At this moment, the kid Lu Gugu who was watching the live broadcast at home excitedly shook her hands, “Jiligulu, Jiligulu1(onom.) to jabber / to rumble[/]!”

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And Lu Jiujin translated his little sister’s language, “Daddy!”

Yes, they recognized the brightest star in the night sky right away.

Gu Yixin’s skin was already white, which became even more obvious against the background of these black friends. Foreign narrators had automatically ignored his existence one by one, but of course, the Chinese narrator would not miss their weapons of mass destruction.

“Standing among the African brothers is our country’s track and field athlete, Gu Yixin. When it comes to his name, we have many stories to tell. Today, he is not a model worker with five emphases, four beauties and three loves1PRC policy introduced in 1981, including emphasis on manners, beauty of language and love of socialism, nor is he a film and television star who swept the three European awards. But a glorious Olympic athlete! He first revealed his outstanding talent at the Provincial Games last year. Since then, due to various reasons, he had not appeared in large-scale events until the pre-match roster was announced. I hope he can achieve good results in the preliminaries!”

Gu Yixin looked at the black brothers next to him in boredom, and found that their coaches were giving them final instructions as if they were going to meet a great enemy. Gu Yixin didn’t understand English and Russian, and it was really boring to listen to something he didn’t understand. So he set his sights on his coach, hoping to get a little inspiration from the coach.

Then the two hurdler brothers who had just passed by after the preliminaries told him that the coach had gone to the toilet.


Are you so at ease with me?

“The coach asked us to tell you four words.”

To win instant success? Heaven rewards the diligent? Face the difficulty calmly? To try your utmost?

“Do not run fast.”

Gu Yixin thought to himself that he knew.”Okay, okay, okay……”

Before he could say the third okay, the starting pistol fired “Gah —”.

The commentator was also surprised by the turn of events, “Our country’s runner started running exactly one full second slower, and his starting position was also very unique. Ai, so there is no chance to enter the final…… The final ……” the commentator’s sigh got stuck in his throat.

To their surprise, they saw Gu Yixin gain mastery by striking only after the enemy had struck. They saw him rush forward 50 metres in one breath and overtake almost all opponents halfway. At this time, only Stankowski was still in front of him. As for John, George and Hart, they were left behind by him.

Gu Yixin spent half a second thinking about whether to surpass Stankowski in front of him.

The coach had warned him repeatedly not to be in the limelight. If Gu Yixin knew that the last Olympics champion, World championships champion, as well as the world record holder, had already been left behind by him, he definitely wouldn’t have accelerated again.

But he didn’t know.

This was what Yixin Gu thought. The preliminaries only depended on the absolute time anyway. If he hides his strength so much that he can’t even make it to the finals, isn’t it over?

He didn’t want to come here for nothing. He still wanted to buy a house in the school district.

The faces of his eldest child and the second child seemed to be there right behind the finishing line. Gu Yixin’s spirit was refreshed, and he went full ahead, completely ignoring everyone’s stunned expressions and the calf of Stankowski that shifted wildly in front of him sensing the danger!

He overtook him with a thud, getting ahead of Stankowski by 0.3 seconds.

The commentator exclaimed in surprise, “Gu Yixin! Gu Yixin’s preliminary result is 9.5 seconds! This result will absolutely guarantee him a place in the finals and he has left four powerful championship contenders behind! What an amazing achievement this is! It is the best result ever achieved by an Asian athlete in the 100-metre trapeze event at the Olympic Games!”

Foreign media dropped their eyes to the ground one after another, looking at the scoreboard a little embarrassed and at a complete loss.

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This was just the beginning.

In the 200m, 400m, 800m, and 3000m preliminaries that followed, Gu Yixin ran out with the best result in Asia. He ran with his eyes on the speed of the first in the set, and always followed them side by side and took steps unhurriedly, and then in the last ten metres, he would throw the others back by ten metres……

At the end of the day, Gu Yixin had countless enemies.

How can you say that there is such a thing as first making you feel good about yourself, and finally jumping out to carry out technical crushing?

The second place in each set viciously poked the mashed potatoes for their dinner as if it was Gu Yixin.

Their coaches were sensible people, “Although he always overtakes at the end and it seems too much. However, you who have been chased by him all the time. Isn’t it because of this that you ran your best time?”

All the second-place holders put down their forks and fell into deep thought.

If the first day’s preliminaries were an appetiser, then the second day’s relay preliminaries were the real fireworks.

If the U.S. men’s team belongs to the king level, the several 4×100 teams of Asia belonged to the gold at most. The competition for places in the finals had always been quite fierce, but this time, both Chinese and foreign media had cast great attention on the Chinese team.

This is of course due to the noise made by Gu Yixin, a full-level bug, on the first day.

The coach looked at the Japanese coach who was staring at him warily, shrugged his shoulders, and turned to the media to announce, “We promise not to use Yixin Gu first.”

So Gu Yixin went to the last legs of the relay like a good boy.

“Gah —” The starting pistol rang.

Gu Yixin stretched his neck and looked at his teammates from afar. He found out that Xiao Kua and Xiao Lan were moving very fast, and China was indeed the most competitive team in this set. The second strongest competitor in this group, the host country Japan took their first leg by a distance.

By the time of the third leg, they were already more than ten metres ahead. His teammates were the first to hand over the baton to Gu Yixin. Gu Yixin thought to himself that since 1840…… Fuck! Just do it!

He rushed out.

“Gu Yixin is the first player to take the last leg! The Chinese team’s lead is getting more and more dominant! He is 20 metres away from the second place! 30 metres…… He is approaching the finishing line. This speed will once again set an Asian record!”

“My god, he is still accelerating. He is still accelerating!””

“Come on!”

Gu Yixin took the lead in crossing the finishing line. But Japan’s last leg fell halfway and was overtaken by the other national teams later.

China finally entered the 4×100 final in second place, second only to the USA’s men’s team.

These days, Lu Mingshi was still posting moments like crazy. But the main content that he posted was no more about his baby. Rather it was about his husband.

Every day, he listed all kinds of data + pictures and boasted wildly. To be frank, seeing him boast made Gu Yixin blush and he was embarrassed to give himself a like.

So Gu Yixin told Lu Mingshi tactfully.

“Honey, I think we should keep it a little low profile.” Gu Yixin scratched his chin while looking at Lu Mingshi on the other side of the video call, eyes full of adoring stars, “It’s a bit embarrassing to see so many of my own face in Moments. And we just entered the finals and haven’t won a medal yet.”

Lu Mingshi agreed without hesitation, then deleted it from Moments and posted it on Weibo.

Gu Yixin was not in Weibo and was of course without an inkling about this. He had just said good night to Lu Mingshi and was about to turn off the video to go to sleep, when suddenly there was a movement from the next bed.

Lu Mingshi was a little alert when he heard the man’s voice, “Who is it?”

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“My roommate. Two straight men.” Gu Yixin said, looking at the bed next door and he saw that the two people were fighting inside the quilt with the quilt covering them……

Gu Yixin, “?”

“Straight men?” Lu Mingshi bent an ear to listen attentively and expressed his doubts.

Gu Yixin, “……Previously, yes. It should…… Be the same…… now, right?”

But he won’t be sure in a few days…… It’s better to finish the game quickly. Otherwise it was a little hard to tell whether the two straight men would still be the same when they go back.

Gu Yixin turned off the headlight and rested his arms under the back of his head. As he listened to the rustling sound of the bed next to him, he began to miss his wife more and more.

The moment of decisive battle finally came.

“Now coming to the starting line is the competition’s number one favourite Gu Yixin! He has created an unprecedented miracle, achieving the first overall result in the sprint and long-distance running competitions preliminaries! Four of the most talked-about seeded players who have already made their mark in international races are now waiting for him at the starting line. Let us wipe our eyes and wait to see this final moment to test the real gold —”

There were a total of eight players in the 100-metre trapeze final, and seven of them were already standing at the starting line. Gu Yixin drank too much water and went to the toilet. So he came late leisurely.

But being late was often a power that was enjoyed by the big shots.

Gu Yixin walked towards the black brothers step by step from a distance. The seven big brothers stopped their warm-ups one after another and cast their eyes on the little brother who was very likely to set a new world record.

At the same time, he was also watched by countless spectators around the world.

Gu Yixin faced these unfamiliar friends — In fact, they were not strangers. He had met four of them in the preliminaries – He was a little at loss. With his character, he should be friendly to those who seemed to want to make friends with him.

But he really couldn’t speak English.

Gu Yixin looked at the dark skin of Stankowski next to him, and suddenly had an idea – There was a language that was used all over the world. Moreover, it was said that the big black brothers especially like it!

Gu Yixin saw that there were still five minutes left before the start of the game. So he relaxed, snapped his fingers, and began to perform weird dance moves along with the marching music being played in the venue!

This time, it was the audience’s turn to be dumbfounded.

“What is Gu Gu doing?” His supporters were confused.

“What is the male god doing?” The fans were dumbfounded.

“What is daddy doing?” The kids were dumbfounded.

The faces of the crowd were dumbfounded.

The big black brothers were also stunned for a few seconds, but they proved themself to be having racial talents. The genes for loving dance were passed down in their bloods. John and George looked at each other, Hart patted Stankowski on the shoulder, and everyone reached a unanimous conclusion:

This was a special warm-up method of the little brother.

So in three two one, everyone started doing the weird dance moves together.

Asia, Africa, Latin America, the United States and Europe sang and danced together like a family! At this moment, a community of shared future for mankind2It reflects the values of the PRC government. History tells us that we can only realise our peoples’ dreams for a better life by upholding multilateralism and enhancing global cooperation. China try to advocates a steadfast commitment to advance international cooperation, uphold and develop multilateralism. And make the international order more just and equitable. was taking shape!

“Gah —” Five minutes later, the starting pistol fired.

“Unbelievable! He has set a new world record!” The foreign media exclaimed.

Not only that, the four seeded players behind Gu Yixin also set their own best records one after another. This was a 100-metre trapeze competition with no losers!

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The coach, Xiao Kua, Xiao Lan, and 30 members of the track and field team all rushed over, and the reporters of all skin colours who desperately wanted to squeeze in to interview him were blocked out.

“Little Gu, As I said earlier, you are the best!”

“The new world champion! The world record is yours too!”

Gu Yixin kissed the Olympic gold medal hanging around his neck on his lips during the passionate national anthem and then made the letter “L” by stretching out his right index finger and thumb when the camera was aimed at him in a close-up.

Afterwards, there was a heated discussion in the foreign media about the “L” gesture made by the new 100m athlete Gu Yixin and the track and field athlete who won a total of six gold medals, after every time he kissed the gold medal.

“That is the first letter of the English word “liberty” for ‘freedom’. Mr. Gu Yixin is calling for democracy and freedom!”

“That symbolises ‘lonely’ meaning loneliness. Please listen to Mr. Gu’s cry from deep inside!”

“No, no, no. What you all said is wrong. Gu is a human rights fighter who has publicly come out of the closet. He is openly fighting for the interests of lgbt homosexual people!”

Regarding this, the Chinese media who know the truth said: You’ll are just overthinking.

Gu Yixin finally accepted an interview from a foreign reporter, to which he responded, “Sorry, I don’t understand English at all. ‘L’ is the first letter of the pinyin of my wife’s name.”

The foreign media were dumbfounded.

However, soon, they realised that this was a super romantic move, and edited the love story of Gu Yixin and his spouse Lu Mingshi into English short stories and published them on major pages, making the story of this sweet couple known widely.

“You two……”

Gu Yixin was a little dumbfounded as he looked at Xiao Kua and Xiao Lan who were shopping arm in arm. But the two of them didn’t think there was any problem at all, and they chatted about what face cream and body lotion to buy.

Xiao Kua noticed that Gu Yixin didn’t buy anything, “Brother Gu, don’t you want to buy local products for your wife?”

Gu Yixin said dispiritedly, “I don’t know how to buy things. Moreover, this place doesn’t look like there will be local products……”

Xiao Lan suggested, “Let’s ask the shopping guide girl.” As he said it, he grabbed an amiable shopping guide girl, “Is there anything that is only made in Japan for sale here? It should be fine and good-looking.”

He used portable translation software to read out this sentence.

So the shopping guide took Gu Yixin inside.”I think the things here will definitely satisfy you.”

Gu Yixin felt that this was the most beautiful thing he had seen here, and it was definitely suitable for Lu Mingshi. So he swiped his card very readily.

“Brother Gu, what did you buy?” The two straight men cried out in surprise as they looked at the numbers on Gu Yixin’s receipt. Brother Gu only bought one thing, and the price was more than 20 times the sum of all the things they bought.

Gu Yixin hugged the box tightly.

“Secret.” He raised the corners of his lips and said.

One big person and two small people went to the airport to pick up Gu Yixin.

From a distance, Gu Yixin saw his dear one whom he was thinking about day and night, as well as his dear babies. He flew over happily and took the kids from Lu Mingshi’s arms, one in each hand.

“Husband, I saw you confess your love for me.” Lu Mingshi blushed and opened the car door, “When I saw you make that L, I told myself that I would do anything for you.”

“Really?” Gu Yixin asked with interest.

“Hmm.” Lu Mingshi nodded solemnly.

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Gu Yixin pushed the box to him, “This is a gift for you. I hope you like it.”

Lu Mingshi happily carried the box all the way home. While Gu Yixin was taking a shower and changing clothes, he retreated into the bedroom and was in a hurry to open the box.

A complicated Jūnihitoe of cherry blossom pink and snow-white slipped onto the sheets.

Lu Mingshi picked it up dumbfounded and held the princess dress until Gu Yixin came out after taking a shower.

He watched Gu Yixin bow his head and wipe his hair, the water droplets falling one by one on his sturdy chest, and Lu Mingshi gulped.

My husband is so stupid. Maybe he bought it back as a bed sheet, Lu Mingshi mused.

When Gu Yixin saw Lu Mingshi’s thoughtful appearance, he asked in a soft voice, “Honey, did you not like my gift?”

Lu Mingshi quickly shook his head.

Gu Yixin squinted his eyes with a smile, and said with a grin, “Then you can put it on and show it to me.”

Lu Mingshi, “?”

Gu Yixin felt a little wronged, “You promised me to do anything I say.”

Lu Mingshi: ……

You have to keep their promise even if you feel like crying. Lu Mingshi took a deep breath, looked in the mirror and began to change clothes.

He stayed in the fitting room for half an hour and was still stuck on the second piece.

Lu Mingshi rolled his eyes to the sky. What a waste of time.

“Husband.” He opened the door and came out, “Anyway, I put it on to take it off. So why wear it?”

Gu Yixin wanted to say something, but when he looked at Lu Mingshi who was taking off his clothes while walking, he couldn’t say a word.

Translator’s corner

Thank you so much for reading the chapter. If you liked my translation and wanna support me, you can comment down your thoughts about the chap or send me a Kofi.


Don’t feel shy to let me know in the comment section or in the discord of Knoxt if you find any mistakes~

1(onom.) to jabber / to rumble[/]!”

And Lu Jiujin translated his little sister’s language, “Daddy!”

Yes, they recognized the brightest star in the night sky right away.

Gu Yixin’s skin was already white, which became even more obvious against the background of these black friends. Foreign narrators had automatically ignored his existence one by one, but of course, the Chinese narrator would not miss their weapons of mass destruction.

“Standing among the African brothers is our country’s track and field athlete, Gu Yixin. When it comes to his name, we have many stories to tell. Today, he is not a model worker with five emphases, four beauties and three loves1PRC policy introduced in 1981, including emphasis on manners, beauty of language and love of socialism2It reflects the values of the PRC government. History tells us that we can only realise our peoples’ dreams for a better life by upholding multilateralism and enhancing global cooperation. China try to advocates a steadfast commitment to advance international cooperation, uphold and develop multilateralism. And make the international order more just and equitable.

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