unfamiliar with it at first, or maybe because their Gu Zhangting was more obedient than their Lu Jiujin. After all, this little life that appeared during the three-day boat tour did not bring Lu Mingshi discomfort at all. So much so that it wasn’t until last week when he went to the hospital and was dragged by An Qiao for a forced medical examination that he found out about it.

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi nervously and his expression was exactly the same as the first time he heard about the existence of their baby. So Lu Mingshi couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Gu Yixin pressed his hand dissatisfied, “Don’t laugh, I’m thinking about it.”

“Thinking about what?”

“Thinking about how much money I’ll have to pay for quitting the show now……” Gu Yixin looked at the ceiling and counted his fingers as if he was seriously considering it.

“Don’t.” Lu Mingshi disapproved, “Money is not a problem. But you’ve been shooting for a month and a half. Why quit at this time?”

Gu Yixin looked at Lu Mingshi softly, “But you need me.”

Lu Mingshi stared at his husband. He couldn’t stand this look. So he simply obeyed his will and pounced.


“Knock, knock, knock.”

The errand boy delivered today’s eight-cent boxed lunch to Gu Yixin’s door according to the director’s request. But he didn’t get any answer when he knocked on the door. So he reached out and tentatively twisted the doorknob.

Surprisingly, it unscrewed as soon as it was twisted.

The little brother pushed open the door while holding up the box of rice in his hand, “Brother Gu, the director asked me to deliver the bento to you……” He got stuck.

He saw that more than half of the curtain was drawn, but there was still a seam left. On the messy bed, Gu Yixin was lying half-naked with a handsome man of a first-class figure who was also clothed in a disheveled manner.

Brother Gu’s hand was still wrapped around the other’s exposed waist. He was panting and staring at him with a bad expression.

The cold sweat of the errand boy came down with a swish.

“I, I, I’m a trans, trans, transparent person. I didn’t see anything!” The little brother left the lunch box, turned around, closed the door, and locked the door in one go. And then ran away like a wisp of smoke.


In the end, Lu Mingshi persuaded Gu Yixin, “You have put in so much effort. Don’t waste it in the end. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.”

Gu Yixin reluctantly watched Lu Mingshi tidy up his clothes, “You take care of yourself. I will go back soon.”

Lu Mingshi stayed until the evening, and the driver drove over.

Gu Yixin, who had just finished the show, put his hands in his pockets and watched Lu Mingshi get in the car. There was a sound of cicadas in the hot summer air, and he glanced at the time.

Gu Yixin was wearing an electronic watch, which was actually a prop for the crew that he had forgotten to take off. At this time, a string of numbers was displayed on the very dated luminous electronic watch: 9:19 on August 19, 2019.

Lu Mingshi pressed down the window of the car, and the hot summer air outside the car suddenly rolled in, and he again called Gu Yixin, who was in a daze.

Gu Yi walked over on hearing the sound and asked softly, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Mingshi gently shook his hand, “Happy birthday.”

Gu Yixin smiled, “You said it six times today.”

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“This one is the most important.” Lu Mingshi said, his eyes swept over the standard time displayed on the rearview mirror, watching the number jump to 09:20, “You have grown another year older.”

Gu Yixin thought that Lu Mingshi had always treated him as eleven years younger than him and always protected him in every way. But he did not know that in fact, his real age was not much younger than that of Lu Mingshi……

Why did he feel unusual today? Looking at the shadow of the leaving car, Gu Yixin realised that last year he came to this world at exactly this time — on the day when the original owner had just turned eighteen years old.

So why on earth would the original owner suddenly go away at that point in time?

Gu Yixin thought about it for a few minutes and then didn’t bother thinking about it more. Anyway, this world was all buggy. So a few more bugs wouldn’t matter.

Gu Yixin came around to that idea, yawned, and went back to sleep.

Gu Yixin came out of the shower and inadvertently glanced at the electronic watch resting on the table.

His eyes suddenly widened.

A line scrolled on it that read.

“Dear, it has been detected that your world’s bug is tilting towards the critical value, and it is about to break through the critical value……”

Gu Yixin: !!!

This was the first time he got a hint related to the world.

Gu Yixin picked up the electronic watch and asked loudly, “Hey, make it clear what’s going on!”

But the electronic watch was obviously afraid of him, and the words began to flicker as soon as it was picked up. In the end, it withdrew aggrievedly and returned to its normal state.

Regardless of Gu Yixin’s coercion or inducement, intimidation or coaxing, it remained indifferent.


If it broke through the critical value, then the world would collapse.

Gu Yixin couldn’t let the world collapse.

So he had to do something to pull the world line back.

Gu Yixin lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking to himself that he and Lu Mingshi must not be separated. Since Hei Che and An Qiao were already in love with each other, they should not be disturbed too.

Only An Luoyu and Wei Junshan were the two who were still single dogs. These two people were the real protagonists of the original book. As long as they get together, the world won’t collapse?

After figuring this out, Gu Yixin went to sleep with peace of mind again6Mission “Bring the protagonists close”, on?.

Translator’s corner

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. If you liked my translation and wanna support me, you can comment down your thoughts about the chap or send me a Kofi.


Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~

1Hope everything goes well for you2South Korea.3Deliberately mention other’s weak points.4Top5A diamond ring that was as big as a pigeon’s egg.6Mission “Bring the protagonists close”, on?

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